Author's Note: Alright, people, this is the LAST chapter of Twilight Existence. Yes, I mean it. The last chapter. Don't fret though, there is a sequel. It will be called Twilight Emergence. It will be posted by Wednesday hopefully. For status updates, check my profile page. Thank you to all of my reviewers. As always, your praise is much appreciated. The song lyrics used in this song belong to Nelly Furtado. The lyrics read pretty weird, but if you actually listen to the song, you'll see that it fits perfectly. The song title is of course, All Good Things (Come to an End).

I won't let you down in the sequel either.


Chapter 21: All Good Things Come to an End


I turned around and stared at Riku as he walked in. I watched his expression as he saw my handiwork. I could feel his hatred piercing me.

"Are you finished?" Riku asked.

"Depends on what you mean by finished."


"You know why. Now you're the only one I want to kill next."

"We fight then."

"Very well."

We met at the beginning of the clear pathway and began our duel. Riku went on the offensive, aggressively chaining combos together. I kept moving and parrying his strikes. I knew better than to rush into trying to defeat Riku. Previous experiences had taught me this simple lesson. While I was musing, Riku broke from his attack pattern to swipe at my head. I managed to step back, but not before the edge of the dark keyblade grazed my forehead.

With a snarl, I retaliated, leaving a long gash on the side of Riku's face. We backed off and stared at each other. Blood was streaming down the side of Riku's face. Blood was also slowly streaming down my face as well. My anti-existence stirred in the back of my head. The smell of blood was tempting him through my senses.

"What do you hope to accomplish, Sora?" Riku asked.

"Why should I tell you?" I asked, starting forward again.

Riku rushed forward and swung his keyblade. I blocked it and pitted my strength against his. He didn't budge. Naturally…he was bigger than me and he was no slouch at swordplay. Back then, I may have accepted this fact. Now, it only managed to infuriate me.

"Why won't you join me, Riku?" I asked.

"This isn't you, Sora. You've gone mad."


I snarled and pushed Riku back with a burst of strength. Despite myself, I started aggressively attacking Riku, forcing him to go on the defensive.

Normal (third person):

Axel eased up the corridor leading up to the room with the portal to the other wings of the castle. He could no longer feel the presence of his comrades. I suppose this worked out to my advantage. I was planning to screw them over anyway, he thought with a small smile. However, Axel was still listening out for that crazy Sora kid. When he walked into the next room, he was surprised to see people still alive. One of them was Kairi. Axel frowned. Why was she crying?

"I can't believe there's one Nobody left," The man commented.

"I was the one smart enough not to provoke a wild Heartless," Axel said dryly.

Kairi sniffled and looked up.


"In the flesh. Why are you here? Don't you know that Sora kid is running around in here?"

"We know. Riku's fighting him now."


My host's rage filtered over to my side. I bathed in it, enjoying the sensations it gave me. Riku and Sora were going at it in mid air, consumed by the lust of battle. Riku was sporting a few deep gashes along his arms from where my host pierced his defenses. A wave of power forced Sora into the clear pathway violently. Riku settled down on the platform, keyblade raised in a stabbing position.

My host was out of breath from the impact. It was getting hard for him to focus. I shoved Sora's consciousness aside and shifted into Heartless form. I forced myself to melt into the floor like a shadow.

"So this is the creature…" Riku muttered.

Yeah, I am a creature. You'll see how much of a creature I am.

Taking advantage of my speed, I got behind him and rose up from the ground. Riku managed to turn around before I pounced on him. His keyblade barred me from getting close to his neck. I snarled, baring every last bit of my fangs.

"You've lost, mortal. I don't think you are going to outrun me," I hissed.

"Maybe he won't be the one killing you!"


A searing pain split through my chest, robbing me of air. I wheezed loudly. Blood bubbled up from my throat, filling my mouth.


Control came back over to me just as quickly as it was taken away. Riku had gotten out from under me.

Who stabbed me?

As I tilted my head up…

(Honestly, what will become of me…)

I saw the familiar red hair of…

"Kairi…" I gasped.

(I don't like reality…)

I was struggling for air.

"I'm sorry, Sora…" Kairi said tearfully.

(It's way too clear for me…)

You aren't sorry. You stabbed me. You betrayed me.

(Flames to dust, lovers to friends…)


I won't die…

Kairi knelt down beside me, tears running down her face.


He was dying.

He was dying right in front of my eyes. Somehow, I thought it would be easier to kill him if he kept the murdering up, but…

(Why do all good things come to an end?)

I turned my attention from my thoughts back to Sora. He was already gone. His spirit was flying away…

"Come on, Kairi. Let's go home…"

(The dogs were barking at the new moon…whistling a new tune…hoping that it come soon so that they could…die…)

"The darkness will come in a few months…"