
This is a short one-shot from Vala's point of view. There will be minor spoilers. WARNING- major character death.

I've died twice. Once by fire like a sacrifice and once by a shot on an Ori ship. Both times I woke up in his arms. Both times he held me to him with his lips in my hair. Now I hold him close. He won't wake up this time.

I can still hear the screaming. Thousands dieing in space and on the earth, blood soaking the ground and the metal, that one day where the fate of the universe was decided for all eternity. Everyone fought. The Tau'ri, the Jaffa, the great races of the past, the ascended beings, everyone. There was only one I loved.

His blood's soaking my hands. I don't notice the light in the sky, our only weapon that worked because of him. I drag him away from the fighting, try to stop the blood. He doesn't cry out, just watches me, his blue eyes calm while rain splashes on the ground, mixing with his blood.

I can't stop the blood.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him across my lap. I want to cry, but I won't. Notin front of him. He reaches up slowly and twines his fingers through my hair then pulls me down to brush his lips against mine and whisper I love you. I can feel him die.


Daniel died two weeks ago. The war's over now. It was raining at his funeral. Fitting, he loved rain. He would stand outside on the balcony with his eyes closed, just letting it wash over him.

I always watched him; he looked so happy. It was raining when he asked me to marry him. It was raining on us both whenI said yes.

I wasn't crying when I set the feather in the scale. It was what Daniel had wanted. Simple. Of course he didn't consider himself important.

I stepped back from the scale, leaving it alone in the rain and me, alone in the rain.

Jack's the only one who understands. He was the only one we told about us. I got along with Jack better then the others. You could see the shadows under his joking, hidden like mine under the advances. Daniel could see our shadows. We could see his too.

Someone's talking now. I barely hear them. The rain starts to pool at my feet, cold that I cannot feel. I haven't felt for two weeks. I don't think I ever will again.

It's quiet at his apartment. Empty, no sound but the rain pouring on the balcony where I can almost see him. I open the door and step into it, closing my eyes. The icy wet feels like his touch. Just out of reach. I swing my legs over the edge, holding on with my numb hands. I set my feet down on the other side and lean out over the abyss, chilling wind spiraling up to wrap around my body like his arms used to.

I close my eyes and remember the night we danced out here. Just the two of us. The rain slicked our hair to our faces, sparkling against our skin like drops of liquid silver. The moon and stars peaked from under the dark clouds, making the rain glow above the city lights. Our own haven from the chaos of the war. Just ours.

It was raining when I whispered I love you to the empty place that his spirit used to fill. It was raining when my hands let go.