Story Line: Raimundo is acting wierd and Kimiko notices. He won't tell her anything and she starts going a little weird herself. Has any of this got to do with the dissapearance of Raimundo? And do the so-called "super-heros" have anything to do with this? RaiXKim.

Chapter 1

Xiaolin Showdown

Kimiko Tohomiko lay in her bed staring up at the ceiling. She was a sixteen year old girl who loved clothes and hairstyles. She came from Japan and her father was the very rich owner of Toho Electronics, so, Kimiko got most of the things she wanted. She had sea blue eyes. She got angry very easily, especially when people critisized girls. She trained to be a Xiaolin Dragon of Fire at the Xiaolin Temple along with her best friends, Raimundo, Omi and Clay. Omi was a small bald monk with yellow skin. He was fifteen years old. He loved to train his martial art skills and bugged the rest to train harder. He was an orphan and lived at the Xiaolin Temple. Omi had the element of Water. Clay Baily was a cowboy from Texas and loved his food. He was seventeen years old. He had blond spicky hair and usually wore a ten-gallon hat and proper cowboy boots with the spurs. He had the element of Earth. Raimundo Pedrosa came from Rio de Jeneiro in Brazil. He was also sixteen. Raimundo had brown spicky hair and intense green eyes. He loved to surf and hated doing chores. He had the element of Wind.

"Erm...Clay?" said a puzzled Raimundo "Why did you just spray the table with Texas Hot Sauce? You're cleaning it up anyway."

"So I can eat it," he said opening his jaws wide and biting a chunk out of the table "Oh yeah," he said liking his fingers "Texas Hot Sauce makes it go down easier."

" do realise you're gonna have to pay for that," said Raimundo, pinting at the table.

"Dag nard," said Clay clapping a hand to his forhead "That's as no-good as a robber stealin' a jewel at the copper's momma's house!"

After breakfast they all had to clean the dishes. Kimiko washed, Raimundo dried, Omi inspected and Clay put away. Suddenly Dojo came slithering in with the sacred Shen-Gong-Wu scroll wedged under his arm. Dojo was the gaurdian of the scrolls and his full name was Dojo Kanojo Cho. He was as small as a gecko but could transform to as big as a dragon if he wanted to. He was green and had a little red beard.

"Shen-Gong-Wu alert!" he called, then started moaning and scratching his back "And a bunch of Shen-Gong-Wu blisters! Owwwww!"

"What is it Dojo?" asked Kimiko, going over to him.

"It's called the Healing Hands of Dashi. Whoever possesses it can heal an injured or badly wounded person. Combined with its sister Wu, the Bones of Terrordeadba, It can raise the dead. Kind of like Goo Zombies 5 but with extra blood and gore," said Dojo, scratching his chin "Anyway...Hop on!"

Dojo super-sized into his full fifty feet dragon form. The Xiaolin Dragons claimbed on, trying their best to avoid all of the blisters.

They flew for miles and noticed Jack Spicer 'Evil Boy Genious' on a heli-bot below them. Jack had flame red hair and eyes. He normally wore yellow goggles with red swirls on them. He also wore a red top with frankensteins-monster on and black pants. Over the top of that he wore a log black cap and worn-out black shoes. His face was covered in white make-up and under his eyes were two black lines and one of them flicked out. He was obsessed with building different kinds of robots. A evil heylin ghost-hag named Wuya followed him around everywhere to make shure he got the Shen-Gong-Wu. She was really just using him so she could take over the world and take all of the power and glory for herself. She was once trapped in a puzzle box by Grand Master Dashi 1500 years ago. Jack let her out but he had no idea of the concicouences when she tricked him into thinking he would be able to dominate the world aswell. Later on, Raimundo had been tricked into joining the Heylin side and used the Reversing Mirror and Serpents Tail to turn her human. He got everything he wanted but then realised he wanted his friends more so he trapped her in the puzzle box again. A girl called Katnappe found her and let her out again. Katnappe always dressed up in a black cat costume and loved cats. Her real name was Ashleigh but she hated it. She got all the things she really wanted out of Wuya, then she ditched Wuya. Wuya went back to Jack and begged for forgiveness, which he foolishly accepted. That's where Chase Young comes into the picture. Chase helped fight evil with Master Monk Guan and Dashi 1500 years ago and helped in the capture of Wuya. They were the best of friends. But, Chase got lured to the Heylin side by Hannibal Roy Bean. Hannibal Bean was a small red bean and sometimes dressed in a giant suit of black armour to make himself look tougher. Anyway, Hannibal Bean offered Chase some Loa Ming Lone soup which turned him evil. He had a reptillian form which was green and black with big amber eyes. He transformed warriors into cats so they could fight by his side. In his human form he had long loose black hair that went past his waist and wore golden armour. His eyes were still amber and his face was very pale. Chase took the Reversing Mirror and Serpents Tail and turned Wuya human again. Wuya got to flirty with Chase so he didn't let her fight by his side anymore. Now Wuya roames around, looking for Shen-Gong-Wu to fullfill her lifetime want of ruling the world.

"Down there!" shouted Kimiko, pointing at the Healing Hands of Dashi from on Dojo's back.

Dojo dived down and the Xiaolin Dragons leapt off him. Raimundo advanced on the Healing Hands of Dashi which looked like a tiny white pillar with a golden hand on the top. He grabbed it...but so did Kimiko and Jack.

"No fair!" moaned Jack "Two Xiaolin and one Heylin!"

"Get one of your robots in then and HURRY UP!" shouted Raimundo, which made Jack jump.

Alright already," said Jack, backing off slightly.

He pressed a button on his wrist-watch and robot came forth. Raimundo laughed, it was just one of his normal Jack-bots...or so he thought. The Jack-bot transformed and got taller, its legs and body became longer. Its head got bigger and a load of ammunition clicked onto its back. Jack smirked. Raimundo realised his jaw was wide open and clamped it shut.

"Ppphht," he said, blowing hair out of his face "That'll be a piece of cake, or as Omi would say, a piece of pie."

"Jack and...errr...robot thing...I challange you to a Xiaolin Showdown! My Arrow Sparrow and Raimundo's Sword of the Storm against your Monkey Staff and robots Reversing Mirror. The challenge is, maze. Whoever gets to the end of the maze and gets the Healing Hands of Dashi wins," said Kimiko, flame errupting in her eyes.

"LETS GO, XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!" they chorused.

The area transformed into a giant maze with colossal towering walls, which you could just see the top of if you looked hard enough. It looked like an ordinary maze with no miss-happs or mysteries. Kimiko, Raimundo, Jack and his robot got transported to the beginning and Clay and Omi got transported to a rocky platform, high above the maze.


"Monkey Staff!" yelled Jack, transforming half monkey.

He let out a monkey wail and ran forward. Kimiko sighed and sprinted at full pelt.

"SWORD OF THE STORM, WIND!" exclaimed Raimundo, aiming it at the robot.

"Reversing Mirror," it said in its anamatronic voice.

The wind turned back to its master and knocked him flying.

"WUDAI MARS, FIRE!" shouted Kimiko, throwing two balls of fire at Jack.

Jack screeched and everyone had to cover their ears. One ball of fire missed him but the other hit his tail. He whimpered and hid in a corner, cradling his furry tail. Kimiko punched the air and looked behind her while she ran to see how far behind everyone else was. See Raimundo, girls can do good things she thought happily to herself. Suddenly she was submerged into darkness. She opned her eyes and was surrounded by very deep dirty water. She hadn't been looking, now she had stumbled into what it seemed like to be a very deep lake planted in the maze. Kimiko was loosing her breath. She opned her mouth to breath...and horrible freezing cold salty water entered her gaping mouth. She quickly shut it again. She wondered how long she had left to live, she had pummeled straight into her watery grave. Her eyes started to close. Suddenly a warm pair of strong arms snaked themselves around her waist, pulling her back up. Kimiko entered light again. She gasped for breath and fluttered open her eyelids to see who her savior was. Her vision was very blurred. Whoever it was, he was definetly a boy.





Kimiko got back up and wobbled a bit. She tried to summon her element, but the fire kept burning out. She was too weak.

Suddenly the magic ceased...Jack had won.

"What happned?" asked Clay, going up to Raimundo and Kimiko "We couldn't see a thing from up there!"

"Next time," gasped Kimiko, her hands on her knees "Remember to bring bonoculers."

Raimundo gave her a you-are-a-stupid-girl-anyway look behind her back. Dojo super-sized and the devestated Xaiolin team flew off back to the temple upon his back.

When they got to the temple everyone informed Master Fung on their failure...except from Raimundo. Raimundo slumped off into the temple without a word.

"It wasn't my..." Kimiko walked off as she watched the form of Raimundo lumber into the temple "Fault..."

She followed Raimundo inside but the curtains were shut and a sign saying 'KEEP OUT OR FEEL THE WRATH OF MY SEXY MUSCLES! ' was on the curtain. A wierd noise was coming from inside of his room which was hard to determine if it was laughing or crying. Kimiko sighed and went into her own room.

Raimundo sniggered as he flicked through Kimiko's diary. One of the entries read:

October 24th 2005

Today was very embarassing. I was serving everybody dinner and Raimundo, the stupid twerpy stuck up jerk that he is, pulled down my skirt! I slapped him in the face and ran off, telling everybody that they could serve their own dinners. Boys. They're lazy and just plain cruel! Rai still hasn't said sorry. I want him to or I won't make dinner ever again! He told me I went as red as a maroon. Then, he slapped my ass and sed that I had nice knickers! Boys!

Raimundo laughed so hard and wiped a tear of laughter away from his emerald green eye. He remembered that day so well. Just then, Kimiko burst into the room, fire in her eyes and lava in her fists.


Raimundo sniggered and handed it over. He errupted in laughter and pointed at Kimiko.

"Nice bra!" he hollered.

Kimiko went bright red when she realised that one of the straps on her top had snapped revealing her pink pattened bra. She ran out of the room, head in her hands.

Kimiko fixed her top and lay down on her bed staring at the ceiling. No matter how stupid, twerpy and a jerk that Raimundo was, she couldn't help but still like him. His daring grin, his intense green eyes. She was still in a very bad mood though.


"What?" asked Kimiko, going over to the curtain and opening it.

"It's time fur trainin'," said Clay, heading out of the double doors.

Kimiko followed him. Outside were Omi, Clay, Raimundo, Kimiko and Master Fung.

"Practice training on eachother young monks," he said calmly "The one to leap first is the one first to fall."

"Okaaaaay," said Kimiko, raising an eyebrow.

"Practice with partners using only your element and one Shen-Gong-Wu."

Raimundo edged towards Kimiko. She looked behind her and Clay had paired with Omi.

"Alright then," sighed Kimiko.

Kimiko grabbed the Star Hinarby, Raimundo the Sword of the Storm, Omi the Orb of Tornami and Clay the Fist of Tebigong. Dojo struck a huge gong and the training began.

Clay and Omi went first.

"Orb of Tornami!" cried Omi, aiming the water at Clay.

"Fist of Tebigong!"

Clay put it towards him and the water hit off it, causing it to go back at Omi.

"Water!" called Omi.

Water spiralled towards Clay at high speed. Clay tryed to avoid the water but it hit him squarely in the chest. Omi had won.

At the sound of the gong, Raimundo and Kimiko started.

"Star Hinarby, FIRE!" bellowed Kimiko.

Raimundo ducked and cried out "SWORD OF THE STORM, WIND!"

The wind knocked Kimiko backwards a bit.

"Ggggrrrrr!" she yelled, her mood still hadn't improved since her last encounter with Raimundo "WUDAI MARS, FIRE!"

She threw the fire at her opponent. Raimundo went crashing to the ground. Kimiko had won. She actually was feeling quite worried. Raimundo wouldn't of normally made himself that much of a vunerable target.


"FINISHED!" roared Jack, taking a step back to admire his creation.

On the table lay a Jack bot which looked exactly like him.

"I have now replaced the Jack-acting emotions to ones that suit me more!" said Jack to himself, a huge smirk upon his face "Now we shall both dominate the world!"

The robot got up from the table.

"Why hello Jack," it said, in a voice exactly like his "May I interest you with some tea?"

"Sure, why not!"

The robots stomach opened and it pulled out a fresh cup of scolding hot tea.

"That is a tad too hot," said Robo-Jack "Let me blow on it for you."

Robo-Jack blew on the tea, making it cooler, then he handed it to Jack.

"Looks like evil just gained some more respect around her!" screamed Jack, taking the cup from Robo-Jack and drinking the contents.

Kimiko had to put the Shen-Gong-Wu away in the vault after that. She put all of the Shen-Gong-Wu in their rightful places and went back up the vault stairs. She closed the vault and went into her bedroom. The sign 'KEEP OUT OR FEEL THE WRATH OF MY SEXY MUSCLES! ' was still pinned upon Raimundo's curtain. Kimiko sighed and walked into her own room. To her surprise, Omi was there.

"Omi..." said Kimiko, loosing her temper and tapping her foot "What are you doing in my room?"

Omi turned around to face her, and then transformed. Kimiko took a step back, now there was a robot standing in 'Omi's' place. It was Jack's Chameleon-Bot. The Chameleon-Bot could transform into anybody and anything to make one confused.

"Great, just what I need," said Kimiko, making a ball of fire appear in the palm of her hand "Another stupid distraction."

She threw the ball of fire at the Chameleon-Bot. It fell to the floor. She got ready to throw another ball of fire at it, but when the smoke cleared she saw Raimundo lying in its place.

"Raimundo?" said Kimiko, making the fire go out.

Raimundo started crying.

"Rai I'm sorry," said Kimiko "I..."

Suddenly Raimundo transformed back into the Chameleon-Bot and flung Kimiko to the ground. Kimiko winced.

"WUDAI MARS, FIRE!" she screamed, flinging fire and lava at the Chameleon-Bot. The Chameleon-Bot flung out of the open window.

"And good riddance!" shouted Kimiko.

She rubbed her sore arm. That stupid Chameleon-Bot! Why is it always tricking me? she thought while kicking the wall of her bedroom and laying down on her matress.

"Kimiko," called Clay, banging on the wall "Dinner isn't gonna cook itself you know!"

"FINE!" screamed Kimiko, getting up and going into the kitchen.

She started to cook curry.

Twenty minutes later, it still wasn't ready.

"Kimiko, I'm hungry, you've bin ages," complained Clay.

"WELL LEARN TO COOK THEN!" she exclaimed, slamming the pans down and storming off.

Her mood still hadn't improved since the Chameleon-Bot encounter.

"Girls," said Omi "Do they actually know how to cook?"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY CHEESEBALL!" cried Kimiko, sprinting back in, her fists ready to punch his lights out.

"Erm...girls are ugly?" suggested Omi, making a not-so-good cover up story.


Omi tried to run away from Kimiko's flailing fists, but Kimiko was to fast for him. She punched him to the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach.

"SAY YOUR SORRY!" she fumed.

"I, am most...sorry..." said Omi, raising a shaking arm.

"That's more like it," said Kimiko, rubbing her hands together.

"Will you make dinner now? I'm starvin'!" asked Clay.

"I suppose," said Kimiko, realising how hungry she was herself.

She set the dinner out on the table and Clay practicly ate the plate!

"Mmmmm Mmmm!" he said when he was done "That was as nice as a big pork-chop smothered with Texas Hot Sauce!"

They all had to do the dishes. Kimiko washed, Omi inspected, Raimundo dried and Clay put away.

"Phoooeee!" said Clay, rubbing the sweat off his forhead "I'm so gosh darned tired. I'm gonna hit the hay. Night ya'll!"

"Yeah, me too," said Raimundo stretching and heading for his own room.

"Goodnight everyone, for tommorow will be a day of pleasure!" said Omi, going through the curtain of his room.

"Night," said Kimiko.

She lumbered into her room and got changed into her pink lacey pyjamas. A candle was lit on the bedside table. She lay down on her bed and thought about tommorow, which was a Saturday so they didn't have to train and do chores. Soon, she was in dream-world. The wind flew through the open window and blew the candle shut, submurging the sleeping Kimiko and her surroundings into total darkness.

Hope ya'll liked it! I'm gonna be working on this story for a long time now. I'm gonna try and make the chapters real long! And exciting! What do you think of it so far? Don't forget to read more and please write a review! See ya round!