AN: Ever since Chapter 11, I wasn't sure exactly how to go about ending the story, because I knew that it was at an end. Looking back on the entire story, there were things I wished I could change and some things I wished I could have added in, but didn't think of it at the time. Either way, I needed a creative way of ending things without being to cheesy. The best I could think of was this.

This is the epilogue. It takes place a few years into the future, and the end will be told through flashbacks.

It's been a joy writing this, but I can't wait until I can officially label this one finished. Let me know what you think, because I do plan on leaving it on a cliff hanger, with plans of adding random one shots that take place in this Supernatural/Gilmore Girls universe.

"Rory!" Dean Winchester shouted, poking his head into the bedroom, urging the girl to hurry with her prepping. He understood that some girls felt then need to look good in public, but there were lines that shouldn't be crossed. More than fifteen minutes locked away in the bathroom was the line. If there was anybody that didn't need the extra minutes, it was Rory Gilmore. She was naturally beautiful, fair skin and blue eyes, a captivating smile to go with it. "We have to meet Sam in fifteen minutes!" He commented. He rolled her eyes when she, once again, shouted that she would be out in a minute. "You said that ten minutes ago." He muttered, but exited the master bedroom without argument.

He'd learned the hard way that leaving things on a good note was best. His heart still skipped a beat when he thought of that night two and half years ago when he exited the honey moon sweet after bickering with Rory over where they would eat and why he had to look half way decent. It was something he should have kept quiet about; they were there for a reason, but he'd been anxious about involving her and let his emotions get the best of him. Seeing the hotel room a mess, papers tossed all around the room, a chair knocked over and Rory nowhere in sight would haunt his memories forever. He'd looked around for her, his car was still in the parking lot, his keeps still lodged in his pants pocket, she wasn't in the hotel restaurant, nor in the local diner across the street. She was gone, and it was like his worst nightmare come true.

Sighing, he remembered how over protective he'd been once they'd found her. After two weeks of not leaving her side, she'd flipped out on him. Now a days, he tried to give her space without leaving her for long periods of time. Now that the kind of evil he'd fought all his life knew of her existence, and knew what she was, she would never be completely safe, and he'd promised himself that he would do everything he could to ensure that she was as safe as she could be, always.

"Dean!" Sam and Tristan burst through the hotel room door, looking around the room wildly, pausing when they saw Dean sitting on the bed, cell phone in hand, pushing the redial button over and over, sighing each time he had to hang up, pushing the redial button again. "Dean, where's Rory?" Sam asked, searching the room, peeking into the bathroom, the closet, any space that Rory Gilmore could be hiding in.

"Gone." Dean's voice was soft, heavy.

"What do you mean gone?" Tristan asked, eyes wild.

"I mean 'gone'. I took a shower after we arrived and came out to this." He waved his hand around the room. He'd done nothing to clean up the mess her captor's left.

"Logan." Sam and Tristan spoke aloud together. Dean looked up.

"Logan? Like her jack ass boyfriend who is supposed to be your sworn enemy?" Dean asked, glaring at Tristan.

"Dean-" Sam tried, but Dean shook his head.

"I thought you said it wasn't time!" Dean shouted, "you said she would be safe until it was time."

"This entire thing was a trick, Dean. Logan fooled us. As the legend goes, his main target was supposed to be me. Rory's the omega, meaning if she births a child from either of us, that child could either save the world or end it. She's supposed to be the consolation prize." Tristan explained, continuing quickly when he saw the look passed across Dean's face. "This battle has been going on for centuries, but it's only the last few generations where an Omega has appeared. Rory's mother was one, and her grandmother, but neither side was able to find her in time. Logan's not playing by the rules." Dean found it hard to believe that there was rules to the ancient battle between good and evil.

"Of course he's not. He's the bad guy, right?" Dean laughed sarcastically.

"We need to find her. We think we know where he may take her." Sam stated, both boys agreeing.

"What does Sam need to meet up with us for, anyway?" Rory asked, stepping out of the bedroom, wearing a casual day dress and a pair of matching flats. Dean stared at her for a long moment before answering.

"Don't know, but he said it was important." Dean shrugged his shoulders. It'd been a few months since they'd seen or heard from Sam. While Dean had settled down, sticking around to protect Rory for the things that went bump in the night, Sam had continued with hunting. Normally Sam stopped by their house whenever he was in town, but this time he'd been cryptic, insisting on meeting in a public arena. Dean had questioned him, knowing his brother had reason.

"Remember that knife you found on me?" Tristan asked, looking at Dean. The hunter nodded.

"The one with all the symbols on it?" Dean asked. Tristan nodded.

"I'm going to need it." Tristan stated. He didn't sound worried, but Dean knew he had to be. Not only were they rushing into the unknown to rescue Rory, but, also to this final battle that he'd been fighting against since he'd found out that he'd have to either kill or be killed.

"Well, at least some things never change." Rory laughed as they pulled into the parking lot of the roadside diner. "Is it too much to ask that you Winchester boys go out to eat at a fancy restaurant?" Rory teased. Dean rolled his eyes.

"This is fine dining for a Winchester, darling." Dean grinned.

"Rory!" Dean shouted, as he and Sam ran into the room, surprised to see that Logan and Tristan were already circling each other, weapons, identical long knives decorated with jewels and intricate symbols and designs, out.

"She's in the back room, tied up." Tristan shouted, glancing at Sam and Dean before focusing his attention back on Logan. Both brothers took off towards the room behind the two.

More than anything Dean remembered how relieved he'd been seeing Rory in that room, alive. Rescuing her wasn't easy, though. Logan had made sure of that. No less than three demon were in the room with her, being manipulated by Logan to ensure that Tristan nor Sam and Dean got anywhere near her.

"Sam." Dean smirked at his brother, bringing him in for a hug. Sam tapped his back before pulling away and giving Rory a hug as well..

"Oh my god, Tristan!" Rory gasped, pulling out of Dean's arms and racing towards a heaving Tristan who lay on the floor, covered in his and Logan's blood.

"Rory." Tristan coughed, grinning that stupid smirk he always graced her with as he took her hand, squeezing it. "My chest hurts." He laughed, causing Rory to growl at him.

"You have a knife sticking out of it, of course it does." Rory rolled her eyes, fighting the urge to smack the shoulder that was injured.

"Logan?" Tristan asked. Rory looked at the prone body a few feet from him.

"Dead." Sam informed them, touching the side of his neck, checking for a pulse. "We need to get Tristan out of here and to a hospital." He went to Tristan, taking his free hand, fingers touching his wrist. "His pulse is slow, we need to hurry." Sam said, looking at Dean who nodded, gently pushing Rory out of the way, helping his brother lift their prone friend off the floor. Tristan was barely conscience, but did his best to help them get them out to the Impala. Dean, for once didn't' complain about blood getting on his seats, wrapping Tristan in a blanket from the trunk without even thinking about it.

"C'mon, Dean, let's hurry." Rory climbed into the backseat with Tristan, letting his body relax into hers as she ran her fingers through his hair, trying her best to both keep him awake and keep him calm.

"I spoke to Tristan the other day." Sam stated. Both Rory and Dean looked up.

"And?" Rory asked.

"He's good. Been doing research with Bobby on whether or not he'd have to worry about another avatar coming around trying to kill him anytime soon. He's still working on the effects that Logan had on the minions he kept around him." Sam informed. "Jo's with them." He chuckled. "Apparently, she feels guilty about falling under Logan's manipulation and trying to muck things up for us." He continued. "Personally, I think she likes him, though." He chuckled.

"They make a good match." Rory grinned, happy to hear that her friend was doing well after the trauma that had occurred a few years before.

"So what's so important that you had us meet you in public?" Dean asked, getting straight to the point, glancing at his brother before digging into his food.

"A few months ago, Bobby and I were working a case when Dad's phone rang." He said slowly.

"Dad's phone?" Dean asked.

"Some kid was on the other end. Said Dad said to call it in case of emergencies only. Apparently, he came home to surprise his mother and found her dead. That's traumatizing enough, but apparently, in the middle of phoning the police, his mother walks in."

"I'm sorry, what?" Dean asked.

"Guys, can we not talk about dead bodies at the dinner table?" Rory asked, although resigned to the fact that she knew that her words were falling on death ears.

"Yeah. Turned out to be ghouls. Here's the thing though." Sam stated. "Kid had no idea what Dad did for a living. He freaked out and called dad because, well, apparently, our dad is his dad."

"What kind of sick joke is that?" Dean asked, slamming his fork down.

"I thought the same thing, and planned to call him out on it after we got rid of the ghouls. But I did my research, I was thorough, I did every kind of test imaginable. This kid is our half-brother."

"And this happened how long ago?" Dean asked.

"A few months?" Sam shrugged.

"And you are just telling me now?"

"Yeah. Neither of us were really sure how to proceed. He tried to go back to his normal life. Went back to school, tried to forget the kind of hell that is apparently attracted to the Winchester family." Sam explained. "Things didn't work out, and about a week ago, he left school to find me."

"You leave him at Bobby's?" Dean asked.

"No." Sam shook his head.

"He's here." Dean stated, to which Sam nodded.

From behind him, someone cleared their throat, turning around, Dean Winchester was shocked to see a tall teenage boy standing behind him. It was impossible to ignore the similarities between him and the kid, no way of doubting that this was the kid Sam was talking about. "Dean?" The boy asked. Dean nodded numbly.

"I'm Adam, your brother," Adam spoke, sticking out his hand.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

The end.

Please Review. Let me know what kind adventures the group of them can get up to. I hope you liked this, and I hope it made sense, but I wasn't sure that I could do the story justice if I spent an entire chapter on the ending. Again. Please review. Let me know if this was adequate.