Title: The Line of Duty

Summary: Haldir is the Commander of the Galadhrim; Lothrin is the Commander of Lady Galadriel's personal guard. When Lothrin gets involved in Galadhrim business she falls prey to a terrible attack and Haldir must save the annoying elleth…

Disclaimer: We do not own or claim to own any of the characters, places, or languages of the Tolkien universe. We make no profit from this story and hope you enjoy reading it! Lothrin is the Sindarin name that translates "Lady Crowned in Flowers", and she is an OFC.

Authors' notes: This story is co- authored between Muddie21 and Onhiro, this is our first joint fiction. Muddie21 will be writing Lothrin's POV, and Onhiro will be writing Haldir's POV.

Caras Galadhon

Lothrin stood at the base of the tallest mellyrn in the city with a stack of papers in her hands. Being the Commander of the Lady's Royal Guard really left you with a great amount of paper work, names of guests, dates of arrivals, lodging, political agendas, really sometimes Lothrin felt more like a scribe than a guardian.

"Commander," she turned around to address one of her guards who held another stack of papers in his hands.

"Belegorn, more papers?" she asked and was answered by a curt nod. She really couldn't hide her smile. "I shall visit with the lady shortly to discuss the security of the gates, please return to your post." She ordered and took the papers from his hands.

Her eyes quickly scanned the document noting that it was a dispatch to Lord Celeborn from the Commander of the Wardens.

"Signed by Haldir…." She murmured as she walked up the spiral stairs to the main reception talan. Her brow was furrowed deeply as she read the reports of the orc attacks on the northern borders. Ever since the Balrog had inhibited Moria, orcs had assaulted the borders of Lothlorien, each time to be defeated by the guards. Yet still with the protection of Nenya and the Wardens there was still cause to have a Royal Guard to watch the gates, just in case the orcs ever breeched Haldir's command.

Lothrin bowed deeply to the Lady of Light and smiled. The Lady nodded to Lothrin, a silent request to follow her into her study.

Once inside, the Lady seated herself and motioned Lothrin to sit opposite her.

"My Lady, I bring word for Lord Celeborn from the borders." Lothrin handed her the stack of papers signed by Haldir and then awaited the Lady to turn her attention from the papers.

When she received a nod to continue Lothrin smiled again, "The Royal Guard has finished its second chain of training, thank you for granting us time on the fields."

"Lothlorien needs all its guards well trained, and I understand how hard it is when Haldir is in the city to train your guard." She replied.

Lothrin bowed her head in respect, yes she did know. She recalled a time when Haldir was training the new recruits for their first border duty and she had brought her command down to the archery range, it ended up in a heated shouting match between the two Commanders, until Celeborn was called to break it up, and it was then that both Commanders were severely punished for allowing themselves to fight against each other rather than work together for a common cause—the protection of their beloved Lorien.

Lothrin was torn away from her reminiscence by Galadriel's laugh, of course Galadriel recalled the scuffle very well, she had been the one to call Celeborn.

"My lady, the gates are being watched, I have placed a regiment in the talans surrounding the gates as well as several guards surrounding the central talan. In the event that a breech does occur we have trained on how to evacuate the citizens of Lothlorien safely, while defending our land."

"Lothrin, it is in my heart to remind you that you also must provide back up to Haldir's command. Haldir will do everything in his power to defend the border, but in the event that the city is breeched, for we are in dark times, we must provide in extra caution, understand that you will have to send out a regiment to aid Haldir's army, as well as evacuate the citizens of my land." Galadriel smiled knowingly. She knew Haldir refused Lothrin's aid anytime it was offered, there was no question about it, Lothrin had sent out to Haldir several times when the refreshments had failed him, yet he refused every time.

Arrogance her mind chided at that memory.

You may feel him arrogant, little one, but Haldir has watched over our borders for many millennia, and I trust in his judgment, as should you. The Lady firmly responded in her mind.

Lothrin blushed and nodded quickly.

"But now my dear, we must discuss the coming of Elrond, Arwen and my two grandsons to Lothlorien. They are due to arrive here in a few hours time, and I want you to escort them to me. It has been many long years that I have not seen my son in law and grand children, maybe they will bring good tidings to Lorien in its time of peril, yes?"

Lothrin smiled, she dearly loved Arwen ever since Arwen was but a child clinging to Lady Celebrian's shoulders.

"I shall send a dispatch immediately to the borders and see to it done." Lothrin bowed her head again.

"You may go, may your day be pleasant till next I see you." The Lady smiled and stood gracefully from her seat.

Lothrin rose and bowed again, turning to the lady, "Most gracious day to you my Lady."

Lothrin moved quickly on the forest floor to the gates, she needed to get the dispatch out quick so she could get a concession together to meet the Lord a few miles outside of the gate, because of course, Haldir would not allow that Lothrin or any of her command set foot near the border.

The nerve of that Elf, thinking my guard incompetent! She sighed as she grabbed the rope that slid down the side of the mellyrn and climbed up. When she reached the talan she pulled the rope up and walked to the desk in the corner and pulled out parchment and a quill and began to write a quick letter to the Commander.

Commander Haldir

Greetings from the City. The Lady has foreseen Elrond and his children's coming to Lothlorien, she has predicted that they will be arriving in a few hours time. I request that we send a group of guard to meet them and escort them safely to the Lady, my guard is ready to move out and greet the Lord. We will be ready in an hour's time.

Commander Lothrin

-Royal Guard

She sealed it with her stamp and handed it to one of the guards standing ready to dispatch the letter and he lithely leaped from the tree and sprinted to his destination, she watched as he disappeared under the foliage and turned to collect her guard and make the necessary arrangements for lodging.

Maybe the Valar will surprise me and Haldir will accept… She thought bitterly as she set about her task.

A/N: Muddie here, hope you liked the first chapter!