Chapter 14

Waking Up Beside You

I awoke to a dark soft blanket of hair strewn across my face. Instead of the usual rushing out of bed to attack the day, I decided to lie still just a little longer and take in the scent.

It was soft and refreshing; her form was warm as she pressed up against my chest; her breath slow and steady signalling she was still fast asleep. I replayed the events of our night together over and over in my head.

The repercussions would be major and severe but at the same time I felt as if I could take them all on. She snuggled into my chest and I felt her long lashes flutter against my bare skin.

"You're awake."

Her arms wrapped around me as if to make sure I wouldn't leave and she sighed heavily, "Mhhmm."

My hands cradled her head and back as I held her against me, afraid that the new day would steal her away; that the previous night would be forgotten.

I had to get a hold of myself. What was wrong with me after all? Why was I feeling this way? I was desperate, confused and in need of her to hang on to me; in need of hanging on to her.

I felt her lips against my chest and the small voice inside my head telling me this was still wrong and it would never work out was squashed again as I closed my eyes.

"I don't think I've ever done any of this before," I heard her say softly against my skin.

Her lips gently kissed a trail up my chest and towards my neck and every now and then there was a nipping from her teeth. The fire trail on my skin soon ended at my mouth were she hovered for a few seconds before kissing my bottom lip and her whispered words echoed once more in my head.

My eyes opened to her nude form over me, kissing my face, her hands conforming to skin and I stilled her by holding both her arms.

"Was that," I hesitated for a second almost afraid of what I was about to say and even more scared of what her answer would be, "your first time?"

She looked at me quizzically at first and then I saw the merriment slowly fill her eyes. She laughed and looked at me tenderly.

"Kenshin," her hand grazed my cheek and she smiled softly, "I don't think I've known anyone to be that bold for their first time."

With that she giggled and I released her from my grip. She lay down on top of me and I could feel her warm skin against mine once more.

"So it wasn't her first time" I repeated to myself. I felt relief and at the same time a streak of jealousy at the answer. A plethora of the obvious questions crossed my mind. I wanted to ask, but I know how it would sound coming out of my mouth. But still the questions persisted.

"You're not happy with that answer?" I heard her say.

I was staring up at the ceiling lost in my own thoughts as she lay on me; her head cradled on my chest, her fingers toying with my hair.

"What to say to that?" I thought. Of course my male ego selfishly wished I was her first, only and last at this point. But that wasn't fair to her or conducive to the times we lived in.

"She's a 22 year old college student with plenty of money and friends, what the fuck was I thinking that she wouldn't have had slept with some flashy monkey in a suit-" my vile thoughts bubbled away.

"Kenshin?" she repeated softly and looked up at me.

"Hm?" I simply replied not knowing what else to say or do.

She looked at me knowingly, "Does it bother you that much?"

There was no way around it. I had to talk to her.

"It's not that it bothers me," I start decided to be a bit braver and look at her squarely in the eyes, "it's just something I need to work out on my own. What does bother me is what'll happen if someone were to find out about this."

"You don't have to worry-" she started encouragingly.

"I'm not worried about myself Kaoru. I'm worried about you. Your parents, your friends, your society," I replied softly.

What place would we find in the world together I wondered? I had never considered a future beyond what I was already living. She has so much more potential though, what could I ever give to her?

"Feh, that's considering IF she even wants a relationship out of this," I bit back.

It was right though; how could I be sure that this was nothing more than a passing moment for her? The thought wasn't a negative insinuation of her character, but a reality that I needed to face. I was stuck in my own daydreams about her without knowing what she felt.

"Well I'm not worried about anything because none of that matters," she replied, quieting my fears and thoughts.

Her head fell once more and she touched her lips to mine, "I don't care about that sort of stuff, how many different ways can I tell you that?"

I kissed her passionately at that moment. It wasn't full of lust like last night, but even more intimate than that. I wanted to drink in her optimism and make it a part of me. She was so hopeful, such a breath of fresh air and yet completely ignorant to the inevitable truth we had to face.

I hated myself at this point for allowing this-whatever this was-to happen. After 35 long years of existence, most spent in solitude, it seemed I had fallen in love.

"Good lord," I whispered not intending for her to hear.

"What?" she looked up at me. "What's wrong?"

I looked at her for a moment and pulled her into my arms. Kenshin Himura, the no-nonsense, cut-throat detective was nothing more than a kitten in his arms at the moment. I was slightly perplexed by my feelings, but was overwhelmed with the urgency to keep her close to me.

She didn't ask again; in fact she didn't say anything as we lay there for a little while longer. I didn't know what was about to happen, but I wanted to extend this time together as much as I could.

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"Do you think she'll come?" the man dressed in dark attire asked.

"She will," was the simple response.

"How can you be so sure?" he asked.

"I know her better than anyone else."

"And that PI that's always with her?"

"She'll bring him too. I'm sure of it. They've been spending enough time together."

"If this doesn't work-"

"There's no option for failure," was a stern reply. "We can not and will not fail."

"When you get cocky, you get messy," the gruff voice warned.

His response was met with silence as the other body had already exited the room.

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The phone rang at police headquarters, "Saitou here."

The gruff-looking man reclined back in his chair as he listened intently to the voice on the other end.

"Are you sure of all this?" he asked solemnly.

The person on the other end only confirmed what he already suspected.

"Dammit," he cursed under his breath, "stay under for a while longer. I'll contact you again myself."

After returning the receiver to its base he looked intently at the files on the desk. Each name represented a key player in the puzzle, and slowly he would fit all the pieces together to discover just what was going on. In fact in his cunning mind, the pieces were already starting to fit. It was only a matter of time.

He focused on one name before him, "Himura, Kenshin," he mumbled.

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I sat at my ratty old desk while waiting on her to emerge from the shower. She'd insisted on showering first and then doing anything else as I was more focused on getting ready for tonight.

Methodically I cleaned my semi-automatic and ensured I had enough ammunition for it.

If in the morning my mind was racing with worries over what had happened between us the previous night, the afternoon brought worries of what was to come tonight.

I had tried my best to keep her from going, but in the end we both knew she was the key.

"Her sister," my thoughts trailed again to the woman everyone thought was dead.

She could still be dead for all anyone knew; and this could all just be rouse to bring Kaoru to them.

I wouldn't let that happen.

Slowly my mind began to focus on the pieces of the case; sister's disappearance, the burnt and discarded body, the attack on Kaoru, the investigation into her family, and now this letter and meeting. It all had to fit together somehow.

The pieces had been strewn in front of us all this whole time, but we just needed to figure out how to thread it all together.

Different scenarios played out in my mind simultaneously as I tried to figure out a motive, an opportunity and anything that might have been overlooked.

Could've it been a disgruntled ex-boyfriend or lover? A stalker? A family member? Her own parents? If it weren't for the delicate care I had to show my weapon, I'd be throwing a chair across the room in frustration.

My thoughts were broken at the blaring sound of my cell phone going off in the quiet room.

I put down my gun, ensuring the safety was on and picked up the phone.

"Shit," I whispered as I saw the caller ID.

"Who is it?"

I looked up to see Kaoru in nothing more than one of my t shirts standing the doorway looking back at me. Her hair was dripping wet, which caused the shirt to become dark with dampness. The edge of the shirt skimmed above her thighs.

She sauntered over to me; her long legs taking elegant strides across the small room. I couldn't help but hold my breath and look at her.

As she stood in front of me, she bent down to face me; her wet raven hair cascading around her fresh face like tendrils.

"Saitou," I managed to answer.

"He's Detective Sano's supervisor isn't he?" she asked with a curious look.

"Yeah," I replied looking at the phone again. He was persistent, but another few rings and it was going to voicemail.

I thought about whether or not to answer and tell him the situation.

Before I could make any decision, she gently took the phone from my hand and placed it on the desk out of my reach.

"We can't get them involved Kenshin," she looked back at me pleadingly. "If Tomoe is alive, I don't want to risk loosing her again."

I was surrounded by her fresh scent as she caressed the side of my face and placed herself in my lap. Her lips followed the trail of her fingers and I could feel myself lost once again at her charms.

She kissed along my jaw, nipped at my lips and travelled down my throat. Her hands weren't idle, as they attacked my shirt buttons and proceeded to smooth the skin they uncovered.

"I won't risk loosing anyone I love again," she whispered between kisses.

She stopped for a moment and looked me; her face was so close to mine I could just taste her lips again, "And that includes you," she finished.

I held the side of her face for a moment, focusing on how perfect she was and how marred I was. It broke my heart at first, but her words invigorated me. Maybe I did have another chance. Maybe.

"I won't let anything happen to Kaoru," I replied.

She fell against my chest and hugged me tight. We continued to hold each other that way; both our hearts filled with fear over what would happen next.

The room was silent and I was content to listen to just our heart beats, her whispers and nothing more.

I held her against me, held on for dear life.

"I love you Kenshin."

Silence pervaded as my heart raced to a frantic pace and slowed once again.

"I love you too."

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It's been a long time, I know. Forgive me! I needed some inspiration to continue on with this fic and found it finally in a short story I'd always loved but hadn't read in quite some time.

Thanks to Kano Mayotteru Hoshi and Antica as well!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and New Years and you are all sticking your resolutions. I think I broke a half dozen or so after I went shopping yesterday. )

Well it's beginning to look like the end for this fic.

Special thanks, hugs and kisses to everyone out there that's read it, enjoyed and especially those that reviewed.

Happy Valentines Day!
