RaeDragongirl: Aww thanks. I've got a few Cleris stories out at the moment.

Sheshi: I love Kingdom Hearts! I have a Sora/Kairi fic on there. I also have a Cleris one at the moment but it's just trying to fit it in with both games that it takes a while to update. I don't think there will be anymore on there for a while.

Ankosune: Cleris is in the epilogue. Don't worry lol. And Final Destiny, I'm actually half way through that next chapter but it's quite long so you have to bare with me. I'll try and have it up by Monday.

RoyalFanatic: You're so nice! I'm glad you liked my story that much.

Angelicxox: I couldn't keep you waiting after that review

Cloriths 4ever clotis never: Yes I am. I've got the characters looked out for it.

RoxasxNamine4ever: Thanks for the nice review! No fear, I won't let CloTis win!

This is set about two months after the last chapter.


Yuffie rushed down the stairs in her floor-length blue gown, muttering to herself about being late. She could hear the Church bells ringing and panicked as she ran through the restored streets of Midgar. Aeris was pacing around outside the Church with Ilfana and Tifa.

"Yuffie, what took you so long?" Aeris asked with worry. Yuffie bent over to catch her breath, handing the older woman the bouquet of roses in her hand.

"You know me Aeris." The Princess smiled and Aeris just rolled her eyes. "By the way, you look great." Aeris blushed at the comment causing Yuffie to laugh slightly. But it was true, Aeris was dressed in a spaghetti strapped white gown that had diamonds across the chest. And even under her veil, Yuffie could see Aeris had her hair tied into a tight bun by a large white flower hair band and her shorter strands framed her face.

"Ready?" Yuffie asked. Aeris took a breath and nodded. Yuffie opened the Church doors and gave the thumbs up to Nanaki. The creature nodded and turned to the organ where a robotic moogle started playing the bridal tune. Aeris walked through the doors with Ilfana giving her away. Yuffie and Tifa walked behind her, straightening the back of her dress as she walked. Cloud smiled at her as she stood next to him. Yuffie and Tifa looked at each other, ready to cry. Barret and Cid were Cloud's best men while Vincent was the usher. Nanaki smiled at the two.

"We are gathered here today to witness the wedding of Cloud Strife, King of Midgar, to Aerith Gainsborough. Do you Cloud take Aeris to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Cloud turned to Aeris, his smile never faltering.

"I do."

"Do you Aerith, take Cloud to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Aeris smiled.

"I do."

"The rings, if you please." The creature spoke. Ilfana handed Aeris' her ring while Barret handed Cloud his. They handed each other their rings, placing them carefully onto the wedding finger.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Cloud lifted the veil and pressed his lips onto Aeris as her eyes fluttered closed. Yuffie began cheering, setting everyone else off. Aeris pulled back.

"Cloud." She whispered. "Remember that night when I found you in the forest a few weeks ago?" Cloud nodded.

"How could I forget it?" He said as he led her down the aisle and out into the sunshine.

"I'm pregnant Cloud." Cloud turned to her.


"I'm pregnant." She repeated, watching his face light up, looking at her stomach.

"You're…we're going to…Oh my God!" He cried, picking her up and twirling her in the air. Aeris giggled at his reaction. Yuffie ran up to them.

"What's going on?" She asked as Reno walked up to her.

"You're going to be an auntie!" Cloud explained with a huge grin. Yuffie looked confused.

"Wha?…Wait!...you mean?" She glanced at Aeris' stomach.She screamed, hugging Aeris.

"Where are the proud grandparents?" Reno questioned and as if on queue, Tifa and Ifana appeared. Nanaki, Cid and Barret close behind.

"Mum, Cloud and I have some news." Aeris smiled. "I'm pregnant."

At first, the mothers looked shocked but it soon turned into a huge smile and they hugged their children.

"How long have you been gone?" Tifa asked.

"Almost two months now." Aeris said with a smile.

"Congratulations." Nanaki grinned. Cloud nodded in appreciation.

"You don't have to worry Cloud. I won't turn into an evil auntie like Uncle Sephiroth." Yuffie joked.

"That reminds me." Cloud said. "I found this." He handed Yuffie a piece of paper written in Sephiroth's handwriting. She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"He wanted me to marry Kadaj? Yuck!" She spat. Cloud smiled.

"He was the King he could have done it. And if Kadaj is still alive, he'll come back for you."

"But that's…" Yuffie began but Cloud interrupted.

"That is why I'm destroying it."

"What?" Yuffie replied in confusion. Cloud ripped the paper in half.

"You marry who you want. After all, I said long ago I would destroy that tradition." Cloud explained. Aeris laughed slightly.

"Room for exception though right?." She said jokingly. Vincent patted Cloud's shoulder.

"I heard you're expecting an heir soon. Congratulations."


"The slums have been destroyed." Vincent continued. "Any other orders?"

"I want everyone who was on Sephiroth's side banned from Midgar. Warn them that if they return, the punishment is death."

"Of course Sir." Vincent answered with a bow. Cloud turned to Aeris.

"Looks like we have two things to celebrate today." He grinned, kissing her lightly on the lips as they walked off. Reno snaked his hands around Yuffie's waist and she turned her head to smile at him.

"It's great to see you smile again." He whispered, kissing her cheek. She took his hand.

"I've got a reason to smile now." She responded, turning her head to glance at where Cloud and Aeris were laughing and talking with everyone dear to them: Tifa, Ilfana, Nanaki, Cid, Barret and Vincent. She turned back to Reno, tightening her grip on his hand.

"I've got my everyone who is important to me back." She said softly. Reno walked with her.

"Except your Dad." He added quietly. Yuffie was silent for a moment but when Reno looked up, she was still smiling.

"No, he never left. Not really." She explained. "Because so long as we can see the stars at night, Cloud and I know that he'll always be there to guide us."

Reno and Yuffie joined in the conversation as Cloud felt a soft breeze stroke his hair. He looked up at the sun and for a moment, he saw Zack's face in the light, smiling proudly. But in a moment it was gone. He smiled back as the image began to fade.

"I'll always remember everything you taught me Father." He whispered softly that nobody but the wind could hear.

A.N:…../cries/ aww man I hate ending stories! But good news is…there's going to be a sequel based on Lion King 2. Look out for it, it'll be called "For The Love of Midgar." Who will be Cloud and Aeris child? Who will be their star-crossed lover? Who will be Sephiroth's wife? You'll have to wait and see. You can guess if you want but it wont be revealed until I start writing the sequel.

Anyways, I want to thank everyone for their support on this fic. You've all sent me such lovely reviews that made me smile lots. I'm glad that you enjoyed the original things I added and just the fic over all. I'll have more works out there in no time so keep your eyes peeled for anything with "A Beeria Production" or "Beeria Presents" on it…joking lol. Till then, thanks again.