This chapter, whilst not too explicit, is rated T, just to be safe.


It was almost 2300 by the time Sam and Jack returned to their room. Sam swiped her electronic key through the reader and the door clicked softly as the lock released. Jack closed the door quietly behind them and turned to find Sam emptying her pockets of her cell phone and some loose change.

"I wonder what the guys and Cassie got up to today?" Sam wondered, "I haven't heard from Cassie since last night."

"Sam, I'm sure Cassie's fine. She is with Teal'c ya know!"

Sam wagged a finger at him.

"I notice you didn't mention Daniel! You do realise that we've released an anthropologist, a 200 year-old alien and a teenager into one of the most surreal cities in the world, right?"

"Oh, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, isn't that how it goes?" Jack replied nonchalantly.

"You don't at least want to check up on them?" Sam inquired only to receive an adamant shake of Jack's head in return.


Sam scowled.

"OK, well, if anything happens to them it's on your head, OK? Glad we got that clear!" Sam berated before grinning.

Jack stuck his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders. Then he pouted and looked up at Sam with an oh-so-adorable 'what did I do?' expression at which point Sam almost passed out. Leaning back against the dresser for support whilst trying to appear unfazed, Sam smirked at Jack.



Sam slowly stood up to her full height and walked towards Jack, stopping millimetres from his nose. Staring into his eyes she slid her hand up the side of his neck and face whilst he remained rooted to the spot.

"I want you." She whispered. Jack smirked at the memory of the last time she had said those words to him. This time, however, she was not infected with an alien virus and her gentle touch was a million miles away from the savage attack she had bestowed upon him the last time. He stared into her eyes for a few moments before suddenly lunging forward and capturing her lips with his as Sam's arms slid around his neck, crushing herself against him. The sudden force of Sam's weight propelled him backwards and he almost fell over his discarded shoes before regaining his balance, their momentum sending him crashing into the door. While Jack fiddled with the buttons on Sam's sweater, Sam almost tore Jack's shirt off after having decided that it had far too many tiny buttons; his tailor was going to get it in the neck the next time she spoke to him! Having discarded Jack's shirt, Sam began to work on his belt. Meanwhile, Jack, having undone the buttons on the sweater, slipped it from her shoulders and was about to toss it to the floor when …


"Greetings, O'Neill, Colonel Carter!"

The pair of them froze. Jack reluctantly pulled away and spun around angrily.

"Thor! Buddy, so not the time!"

Carter just stood in silence, staring back and forth between Jack and Thor. And then she started to laugh at the sight in front of her. There stood Jack O'Neill, soon-to-be-Head of Homeworld Security, dressed only in a pair of half-undone Levi's and white socks. Finally she calmed down enough to be able to speak.

"Thor, what can we help you with?"

"Nothing, Colonel Carter."

Jack was about to open his mouth in protest but promptly shut it.

"Nothing? What do you mean nothing? Well then why, pray tell, did you interrupt our evening?"

Thor seemed completely unfazed by O'Neill's anger.

"I merely wished to extend my congratulations on your marriage, O'Neill. May it be extremely fruitful."

Sam blushed profusely at that last comment.

"Yes, well, we were getting there before you decided to pay us a visit, now if that's all I'd like to be returned to the lodge thank you!"

"There is one more thing, O'Neill."

"Yeah? OK, but be quick!"

"I wish to present these to you as a wedding gift," He announced as he held out two transporter stones, "I have been informed that you are to be transferred to Washington D.C. This seems most unfortunate if you are to maintain a relationship. I hope that you will be able to put these to good use!"

Carter just stared in shock.

"Thor, I… thank you!"

"You are most welcome, Colonel Carter. I shall now return you to your lodgings."

"Ah, thanks, buddy, it means a lot!" O'Neill yelled just before another flash of light enveloped them both and they were returned to their room.

"Well that was… exciting." Jack said as Sam stared at the stones that had been beamed onto the dresser. "Guess I can come home on the weekends now, eh? Sweet!"

Jack walked up behind Sam and slipped his arms around her waist before pressing his lips against the back of her neck. "Now," kiss, "where", kiss, "were", kiss, "we?"

"There's… good!" she said breathlessly as he found a particularly sensitive spot at the base of her neck; the alien technology was instantly forgotten.

Sam shivered involuntarily and spun around to face him. Jack peeled off Sam's T-shirt excruciatingly slowly and Sam responded by kissing him on the lips forcefully whilst simultaneously unfastening his jeans which slid to the floor to reveal his Simpsons boxer shorts. Her own jeans were next on the list of clothing to be removed and were discarded in a heap on the floor somewhere nearby. Sam backed up until she hit the dresser which Jack lifted her onto so as not to hurt her when he pushed her against it. In return, Sam squeaked and wrapped her legs around Jack's waist as she ran her tongue along his bottom lip seeking to deepen the kiss. Jack responded obligingly and Sam reached up and ran her hands through his hair.




"Mmmm!" he mumbled as he lifted her up and carried her over to the king-size four poster bed and gently deposited her on the top of the duvet before stepping away from her slightly. His eyes searched hers, still unsure and seeking her approval. All he got in return was a frustrated glare before Sam leaned forward and yanked the elastic waistband of his shorts towards her, dragging him with it. He stumbled and fell, landing on her lap with an 'ooomph!' Sam smiled at his slightly shocked expression.

"What part of 'I want you' don't you understand, … Jack?" she purred before grabbing his hands and guiding them to the clasp on her bra, helping him to unhook it. Sam then let go of his hands before sliding them up his chest and tracing a line down his toned stomach with her lips. Jack shivered involuntarily at the feather-light kisses she was trailing along his taught muscles.

"Oh God, Sam…" he growled, "Not… fair!"

Sam smiled against his stomach.


"Nuh, uh!"


Before Sam had time to react, Jack cupped her face with his hands and kissed her senseless as Sam melted and Jack supported her back as she sank backwards, pulling him down with her.


Sam awoke to find the sunlight streaming through a gap between the curtains. The next thing she was aware of was a pair of strong arms wrapped possessively around her torso and the faint tickle of Jack's breath on the back of her neck. Just as she went to move, his grip tightened and he began to place several soft kisses on the back of her neck.

"Mmmm… good morning, Jack."

"Mornin' Sam!" he mumbled between kisses. "Sleep well?"

Sam grinned.

"Very. Of course that may have been due to an extremely hot Air Force General tiring me out last night!"

"Well, as an old man, I try my best!"

Sam elbowed him softly in the ribs.

"Old men do not do what you did last night!"

"That good, huh?"

Sam beamed.

"Let's just say no one has ever been able to make me scream their name like that. Twice!"

"Right back atcha, Carter!" Jack said, turning an interesting shade of fuschia. He reached over to the bedside table and picked up the room service menu. "You hungry?"

Sam pulled the menu from his grasp and tossed it to one side.

"Yep! I'd like one Jack O'Neill with a side order of General, please!" she announced before pouncing on him. "We've still got 6 hours until our flight, right?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" he announced before lunging at Sam and tickling her ribs.

"S..S…Stop i..t!" she said between giggles, as she batted his hands away but it was no use. He was too strong.

"Make me!" He challenged, wiggling his eyebrows. Sam violently shoved him onto his back and straddled his hips.

"You asked for it, General!" Sam yelled and then proceeded to bite his bottom lip, making him shiver. At that moment he realised that no matter how long he lived, he would never, ever be able to get enough of the woman that was currently pinning him to the bed and he thanked God for that!


Sam, Jack, Cassie and the rest of SG-1 stood in the airport terminal waiting for the guys' plane to arrive to take them back to the Springs. Sam was dressed in her class As whilst the rest of SG-1 were in civvies.

"Could all passengers on flight 197 to Colorado Springs please head to gate 34 to begin boarding the aircraft. Thank you."

Daniel shrugged.

"That's us! Well, I guess we'll be seeing you in a few weeks, Sam?"

Sam stepped forward and hugged Daniel and then Teal'c.

"I'll be back before you know it! Take care, guys."

Both Daniel and Teal'c nodded before saying their goodbyes and heading towards the gate. Jack remained behind.

"Got your … rock?" Jack asked cryptically. Sam smiled and held up her left hand.

"You mean, this one?"

"Both!" He beamed before enveloping Sam in a tight bear hug. "Be careful, now, Sam. I know it's only R & D but just make sure you don't blow yourself up or anything, OK?"

Sam smiled in response.

"I won't Jack, I promise. Looks like you're up, you'd better get going."

Jack took one last long look at his wife, still not quite believing his luck. He was usually an impatient man but this was one thing that had definitely been worth the wait, he decided! He leant forward and kissed her deeply before uttering their final goodbye and walking away. When Jack was out of sight, Sam turned to find an older woman staring at her with a grin on her face.

"I take it he's your husband?" The lady nodded towards the gate Jack had just left through, "You're one lucky lady, I'll tell you that! I haven't seen anyone look at their wife like that since my husband died!"

"Excuse me?"

"Take it from someone who's been there, honey, that man would go to Hell and back for you without even batting an eyelid! Do you know how rare that is nowadays?" Sam smiled, if only she knew…, "Never let him go, ya hear?"

Sam grinned.

"Oh, he's not going anywhere, Ma'am, trust me!" and with that Sam walked off back through the airport with a slight swagger to her step at the thought that she finally had everything she wanted.

"Thanks, Dad!"


That's it! I wasn't planning on writing any more to this story so thank you to all of my reviewer and readers for taking the time to read my story:D