Disclaimer: I don't own, you don't sue!

A/N: This is one-sided DM/HP, I hope you get it even though there's no names!

News about my other fis can be found at my profile!

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Love is a fragile thing, sometimes strong, but still so fragile. My love for you where not strong enough to be unbreakable, not passionate enough to defeat it's enemies. My love for you was not great enough to besiege kingdoms and oceans. My love for you was not sweet enough to make flowers blossom and spring come early. It was not even beautiful enough to make you smile.

I tried so many years to put the pain aside, to forget, forget about you. I never could, lying to thine heart is a impossible accomplishment. You can lie and make yourself believe it but thy heart never will. My heart knew the truth about my love for you and told me every hour, every minute and every second of the day.

I see your face often, not you but your picture, there is always news about you, about your newest achievements, about your daily life and worst of all about your love life. I hate reading about you lovers, about romantic dinners and lovers quarrels. I hate it when there's pictures of you kissing someone that's not me. I hate it more and more every time.

You don't know I love you, how could you when all I have ever shown you have been hate. I never hated you though, never. I was merely afraid, afraid and foolish. To be scared of others opinions is foolish, to hold opinions of people you don't know over your own happiness is downright stupid.

I was a fool, I never told you of my love, not then, nor will I ever. You are happy now, without me, happy to be gone of me. I know you hate me, how could you not? I have never given you a reason to feel anything other than hate towards me.

I have taunted and mocked you since we where both little boy, I have treated you worse than one treats cattle, I deserve nothing but your hate for me. I have abused you, so many times I have abused you, your soul, your body, your being.

I knew you where crying and yet I taunted you, just to hear your sweet voice even muffled with tears and filled with hatred, burning with your hatred for me. All the times I mocked you, you looked at me with hatred. I could never stop, if those looks where all I was ever going to get it would have to be enough so I continued to taunt you, to mock you and abuse you just for those brief looks of passionately burning hatred.

I don't cry anymore, there are no tears left, but still the pain remains in my heart, never lessening, never going away. The tears I have cried have long since dried and for every tear that's fallen the pain has worsened some. There are no soothing balms or gentle touches for a bleeding heart, no stitches could ever heal it, nothing can repair a heart that has broken but the love that broke it.

No you didn't break my heart, I did that all on my own, I torn it apart with my fear and now that damage can never be undone. I would never take your happiness from you just to take the pain away, I have lived with this pain for almost twenty years, I can handle it and will just go on as I have before but it would not be fare of me to turn your life upside down just to be rid of it.

I love you my fire and life and I will never forget you but you will never know that, because around you I seem to be ice and ashes.