Wow, this did turn out to be really despressing. I did it quickly, and I have absolutely no idea where the theme came from. My inspiration is for dark stories these days. This story is hinting more towards the anime than the manga. Review please!



Vermillion puddles on the floor, on my wounds, on you.

You're hovering over me, tears spilling from wide, dilating eyes and I can see your mouth yelling my name. I cannot hear the words, but I see pale lips spelling your fright.


Why are you screaming? I'm not going anywhere. Not anymore. I'm home. We can be together, and start a family, and…

I'm so dizzy…

Why are you here again?

God, you're beautiful. With the sunset above, and your sorrow set against its euphoria, the heavens seem to be mocking you. You don't deserve this.

Stop crying. I told you I wouldn't let you cry…

Your hair is gleaming under the sun, much like when you were young, with it short and whipping at your bleached complexion…

Why can't I concentrate?

I'm young… making you a doll with onyx button eyes and velvety hair so that I could always be with you, even when I'm not beside you…

I see things… why don't they scare me? Al is his human body, and our homunculus's withered flesh twitching… gasping for breath… watching… learning…

I'm leaving Risembool… you're waving…

It's just us, Win. You're tending to my automail, and I'm watching with coy flaxen eyes, half-shut and drowning in a hazy sleep.

Your fingers drumming along my arm… the sounding of your wrench against cobalt set metal… it's so relaxing… away from the stress of Central and the Colonel and days of trying…

Its summer… we're sitting under our tree and laughing like we always would… I'm kissing your warm, silken cheek…

I told you, stop crying, I can't bear to see you hurting…

You're fading…

I see the gate… its opening and small, ebony hands are grabbing at me… mauve orbs lighting up and tugging at my clothes… my skin…

I just came to tell you, Winry, I love you… I wanted to stay by your side… and thank you… for waiting… all of these years…

Will I ever be able to let you know…?

It's hard to continue… this… but I'm happy… please… keep waiting a little longer… and one day… you'll never have to cry again… for real, this time…

…We'll be together again…