Title: Greed
Author: hostilecrayon
Pairing: AkiHika
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Limey lemon
Word Count: 751
Disclaimer: I own a Go board, but that's about it. Hikaru no Go was created by Hotta and Obata and distributed by Viz, Shogakuen and Shonen Jump.
Notes: Hikaru POV. Sixth in a series I was writing for the Stages of Love Seven Deadly Sins contest (Which I dropped out of -.-).


It's been steadily increasing for months. Our games have become more intense, as have the looks that I receive from across the Go board. We play games at almost a frantic pace, and still I come back for more.

But it's not the games I show up for.

It's the lingering looks he gives, the way his breathing increases when I come too close, and what I've only begun to notice recently, the way his pants become just a little too snug when we touch, regardless of how brief.

I've taken to touching him a little more often then necessary.

It is after a day filled with these moments that my resolve breaks. I want more.

He is standing to leave my apartment after a long day of back to back games when my hand catches his. He freezes, his dark eyes locking onto mine in silent question.

And quite suddenly, it's not enough anymore. Monopolizing his time on and off the Go board, being his one and only rival, being the one he looks to when he wants an equal. It's not enough.

I want more, damn it.

Without a word, I pull him close, crushing my mouth against his. I should be more gentle; take it slowly, but I am simply unable to. And with the response I am getting, I don't want to.

His tongue slides across my lips, and I flick mine out to tangle with his. It is long and passionate and better than I ever thought it could be, and I know it should end with this. That anything else would be moving too quickly.

But I don't care.

I slip my fingers under his shirt and run them along his skin, feeling along the muscles in his back. I tug at the fabric, and he allows me to take it off of him in return for my own.

But I am greedy, and a bare chest is not all I want from him tonight.

I'm trying to get us near a wall I can pin him against when we stumble and end up on the floor instead. Not that I'm complaining as my erection presses against his through our pants. His hands are tangled in my hair when I pop the button on his fly. I kiss down his stomach, leaving some dark marks for him to remember this by, and pull his zipper down with my teeth.

By the time I finally get his cock free of its confines, he is panting beneath me. I stroke him lightly before taking the tip into my mouth, suckling softly until I get a cry of pleasure out of him. I smile around his cock and slide down the shaft as much as I can. He gasps.

I pull back slightly and engulf him again slowly, getting my bearings. The moan I get is more than encouraging. My head beings to bob up and down, and my hand goes for my own zipper, releasing my straining erection. I run my fingers over the tip, swirling the dripping liquid across my tip.

Every other breath is a moan now, and he is arching his back, trying to thrust deeper into my mouth. I begin to stroke my own shaft in time with my lips sliding over Touya's cock, and my own groans are stifled by the warm flesh in my mouth.

"Hikaru!" he shouts, and it sounds so good hearing my given name on his lips. His come shoots into my mouth, and I drink it greedily, pumping myself rapidly. I let his softening cock slip from my lips as I come as well, white fluid splattering against the pale skin of Akira's upper thigh.

I crawl back up his body, kissing him lightly before collapsing on top of him. We're both still only wearing half of our clothes, and we are sweaty and sticky, but it doesn't matter. He is warm and comfortable and smells so good that I wouldn't even think of moving right now.

"So…" I say, my face buried in his hair and a smile evident in my voice, "Same time tomorrow?"

I can't see his face, but I can hear the lust in his voice when he replies with, "Of course. I'll return the favor."

I nip at his neck, and I can feel his cock twitch against my hip.

"Or maybe I'll return the favor now."

Perhaps I'm not the only one who's greedy. I could learn to live with that.