A/N: Hey everybody guess what… WE'RE BACK! Woohoo! And get this, Elyse is writing the chapter and it was posted before Jessi posted her chapter! All hail Elyse, and NOONE can give me a wedgie now! NEVER! But other than that, I have nothing to say besides; I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Elyse: I Elyse,

Jessi: And I Jessica,

Both: Do not own Twilight.

Elyse: We wish we did, but we don't

Jessi: We would say we do, but we won't.

Both: It belongs to Stephenie Meyer

Elyse: Who is a great writer

Jessi: And who is really much brighter.

Elyse: But that is ok,

Jessi: Cuz we're going to say

Both: We hope you enjoy our chapter.

Isn't that the cheesiest disclaimer ever? I mean… it doesn't even rhyme!

I walked into the living room and I looked through all of the DVDs. After looking through the gory R rated ones that Phil owns, I found one that I hadn't seen in awhile. I popped the movie in, sat on the couch and waited for my mother's arrival.

She came in about two minutes later and clapped at the movie that I had chose to watch. "Ooh! Great choice honey! I haven't seen Grease in ages!"

She sat down next to me and we waited for the movie to start. After getting about a minute into it, she grabbed the remote and pressed pause.

"I have a great idea!" she said. "Well, actually two. One, we put subtitles on so we can sing along! And two, popcorn!"

I inwardly groaned because 1, I hated singing and I was horrible at it. And second, if my mom wanted popcorn (and she normally hated popcorn) something had to be up.

"Mom, wait." I said. She stopped on her trip to the kitchen and turned to look at me.

"What's up hun?" she asked.

"Mom," I chose my words wisely. "Is there something that you need to tell me?" I asked.

"Um… well, actually… yes." She sighed.

"Well…" I pushed. Why wouldn't she just tell me? Just be like, Bella, I'm disowning you, or Bella I'm going to join a karate class.

"Bella, I'm, well, pregnant."

"YOU'RE WHAT?" I screamed. I didn't' mean to scream, my voice just came out a little higher than I had hoped it to be.

"Pregnant." She said again.

"Well how long have you been pregnant?" I asked. I had to know. This isn't something you just spring on me. For me to take things calmly, you had to tell it to me slowly.

"For about a month now." She answered. A month? How could she go a whole month without telling me! God! A stupid karate class would be better than this.

"A month? How in the world could you go a whole month without telling me this Mom?"

"Well sorry Bella!" she said, copying my own sarcastic tone. "But please forgive me for wanting to tell you in person, and trying to wait for the right time to tell you!"

I sighed and turned back to the T.V.

She walked back to the couch and sat down next to me. She started caressing my face with her finger. "Are you really that upset about it sweetie?" she asked.

I didn't answer for a moment. "No," I finally said. "It's just a little much to spring on me like that Mom. But I'm really happy for you… and Phil. Really, I am." She smiled and gave me a hug.

"So, how bout that popcorn?" I asked.

She nodded and got up to go get it.

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After we had watched our movie I had excused myself upstairs to my room. When I got there I automatically grabbed my cell phone and called Edward's.

"Hello?" came the voice of my angel. It Just the thing that I wanted to hear right around now.

"Edward?" I asked. Knowing full well that it was him, just asking in case my fingers had slipped when I dialed and it wasn't.

"Bella? What's wrong?" Yep, that was Edward all right.

"Edward I need you. Right now." I said.

"Ok, hold on." He said. "Alice! Stop, I'm talking to Bella! No, you can't talk to her; you'll see her tomorrow, Alice, no stop! ALICE!" I could hear him say that to her. I never knew about this side of Alice. I had always assumed that she had a annoying little sister side, but I've never (before yesterday) had a chance to see it up live and in person.

"Ok, I'm good now. So what's wrong?" he asked again.

"Edward, my mom is pregnant." I said, waiting for his answer. Maybe he would take this better than I had.

"OOOH! Bella's gonna be a big sister…Bella's gonna be a big sister…" he sang. I guess that he was taking this better than me.

"Well I'm glad that you're happy about it." I said, mumbling into the phone.

His singing stopped.

"What? You're not happy about it Bella?" he asked.

"It's not that I'm unhappy about it, it's just that it's a big shock for me. I mean, all my life it's just been my mom and me. But then Phil came into it and then it was Phil and my Mom, and then me. But when I moved up to Forks, I had you and Charlie and the rest of your family but that whole time I felt like something was missing, and I realized that the part of me that was missing was my mom. I had always been with my mom. So, when my mom always begged me to come down here, I thought she meant that there was a part of her, like me, that was missing, that only I could replace.

"But when she said that she was wondering when we were leaving, it kind of hurt, even though we were talking about it, she was basically saying that leaving was perfect."

I was interrupted. "Bella, it was the perfect time for leaving because they are going to California…" he said.

"I know, but when she told me that she was pregnant, it… I don't know, that the feeling that I thought she had, you know the part that was missing, was being replaced. Like she was trying to replace me. It kind of felt like she wanted the baby to replace me down here because I'm up there with you and Charlie." I said.

"Oh Bella, I'm sorry! Why didn't you tell me this before?" he asked, right before he started laughing. "Emmett! Stop that…" pause. "No now!" pause. "No, it is funny, except for that I'm trying to be serious right now, and…" he couldn't finish his sentence because he kept on laughing.

Suddenly, I heard a voice that didn't belong to my Edward; it belonged to Emmett.

"Hey Bella!" Emmett said.

"Hi." I said in a small weak voice.

"Listen Bells, we're having a little party right now and it's not working with Edward being serious, so he can't talk right now, but I promise that he'll call you back later." Emmett said.

"Whatever" I said, then I slammed my door shut. I laid myself on my bed and sat, thinking.

I didn't get very far because I heard my door open. My mom poked her head in through the crack. "Bella, honey we need to talk." I sat myself up and waited for what I knew was happening.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." I began, but my mother cut me off.

"No Bella, I'm sorry! You shouldn't have to apologize for anything! It should be me who's apologizing. Everything that you said, well it opened doors for me Bella. You always tell me how you feel about an opinion, but you never mean it. And when you told Edward all of this, Bella, I never knew that you felt that way. I'm so sorry honey! But listen, I love you more than you could ever know; I love you more than life! I would gladly give up anything in my life just to make you happy, Even if it meant giving up Phil, or even the new baby. Bella you're my world, and now that you have Edward, I don't need to worry about your safety as much as I had before you moved to Forks. But know, that I'd never replace you, not even for the world."

As my mother said all of this I could feel the tears threatening to come down, and at the end of her speech, they came. Mom put her arms around me and squeezed gently.

"Sometimes I wish" Mommy whispered, "that we could live back in Phoenix or somewhere closer to Washington. But now we have the chance."

I backed out of her embrace and looked at her, confusion showing on my face.

"Well, Phil has been practicing, rather hardly, I might say. And we got a letter in the mail today, and Phil has been accepted to play for the SEATTLE MARINERS!" She yelled out! I cheered with her because this means that I would be living closer to my mom and would be able to visit her whenever my little heart desired!

We stayed like that for an hour, just talking. Like we used to talk. It felt so good to be able to tell her everything, and I did. I told her everything that had happened up in Washington until we had come down here. She had done the same and told me how it was like living down here, and how it was hard trying to adjust to everything. After we had finished our little talking spree, she left me so that I could get some sleep.

Right before I did, my cell phone rang. Like always, I picked it up to hear…


"Bella? Ok good. I'm sorry about earlier, it was a little crazy around here, but I'll tell you about that later. So how are you feeling?" Edward's voice came.

"I'm feeling rather happy right now. So besides that, are you going to come over and tuck me in?" I asked.

"Are you going to turn around?" he said.

I turned around and sure enough, there he was.

"Oh. Hello." I said into my phone.

"Bella, I think we can hang up now." He laughed into his. I blushed a scarlet red and I snapped it shut.

I let my eyes study him for a moment before I said anything else. He was wearing some pajama pants and a tight shirt that clung to every muscle that he had. I liked it.

He noticed me looking at him and laughed. "I could take off my pants if you want." He said.

I looked at him, shocked that he would say something like that. "I mean I am wearing shorts underneath these." He added.

I giggled nervously. "Um… ok, but while you do that I'm going to go take a quick human minute ok?" I asked.

"Alright. But the pants are going down." He said while taking his pants down like he was a stripper and making music to go with it. I just laughed and ran to the bathroom. (A/N: I would like to thank one of my friends Terrence for that. Oh, and Terrence, you're a dork!)

About 15 minutes later, after taking a shower and brushing my teeth I came back out and noticed that he was still wearing pants. But not only that, he was looking kind of sad.

"What's wrong honey?" I asked.

"You didn't get to watch my show." He complained.

"Edward!" I scolded.

He just pulled them down, this time not acting like a stripper. My eyes automatically turned down towards his boxers and I realized that they had little picture frames on them, and in each picture frame there was either a picture of someone in his family, or a picture of him and me. I blushed when I saw them and laughed.

"What? Should I have worn my boxers with the little piggys on them?" he asked, just as innocently as he could.

"Just get into the bed Ed." I said.

"Ok Bella, but as long as you don't call me Ed." He climbed into my bed and I followed suit, crawling into his arms and having a peaceful night of sleep.

(A/N: Yes, I know that this would be horrible to stop here; well not horrible… uh… so I guess that's why we wont! But I would like to thank Jessica for the bite of her pb+j sandwich. And sorry that I almost bit your finger!)

When I woke up the very first thing I saw was Edward; Like usual.

"Good morning Love." He said.

"Good morning." I responded with a smile.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm good, you?"

"Well… I'm a little chilly." He admitted.

"When are you not?" I said. And then I thought of another question. "Where are the pants?"

He just smiled at me with that award winning crooked smile of his that always made me melt.

"You better get ready Bell, you're having a day out with your mom today. Thanks for inviting me!" he said.

I pouted at him and responded, "You know that I couldn't. I haven't had a day out with my mom since I've moved to Forks without some sick perverted loser always having to be by my side in the way."

His face suddenly showed sadness, and he tensed up some and turned away.

I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around his waist. "What's wrong honey?" I asked.

He looked down at me. "I never knew you thought of me that way Bella."

"Think of you how?" I asked.

"I told you I was a monster." He mumbled. And then said louder. "A sick perverted loser t hat always has to be by your side."

"Oh no, no, no, no, Edward! Not you! I was trying to describe Travis, or Mike. But now that I think of it, it fits them both pretty well. But never you Edward! I love you Edward!" I said. How could he think that it was him? He was perfect! He was nice, sweet, funny… cute…he's way too good for me… maybe… I don't know. But all I know is that I'm not good at all enough for him.

He laughed. "Yah, mike is a good description of that."

"Yah," I agreed. "So are you still upset?"

He smiled at me. "No, I'm not."

I smiled back "Good." I leaned up and planted my lips onto his.

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After that discussion with Edward I had my human moment, and I eventually made my way down to the kitchen where my mom was serving up some burnt toast.

"Good morning sweetheart!" my mother said. "Do you have any idea what you might like to do today?"

"Um… good morning. And uh… we could look for baby stuff if you want to…" she seemed ecstatic about the idea.

"Ok Honey! Great idea! Let's just have breakfast and then we'll go!" she said.

"Alright mom." I said. We both sat down and began to eat our feast of toast.

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We loaded into my mom's car and drove to the mall.

It was the same one that I met Travis in. Hopefully, he wouldn't show, and if he did, he would probably leave me alone after Edward and his "discussion" earlier.

Once we were finally there, I felt my cell phone buzz and I knew that I had a text message. It was from Edward.

Edward: hey luv… we all mis u so jst follow the clues.

What in the world did that mean? Not knowing what I was getting into, I wrote back.

Bella: wat do u mean? Wat clues?

Edward: jst w8 and find out luv

This was going to be a long, long day.

"What are you doing Bella?" my mom asked.

"Oh, nothing. Are you ready?" I asked as we entered the mall.

Right when we walked in a paper airplane hit me smack dab in the forehead.

"Ouch!" I said as I scrambled to pick it up. On the wings, it said "OPEN" so that's what I did.

On the inside it had newspaper and magazine letters that said: Go to Babies R Us!

I looked up and could have sworn that I saw 5 pairs of topaz eyes looking at me.

I just nodded my head and then turned to my mom.

"So Mom? If we're going to look for baby stuff where do you suppose we go?" I asked.

"Um… OOH! How bout Babies R Us?" She asked.

Uh oh, what are they going to do to me? "Sure Mom, we could go there!" I squeaked.

"Bella" she put her palm against my forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, Mom, I'm fine." I looked around shakily, knowing that from somewhere in this mall, they were watching me. And if anyone has ever watched you, it's kinda creepy. No scratch that… it's really creepy.

"Alright then. Lets go!" She led me in the direction of Babies R Us and as we turned around the corner, I could see the next clue. I slowed my pace as I walked into the store. Ignoring the sign that said to go the direction that it pointed, I went with my mom to look at the baby clothes. After about two minutes of looking through them, I felt the familiar buzz of my cell phone in my pocket again.

Edward: Bella Ur going the wrong way.

Bella: srry… im looking at stuff w/ my mom

Edward: belllla pleeeease?

Bella: uh…

"Bella, what do you think of this?" my mom asked, showing me these little yellow pants with orange stripes going across them with a matching shirt yellow shirt that had a little giraffe on it.

"It's cute mom, I like it a lot!" I said.

Edward: so… u coming?

Bella: idk. I'll chek w/ my mom


Bella: y?

Edward: must u ? everything?

Bella: do u want me 2 come or nt?

Edward: yes

Bella: well then. I'll c u l8r?

Edward: if u listen…

We stopped arguing and I thought how to find a way to get away from my mom. This time, I didn't want to. It was my day with my mom, not Edward. I'll have the rest of eternity with him… I don't need him specifically today.

"Hey Mom?" I asked who was now looking at all of the baby clothes in awe. "I'm going to go wander around for awhile. People are looking at me like I'm having the baby, and it's kinda awkward if you know what I mean."

"Sure honey. Do you want to meet here in an hour?"

I didn't know how long I'd be.

"Uh… sure. I'll call if anything changes."

"OOH! I have an even better idea! How bout we meet in the food court, I'm craving a burger, you know where it is, well since you met your little friend Travis."

I groaned at the memory of him. "Ok mom. I'll meet you there." And with that I turned around and went to the front of the store where the sign was. It led me upstairs which was filled with even more clothes and bottles, and then outside of the store to the second story.

After exiting the store, I found myself being bombarded by a bunch of people trying to give me broachers to the same store; David's Bridal.

Knowing that it was my next clue I walked over to David's bridal and looked into the window. When I did, I saw the whole Cullen family waiting for me in there.

This was going to be embarrassing. I'll bet that they had a whole line of dresses that they were waiting for me to try on. And if I went in there, I would have no say in what I tried on. They would just give it to me and demand that I try it on. So instead, I kept on walking. Pretending that I didn't see them, I made my way to Auntie Anne's Pretzels. I was standing in line and I felt someone's arms encircling my waist.

I turned around quickly and saw topaz eyes and bronze hair.

"Where do you think your going Ms. Swan?" he asked.

"To get a pretzel." I answered truthfully. I was in line; he couldn't say that I was lying.

"But you're supposed to be at David's Bridal." He said.

"But I want a pretzel. And I don't want to go to David's bridal."

"You can get a pretzel anytime. But we reallllly want to find you the perfect wedding dress."

"Edward… please? Not today ok? I'm supposed to be with my Mom today."

He looked disappointed. I grabbed his hands and added, "but we could do something, just the two of us for the rest of my 50 minutes away from my mom…" I suggested, trying to mesmerize him. It was working, his eyes clouded over and he eventually sighed in defeat.

"Alright. But you have to promise me that you won't leave while I'm gone telling my family about how you don't want to look for a wedding dress today." He said.

"The furthest I'll go is to the bathroom." I said. I paused before I added. "Maybe after my mom and I eat lunch we could meet your family there and look for a dress all together."

He smiled that perfect smile that dazzled me. "That'd be perfect Love." He whispered. "I'll be right back." He turned to go but before he could, I called out his name.

"Yes Bella?" he asked.

"You're better at surprises than leaving clues." I said. He laughed, knowing that I still hated getting surprises.

"Yah, I thoughts so." He laughed and then ran to David's Bridal at human speed. I turned around, ordered my pretzel, and sat down at the table that was close by.

Just as I was biting into my pretzel, I could see Edward sit down across from me. "How's it taste?" he asked.

I swallowed the bit that I was eating and answered. "You should have a taste of it Edward!" his face showed disgust.

"I'll pass."

"Are you sure? It's reeeeaaaallly good!"

"I'll bet that it'll taste like dirt."

"Not this pretzel, this pretzel could never taste like dirt."

"I'm still not trying it."

"Pleeeeese?" I said, putting on my puppy eyes.

"Oh Alright" he said.

He reached across the table and grabbed a piece of my pretzel and popped it into his mouth.

"Your right, it is good!" he said after he had finished eating.

"See? Now you owe me five dollars."

"Well, I don't have 5 dollars on me but I could give you something else." He said leaning in.

"Oh, I doubt that." I answered.

"Well fine." He pouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I don't want you to be sad!" I said like I was talking to a five year old.

"I know how you can make it up for me…" he said.

"I think I know… but could you give me a clue?" I asked.

"Well, it starts with a K, it ends with an S, and it has the word IS between It." He said.

"Hmm… I think I know this one." I said as I leaned in to kiss him. He met me half way and our lips met. After a moment, we broke apart, our lips lingering where they had just been.

"So, what do you want to do?" Edward asked, momentarily dazzled like I was.

"I don't know. We could walk around." I suggested.

"Sure. But you know, if we were at David's Bridal we would know what we would be doing." He said.

"Yah, but what we would be doing, I don't want to do." I said back to him.

"You're going to have to do it sometime you realize." He said.

"But I thought that the groom wasn't allowed to see the bride before the wedding…"

"Yes… but… uh… Bella please?" he whined.

"No Edward! It's just not right."

"Bella! I'm a vampire! Since when am I anything…. Right?" he asked.

"Edward?" I sighed.. I didn't say anything after that. I just picked up my now finished pretzel and I threw the wrapper away.

I turned around to look at him but realized that he was right behind me. "Honey…" he said. I closed my eyes. "Honey I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. If you don't want me to see you before the wedding, then I wont see you before the wedding." He said. I just kind of collapsed into his hug and hid my face in his chest.

"Edward… there is so much to do, we don't even know when we want the wedding!" I said. It came out kind of muffled though since my head was still in his chest.

"Then how about we spend our now 45 minutes on wedding plans?" he asked.

I nodded. Great. Now we had a plan!

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After talking for about a half an hour we came up with the following.

1. The wedding was to be in our meadow during spring (the date had yet to be determined)

2. The colors for the wedding were sage green and lavender

3. The Cullens' were going to pay for everything. Even against all my attempts to help pay. It was final, they would.

4. Carlisle would be the minister, Emmett and Jasper would be the best men, Alice would be the maid of honor, Rosalie would be the bridesmaid. Esme had said earlier that she thought it would be better if she weren't in it. And as it should always have been, Charlie was walking me down the isle.

5. The guest list was as it follows:


Renee and Phil



The Denali Clan from Alaska


And, after persuasion, from Edward actually

Jacob Black and his new girlfriend Jessica. (:cough: Jess, you said you wanted to be with someone from Twilight :cough:)

So in total there were 14 people coming. And that was perfectly fine with me. When it was 5 minutes till I had to be at the food court, Edward and I said our goodbyes and went in separate directions.

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As I entered the food court I could see my mom sitting at a table with about 5 bags from Babies R Us. I shook my head and walked up to her.

"Hey Bella! Look at all of this stuff that I got!" she said as she started showing me all of the stuff that she got.

"That's great Mom! So are we going to go get food? I'm famished!" I said.

"Yes, of course!" she answered. We grabbed her stuff and got our food.

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We now both had our food and I still hadn't told her about the Cullens.

"Hey Mom?" I said, taking a bite of my chicken nugget from McDonalds.

"Yes honey?" she answered.

"While I was looking around today I found the Cullens and they were wondering if we wanted to meet them at David's Bridal before we left today." I said, spilling my beans.

"Sure! That's fine! Wait a minute- all the Cullens? What about Edward! He can't see you when you're finding your dress!" She panicked. She kept on going on about different traditions about the bride and groom during weddings. I swear, my mom is a nut.

"It's ok Mom," I assured. "I've talked with Edward and neither he or any of his brothers will be in the store while we're looking."

"Alright! That works!" she said. We finished our food and then made our way to David's Bridal.

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Once we finally got to David's Bridal (which was on the other side of the mall… let me tell you) we saw Alice and Rosalie standing right outside.

"Hi guys!" I said.

They all said their hellos to my mom and me then we went inside and that's when the trouble started. (It wasn't really trouble; it was just… the trouble of shopping for wedding dresses)

Alice had found some dresses already, they were all beautiful, but there was one that caught my eye especially.

It was a white strapless gown, with embroidery all over it. In the middle it had a sage green (I know, funny how that works out color wise isn't it?) sash. It was perfect, and it fit too, we didn't need to do any hemming or anything.

We found bridesmaid dresses too, they were a lavender color (which also fit perfectly) that had spaghetti straps and went down tightly to their waist then flared out.

After doing our shopping (and some more protests about them buying everything) we bought the stuff and made our way out to where we planned on meeting the boys.

We walked around the corner and we saw Jasper, Emmett, and Edward, we also saw Phil. We all went to our respected men and gave them all a kiss.

"So, how was shopping?" Edward asked.

Alice giggled. "It went good." I answered.

"So, are you guys ready to go home?" Emmett asked.

"Yes, I believe we are." Alice answered.

"Ok, so we still need to get our stuff together for the trip back home in the morning." Edward informed.

"Alright." Everyone agreed.

"So, let's go then." I gave Edward a quick kiss and then I was off with Phil and my mom to our cars.

It seemed like it took forever to get home because when I went upstairs to my room, Edward was already there. In his piggy boxers…

I walked up to him, buried my face in his chest again and sighed. It had been a really long day.

"You ok Love?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

"Well you should be. You've had a long day."

"Ummhmm. I'm going to go take my human minute and then I'll be back. Don't move." I said.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He said.

I smiled, grabbed my change of cloths and toiletries, and headed off towards the bathroom.

I turned the faucet and the water poured out. I stepped into it and automatically felt my muscles relax.

I poured some of my strawberry shampoo into my hair, and started running it through my hair.

Eventually I got out, got dressed and walked back out to my bedroom. Edward was laying down on my bed with his eyes closed listening to an iPod. I walked past the bed to the door and stuck my head out.

"Goodnight Mom! Goodnight Phil!" I yelled. I looked back and Edward jumped at my yelling. It was pretty funny to watch him.

"Goodnight!" they both said back. I popped my head back inside and shut the door. I could feel myself smiling as I walked towards Edward. He opened his arms out to me and I took him. I nuzzled up against him and fell asleep as he hummed my lullaby.

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The next morning when I woke up, I found that my clothes were already packed, and I had some new ones waiting out for me.

I looked around but I didn't see Edward. I kept looking from my perch on my bed and then spotted him walking out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his hand.

"Good morning Love." He said.

I yawned. "Good morning!"

"You better hurry up, we want to get going soon."

"Alright." I said as I climbed out of my bed, grabbed the clothes that I expected were for me to wear today and headed into the bathroom. I took another quick shower; blow dried my hair, attempted to do something with it and then got dressed.

When I came back out Edward was still brushing his teeth and looking at the newspaper.

"Why are you still brushing your teeth?" I asked.

"Uh… just trying to get rid of my morning breath." He answered quickly.

"Uh… OK." I walked up next to him and started reading the newspaper with him.

When he saw me, he tried to hide it behind his back.

"Edward? What's up with you this morning?" I asked.

"Uh… nothing. Nothing of any sort." He answered quickly again; Too quickly.

"Edward seriously! Let me see the newspaper!" I said.

"Nuh-uh." He answered.

"Stop acting like a 5 year old and give me the newspaper Edward."

"Nope. You can't make me." he said.

"Give me the newspaper or… or…" I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Or What?" he answered.

"Or, uh… or I won't' marry you!" I threatened. He seemed shocked by this so he automatically gave me the newspaper.

The front page was a picture during… I think the zoo, during the night, so it was obiviously closed. But it had four people, 1 big tall bulky one, 1 short little pixie looking one, 1 bigger one, but not as big as the first, and then a lanky but yet not bulky tall one.

The story was that the 4 people in question had taken a bunch of the zoo's animals during the night. And when the police got there, they were on the run.

"Yes, they could run incredibly fast. When we finally got close to hearing them, the biggest one yelled: "Sorry! We're hungry!" We didn't know what that meant, but when we did a count of all the animals, they were all there." Said Police Chief Roberson.

The story continued giving their features. Once I had finished reading, I turned to Edward. "You're bad you know that?"

"Hey! It was your idea!" he said back.

I just sighed, packed my stuff up, (with the help of Edward) and finished getting ready to go.

A/N: THERE! I FINISHED! SORRY, IT'S A REALLY BAD PLACE TO END THE CHAPTER I KNOW, BUT HEY! LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE! THE CHAPTER IS 17 PAGES ON WORD… AND THAT IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I'VE EVER WRITEN. SO NOW EVERYBODY GO "WOOHOO FOR ELYSE!" So, as always, I have something to say. And I normally would say it, except that I can't remember what I was going to say, so instead of saying what I was going to say I'll say REVIEW which turns out to be something else that I was going to say but not the first thing that I was going to say. So I guess it evens out right? REVIEW PLEASE!