One Piece isn't mine. So please don't sue me…

Warning: This story is shonen ai, which is a term of Japanese origin used to refer to work that refers to homosexual relationships between male characters. Boy love. So if this isn't your thing, please go back now.

Luffy x Usopp, written for the topic "Flowers" at LiveJournal community OnePieceYaoi100. (and sorry for anyone who read this on 5/24/06 and prior... stupid site didn't save my changes correctly, and it was all funky...)

Squinting critically at the collection of watercolors before him, decided on a cornflower blue and swirled the damp paintbrush over a small chunk of pigment. Tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration, the liar put a few finishing touches on the painting before him.

"Oi, Usopp, whatcha doin'?"

The sharpshooter flung his arms in the air with a startled yelp, sending the paintbrush clattering against the wall. Clutching his chest, he turned to find himself face-to-face with an amused Luffy.

"Did I scare you?" The young captain asked with a grin.

Usopp straightened proudly. "Of course not! The Great Captain Usopp-sama was just practicing his oh-so-deadly… um… death by paintbrush… technique."

"SUGOI!" Luffy crowed, eyes wide in amazement as he plopped down beside the sharpshooter. "Can I try?"

"Um, no. It's a secret, taught to me by a tribe of pygmy penguins…" Usopp trailed off as he noticed the rubberman peering at his newest work in fascination. "What?"

"Can I try that?" Luffy pointed at the watercolors.

The liar was normally uber-protective of his art supplies, but for Luffy… "Sure. Hold on and I'll grab you some paper and a brush." The two boys worked side-by-side for several minutes; Luffy swishing the brush furiously while Usopp adjusted a small smear caused by Luffy's previous interruption. Pleased with the result, he stood to hang it on the drying line when a hand tugged at his pant leg.

"This is for you," the shorter boy said simply, passing him the slightly soggy paper.

Usopp peered at the strange blobs of color helplessly for a few moments. "It's… nice, Luffy. What is it?"

The rubberman cocked his head to the side and looked at the liar as if he'd lost all reason. "They're flowers, Usopp. I made you flowers."

The sharpshooter's full lips slid open in an 'o' as he stared at the color-splotched paper, unable to help the flush that bloomed on his cheeks. Luffy just stood with a laugh and pressed a quick kiss to that open mouth before scampering off.

And Usopp blushed some more.