Story Line: Raimundo is acting wierd and Kimiko notices. He won't tell her anything and she starts going a little weird herself. Has any of this got to do with the dissapearance of Kimiko? And do the so-called "super-heros" have anything to do with this? RaiXKim.

Chapter 10



Bang! The lightning was unleashed from Lightning's hand. It hit Kimiko with full force.

"NOOOO!" screamed Raimundo.

Lightning threw her head back and cackled. Volts suddenly let go of Raimundo and flew up into the sky.

"I'm scared," she whimpered "I wanna watch!"

Lightning clucked her tongue.

"Fine," she mumbled.

Kimiko fell from the sky again and slammed onto her back on the hard roof. One side of her face was badly burnt, almost black. But the other half was pale and unharmed. Raimundo ran up to her and fell to his knees. Tears started to form in his eyes but he succeeded in holding them back. Kimiko's eyes were shut tightly and her body was all slack and relaxed.

"Rai?" she said after what it had seemed like a thousand years of darkness.


They hugged tightly, both with tear filled eyes.

"For a moment there," sniffed Raimundo "I thought I'd lost you."
"I thought I'd lost the only one for me."

Raimundo smiled weakly. A light was coming for him...

"LOOK OUT!" screamed Kimiko, pointing behind him.

Raimundo looked back and a ball of lightning hit him hard in the face and sent him flying off the other end of the roof. Kimiko screamed and ran to the other edge...but it was too late...Raimundo had already fell.

"Oh Raimundo," whispered Kimiko, a tear running down her pale cheek.

Suddenly, she heard a wierd scraping noise. Kimiko looked over the edge...and saw Raimundo hanging on the roof with three fingers!

"Rai!" exclaimed Kimiko, grabbing his hand and pulling him back up with all of her might.

They both turned around and Lightning was standing behind them, hands on hips.


A giant beam of lightning shot out of her hands, hitting Kimiko in the side of the head. It didn't knock her flying, it just made her look duller. Her eyes lost their usual blue gaze and turned to a dull boring blue, her hair lost her sheen and perfectness and her clothes lost her brightness. Lightning lowered her hands and Kimiko stood there.

"Your wish is mine to command master," said Kimiko in a not-like-herself voice.

Lightning smirked.

"Leave this foul dirt and come with me, we have more to deal with than him," smirked Lightning. To Raimundo she said "She's lost her memory and won't get it back. Never, and the only one she listens to is me!"

Raimundo weakly fell to his knees. Kimiko ment the world to him and Lightning came and snatched everything that he had away from him. Lightning walked off and Kimiko followed her.

"Kimiko!" called Raimundo, staring at the ground "Kimiko! Kimiko! KIMIKO!"

"She won't respond to you Raimundo," said Lightning "Face the facts, come on Kimiko."

Raimundo left to his feet, tears pricking at his eyelids, wanting to be free.

"I feel happy whenever I'm with Kimiko. I don't think you know the true meaning of happiness," said Raimundo "Happiness is where you love someone and always want to be with them. You feel good inside and never want to part from them. Tell Kimiko that Lightning."

Lightning turned to Kimiko. A tear fell from Kimiko's eye and ran down her cheek.

"What the...but...she's not ment to respond to you!" cried Lightning.

Kimiko rose into the air again surrounded by a ring of fire. The colour came back into her eyes and gradually fled down her whole body from her head to her toes. She lowered to the floor and the fire dissapeared. Fire suddenly blasted from her hand and hit Lightning.

"YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF US!" she called, dragging Volts with her.

Raimundo's POV

I watched Lightning fly away with Volts, up into the night's stars. They had almost took Kimiko with them too. I hate them, and hope they die a painfull death and burn in the firey pits of hell. They're horrible and stupid and-and-and...

I can't find another horrible word to discribe them. They're too bad. Kimiko was on her knees, tears faling thick and fast onto her lap.

I pulled her towards that icy cold heart of mine...

But that icy heart began to melt...

OMFG! IT'S FINISHED! I hope you liked it. I've got a sequal coming soon and I know it's gonna be better then this. So, how did everyone like it? Love? Hate? Please review, and read my sequal when I've started!

Love you always ToXiC xoxoxoxox