Chapter 8

I had stayed in the hospital for a couple more days after I woke up. Jimmy had also stayed, never leaving the side of my bed. We talked. A lot.

"So, Libby sent you this box of... C.D.'s. And Carl sent this video tape about llamas.." muttered Jimmy while setting things down on the wobbly nightstand I had. 'Ah, good old Carl and his llamas.'

"And, of, course, Sheen sent you an Ultralord game."

I extended my hand toward Jimmy and he set the items in my lap.

"Did I say I wanted these on my lap?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

He looked at me from where he was reading Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code.

"What?" I asked innocently. He smiled sarcastically and put his bookmark on the page he had stopped at.

"Well, Princess Vortex, I'm so sorry for not doing things the way you absolutely want them to be done. I apologize and cower at the thought of your anger and despair," he continued just as sarcastically as his look. "I beg for forgiveness from thy royal highness."

I scowled at him playfully and he smiled. "I think I'll let this pass."

Jimmy smiled again, but in a more sincere expression.

"Ahhh. I can't wait until you can get out from this hellhole," he said while sitting down on the side of my bed. "This place has the worst food."

I picked up my food tray left over from breakfast and grimaced at the uneaten food.

"You're lucky you have me to smuggle in actual food," he continued.

I shook my head and set down the tray. "Yeah, I would rather starve than eat this stuff."

Jimmy laughed and hurled the tray into the trash. Then he turned to me. And there, of course, was our signature awkward silence.

"You know, every time there's an awkward silence, a gay baby is born," I chimed. (A/N: Please note, this saying is totally owned by forbetfreak444 and omg it's almond joy, even if they've both been going out for... Oops. I don't think I should be parading around with this info...)

He laughed, and then there was another awkard silence.

"I guess then, that half the gay population is thanks to us," he said while scooting even closer to me.


He smiled his cute little crooked smile and leaned forward towards me...

And in burst Libby, Sheen, and Carl.

"Damn," I heard Jimmy mutter before he straightened up quickly to greet our friends.

"Hey, guys! I thought you guys weren't coming 'til six!"

Libby pointed at the clock and scoffed, "It is six."

I felt my face flare up in embarrassment and saw that the same was happening with Jimmy.

"Uh... I guess I lost track of time," I heard Jimmy say.

Carl giggled his nervous laugh. "I'll say."

I saw Libby push Carl slightly before walking toward me.

"Hey, girl. You better?"

I nodded and reached up to hug my best friend.

"Yeah. But I can't wait 'til I'm out of here."

I saw Sheen, Carl,and Jimmy laugh and push each other around. I smiled to myself before looking back to Libby.

"Girl, I've been waiting forever for you to smile; it's such a relief!"

I nodded and laid back on my itchy hospital bed.

"Thanks. It's a relief to me to know that someone else cares."

She looked at me strangely.

"Some else? Of course. There's your mom... Oh."

"Well... There's also Jimmy."

Her eyes widened as far as they could go.


I nodded slowly and she let out a muffled squeak.

"Ooh, girl! I knew it! I mean, of course! He's been hanging in this dump ever since you got sent here!"

I smiled at her. "Do you think he wants to go out with me?"

She practically burst out in laughter when I said this.

"Of course he would! Girl, don't you think he would? Especially since he was just about to kiss you when we came in!"

I shoved my hand on her mouth and made loud shushing noises. "Shut up! He might hear!"

"Who cares, Cin'? He was about to kiss you. Who else but someone who likes you would do that?"

Instantly, I had an answer to Libby's most obvious question.

"Nick Dean, of course. He doesn't really like half the girls he goes out with."

She shrugged and twirled a piece of lint on her finger. "Well, I think you two would make a cute couple. I'll take Sheen and Carl to the Candy Bar so we can leave you guys in peace. So, see yah!" She waved and pulled Carl and Sheen out the door by their sleeves. They managed to yell out a 'bye' to Jimmy before they were whisked away from view.

"So," said Jimmy while he rubbed the back of his neck. "Umm..."

I pulled him down onto the bed. "Why so nervous?" I asked.

He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck again. "I... Uh... Wanted to ask you if... Uh..."

Again, we were interuppted, just as something big was happening. This time, it was the nurse.

"Do you have to keep throwing the goddarn food trays in the trash?" she asked while pulling the sopping tray out of the trash. "And why is it wet?"

Jimmy shrugged and turned his back to the nurse. She left, holding the soaked tray within arm's distance, mimicking Jimmy saying he was sorry or something.

"Well... I think... I'm going to go to my house and go shower. I'll be back before visiting hours are over, 'kay?"

I nodded and smiled as he strode briskly to the door. With one last wave, he was gone.

A/N: Just in case you guys are wondering, this is the last chapter of In My Dreams. There will be a sequel, so don't worry, more horror to come! And I know this chapter is not very much horror-ish. But that's all in the chapters before this and stuff... So anyway... R&R!