Disclaimer: All I own is the brilliantly constructed plot that you will now read.

A/N: This chapter had Ginny and the little voices in her head. This voice is the voice of reason. This voice is the annoying little voice that bugs the crud out of you because it won't shut up. This voice is Ginny's actual thought patterns, the other two are just extras. This voice is all three combined. Anyway, on with the tale!

Chapter 1: Admitting the Truth

We should never have gotten involved. I wonder what they put in the punch. We should never have let it get that far. I was too drunk to stop myself. We should have known better. I thought I was smarter than that. We shouldn't have. But we did. And this is where it got us. I can't write this one off as a little mistake. This is where it got us. I hope we can make this work.

Although it scares the shit out of me. It's terrifying to admit. I have to say it. I can't hide it any longer.

I, Ginevra Molly Weasley, am pregnant. With Harry Potter's baby.

I am so screwed.

A/N: Interested yet? Did you like it? Did you not? Review please! I want opinions!