Hermione was standing in front of a huge mirror in a back room, alone, listening to the soft violin music floating through the air, just slightly above the babble of voices coming from where their ceremony would take place. She was admiring the gown, the way it swished around the bottom, the sparkling beads around the top. Her make-up had been kept fairly simple, but, as far as she could see, she looked rather elegant. If all went well, she and Harry would finally be married for good in less than five minutes. She heard a throat being cleared behind her. She spun around to see her father dressed in a black suit that fit his naturally thin frame nicely. He'd regained the huge amounts of weight he'd lost, and now the only thing missing was the muscle, but that could wait for Hermione. She was happy to have him tipping the scales at a decent weight again.

"Hey, Baby Girl." he said softly, in awe of her. "Are you ready to go?"

She walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Yeah Daddy, I'm ready."

"Then I guess I am, too." He let her slip a hand under his elbow and guided her from the little bridal room they were in to just around the corner from the double doors where she'd make her entrance. Ginny, who was her maid of honor, pranced to her, a wide smile on her face.

At the look of anxiousness on her friend's face, Ginny laughed. "Everything's fine, Hermione. Harry and his boys are already in there. It's all going to be fine." She hugged the bride before the other girls in the bridal party followed suit. In the order of their place at Hermione's alter side, Tonks, Emily Thea, and CeCe all approached her and squeezed her.

"I love you, Mummy." Little CeCe said as she buried her face in her mother's wedding gown, then turned to her grandfather and hugged him. The first tear of the day came to Hermione's eye as she watched her father and daughter cuddle, dark hair pushed back nicely against braided brunette, just like her mother's. He set her down and she returned to her spot in line at the front of the group, Emily Thea, Tonks, and Ginny behind her. The music changed as Hermione drew a deep breath and gave the signal for her baby to go ahead and walk down the aisle. Emily Thea, wearing a blush pink dress the same as CeCe's, followed, then Tonks and Ginny in their maroon. They all looked gorgeous, smiling and gliding to the front, each aligned with one of Harry's groomsmen, Charlie, Sirius (when he got there), Remus, and Ron, respectively. Ginny had reached the priest's side and he gave the signal for the guests to rise. Sirius took a small step forward. Hermione stepped with him.

Harry had watched all of Hermione's girls step forward, starting with their daughter. She'd winked at her daddy when she reached him. He'd smiled, knowing he'd raised her to be playful like that. She looked so grown up. She was nine going on twenty-five, it seemed to him. Maybe he should think about another one. He thought that maybe he might like another baby with Hermione, now that he was in the position to have one. That's not such a bad idea, he thought to himself. Before he knew it, Ginny had reached the alter and was turning to stand in her place. The big moment was upon them. Harry held his breath as the wedding march began. He got his first glimpse of his wife just then. She was smiling, brown eyes shining as they locked eyes. Time froze, and everyone else evaporated except the two of them, or so it felt. He heard his son whisper "Wow, look at Mum." somewhere down the way in his groomsmen line, but he hardly registered what he'd heard. All he knew was her. This was how it was supposed to be.

She heard whispers on either side of her, admiring sighs of "Wow, she looks great!" or "Oh, she is beautiful!" She felt like she was walking on air. She noticed Harry seemed to be having trouble standing in one place and not sprinting to her, like he obviously wanted to. She and her father had made that walk. They stopped as Sirius turned to her and kissed her temple gently. "I love you, Hermione."

She smiled as she cried, managing only to mouth the same words through the knot in her throat. Harry came to her right side. Sirius took her hand and folded it into Harry's.

"Who gives this woman to be married?" the pastor asked, customarily.

Sirius turned to his old friend Remus and jerked his head in a motion that clearly meant "Come here." Remus looked stunned, but stepped down and next to Sirius. They said "We do." together. Sirius kissed Hermione one more time and hurried to his place among Harry's groomsmen. Remus stepped closer to Hermione to give her a kiss of his own.

"I love you, Papa."

"I love you, too. Did you plan that?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No, Papa, that was all your best friend's doing. I didn't know that would happen. But I'm glad it did."

"Me, too." He kissed her once more because he felt like it, and went to stand next to Sirius.

"Thanks, Padfoot." he said quietly as he reached him.

Sirius met his friend's eye with his own sparkling blue-grays. "Don't mention it. She's yours, too." Remus stood next to him proudly. Both were thinking of James and Lily, wishing they could be here for this. The audience sat as the priest began to speak.

The wedding party and about fifty close friends watched as the couple said their vows, lit a unity candle, and exchanged new rings. More than a few whoops and hollers were heard when the minister had pronounced them husband and wife and they had shared a kiss. A stream of light had burst through the room from one of the stained glass windows that was the ceremony's backdrop just as the pastor had said "Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. And Mrs. Harry Potter!" Harry and Hermione looked over to see Remus and Sirius standing, obviously thinking the same as they were. Maybe Harry's parents weren't too far away after all. The happy couple were holding hands as they left the building and went out to a beautiful carriage that would take them to their reception, maybe with a detour or two between time.

Harry helped Hermione into the coach and climbed in after her. He sat down next to her as the carriage began to move. As he looked over at her, she was looking back, smiling easily. He was in wonderment, just staring into her soul. He leaned in gently to take her face in his hands and kiss her tenderly. "I love you, Hermione."

She snuggled into his arms as she returned the kiss, making sure she lingered for a satisfying while before she murmured "I love you, too, Harry." She closed her eyes as she smelled the cologne on his firm chest. She loved him too much to express in words, so she rested on him as she let the father of her children, her lover, her friend, her rock, her husband stroke her hair and embrace her. Life was good.

What Hermione did not know was Harry had a surprise planned for her at the reception. She'd told him to pick the first song they danced to as husband and wife the second time around. He'd chosen one that had kept his love for her alive while she'd been gone. She wouldn't know the song. This would be the first time she'd ever hear it. He knew she'd pay attention to the words and take them to heart as they spun around the floor. He knew she'd cry, because things like that hit her that way. He was slightly sorry for knowing she would be crying, but something in him needed to see those tears. She would be crying for him.

Another short introduction as husband and wife later, Harry and Hermione were in the center of a massive dance floor, surrounded by family and friends, a single spotlight illuminating the glow of the two of them. Radiance seemed to be following them. Harry smiled at Hermione as the music started. She gave him a funny little look to let him know she was considering the music.

"No, Honey, you don't know the song. Listen carefully though." Harry said gently

Lying beside you, here in the dark

Feeling your heart beat with mine

Softly you whisper,

You're so sincere

How could our love be so blind?

We sailed along together,

We drifted apart

And here you are by my side

Now I come to you with open arms

Nothing to hide

Believe what I say

So here I lie with open arms

Hoping you'll see what your love means to me

Open arms

Living without you

Living alone

This empty house seemed so cold

Wanting to hold you, wanting you near

How much I wanted you home

And now that you've come back

Turned night into day

I need you to stay

So now I come to you with open arms

Nothing to hide, believe what I say

So here I lie with open arms

Hoping you'll see what your love means to me

Open arms

Harry was right. Hermione cried on his shoulder throughout the song.

Harry and Hermione were gone for a while on their honeymoon. They had left to somewhere tropical. They'd left their kids in Sirius's, Tonks's, and Remus's care for two weeks. This was going to be an adventure for them all.

Sirius was out for the night. Remus and Tonks had already conned the kids into an early bedtime, and were parked on the porch, sipping red wine and talking quietly. They hadn't been together long, but things had gotten serious fast. It was like they'd been doing this for years. They were hand in hand and heart to heart.

"Ahh," Tonks sighed as she sunk further and further into her fluffy chair. Remus was sitting at her side in another chair, looking at her and laughing, but content not to talk.

"I wish we could do this more often. It's so relaxing." she spoke softly, trying not to disturb the peace. They were watching the sunset fall across the river Remus and Sirius's house bordered.

"No joke." Remus responded, making Tonks laugh.

"You're looking a little peaked, honey. What's up?" she sat up and reached across to touch her hand to his.

"Tonks, I have something to say to you. I'm kind of nervous, so truthfully, I lost a little sleep over it last night."

"What is it, Remus?" She said, the gentleness in her voice soothing his worries. He stood and took her hand to pull her into a standing position in front of him. He got down on one knee and reached into his pocket, pulling out a solitaire diamond, one he desperately wanted her to wear.

"Tonks, I've been thinking. Life's been a whirlwind for me lately. When James and Sirius first mentioned that you felt something for me, I was in denial. I didn't think that kind of thing was in the future for me. But then I decided to take a chance with it. I got more than I could have ever thought. You're a dream come true. And if you wouldn't mind, I want to keep dreaming. This relationship is so precious to me. I love you, Tonks. I want to grow old with you, have babies with you, make a life with you. Will you marry me?"

She didn't really have to answer. He could see the answer shining in her eyes. But she nodded through a teary smile. He beamed as he took her hand to slip the ring on. Her lips met his in a passionate and tender kiss.

"I love you, Remus John Lupin." she whispered, her lips brushing his with every word.

"And I love you, Nymphadora Lauren Charmaine Tonks." He bundled her tightly in his arms, running his fingers through her hair and kissing her lightly.

Emily Thea Black watched the two of them from the dark of her bedroom window. She watched as they talked, occasionally touched, then as her Papa became suddenly motionless and silent, staring at his girlfriend. She saw him stand and pull her up with him, then drop to one knee on the wood of their back porch. Emily Thea started to cry. She was happy for them, sure, but then why was part of her mourning? She gazed down as Tonks shook her head, saying yes, and as the shiny little diamond slid over her finger. They kissed as Emily Thea retreated from the window to lie down on her bed, crying to herself. What was the matter with her? Her hero, the man who had raised her, taught her everything she needed to know, the one who had broken the real news to her about some of the more concealed facts of life, the man she loved as her father, had just proposed to a woman he was crazy about, and one Emily Thea was sure he really was going to spend his next hundred years with. So why did she feel abandoned, betrayed, hurt, and inwardly outraged?

Just then, she heard an obviously excited knock on her door.

"Monkey, come here! I've got some great news!" Emily Thea could just hear the smile in his voice. She wiped her face clean, her eyes dry, and managed a curious look on her pretty little face. She pulled the door open wide, allowing Remus in. He scooped her up in a hug. Perched high, she had to pretend she was unknowing, asking him what was going on, all the while really dying inside.

"What is it?!?" she laughed as she questioned.

"What would you think if Tonks and I got married? What would you think? Tell me what you'd think."

"Hum," she pretended to be thinking over her answer. She knew what she wanted to say, but the words she felt like saying were not the ones that he would ever hear. "I would say, it's about time, and that's great!" She smiled as she said the complete opposite of what she was thinking.



"Good. What if I told you that I asked her to marry me?"

"What if I said Congratulations?"

"I'd tell you that I love you more than I could ever say, and I'm glad you're okay with it. You are the best daughter."

"Congratulations, Papa." She hugged him. "Now go celebrate. You deserve someone like her to be with you. I wish you both the best, and I love you both."

"You remind me a lot of your sister, did you know that?"

"Well, she is my sister. I should remind you of her in some ways." He pulled her closer to him and kissed her platinum blonde head.

"I love you, Monkey."

"I love you, too, Papa." He kissed her one more time and walked out, pulling the door closed behind him.

She stood where she was for a moment or two longer, thinking as she wept. They would probably spent their eternity together, kissing, 'making love' as he'd called it, sharing good times and bad. He'd have the last piece of his puzzle. But that didn't stop her from feeling crummy anyway.

Remus had Tonks by her hand, pulling her along behind him as they ran up the halls, acting more seventeen than adults. They both knew where they were heading, for the first time since their relationship had begun. They reached his door. Before opening it, he spun her and pinned her against the door, pressing his lips against hers slowly, working his way down to the nape of her neck. He slipped the shoulder strap of her tank top down her arm, kissing in its trail and back again. Her heart was pounding as she allowed him to cruise her body with gentle hands and eager lips. She reached behind her and, with some effort, turned the knob to open the door. He remained attached to her as they fell in and danced their way to his bed. She was giving way to his quest already, breathing in his manly scent, adoring him. She ran her hands over him, reveling in the feel of his firm body burning with every touch of her fingertips. He was gentle, nothing about his manners hinting at the raging ocean of feelings he was feeling in the deepest part of his soul. He'd been alone for so long, the emotions she was boiling were strangers to him anymore. But, he was more than ready to have them touched.

"If you could know how good this flame feels, you'd know there's nothing I wouldn't do to get to you. Come with me, Tonks. Just come away with me." he mumbled, doing all he could to keep from bursting.

"I'll go with you. Just show me where." Her body was humming and she was breathless with the anticipation of their night.

"Just give me the reigns, Tonks. I'll show you what it's like to lose control. Let me, Tonks. Let me fulfill what I've been dreaming about."

She swallowed with difficulty. "You can have them, Remus. Please, let's go. I can't wait any longer." She was climbing already just thinking about it. She toppled backwards, landing softly on the bed. He remained standing, staring down at her, noticing the way her tank top had yet to be replaced on her shoulder, the way the white of the fabric was holding back her subtle breasts, hiding them from him. She saw him watching, and saw him watching still as she reached down and pulled the top off and tossed it aside. She did the same to her cut-offs, pulling them around her hips and down her longer-than-heavenly legs. He never stopped paying close attention. It was the first time in her life Tonks hadn't been shy. He came to her then, pulling his t-shirt around his head. He was strong and it showed. He had nicely shaped abs and pecks, glorious arms, not the kind of body you would guess someone like him would have, but he was all hers. She reached to strip his jeans off. She hardly got the button undone and the zipper down before he placed his hands on her shoulders, pushing her back as he kissed her again, letting himself taste her every desire. She yielded to him, giving him what he was looking for. Warm lips met hot flesh as he ran his fingers across her, skimming his hands down her body, his mouth following where his hands went. The trail led his kisses down around her navel, and a little further down. She cried out as his mouth took her. He was amazing. He knew just the way to flick his tongue, sending her to the sky on the feeling. She was sobbing as he gave one last skim with his tongue over her. She was gone on the ride. Her every sense was alive, throbbing and crying for more. He was more than happy to give. She pulled on his jeans to get them off, frantically, wanting all she could take. The room seemed stuffy, they were sweating, screaming, crying. In the dark, she pulled him towards her, and as he pushed himself into her, she screamed. She was clawing at the bed sheets, trying desperately to cling to something. She had handed him the reigns, and he was taking her to places she'd never been. She hadn't know she could feel so much, be so aware of the sensations ringing in her body, and never want this kind of thing to end. He had her over the edge time and time again. He had her climbing and falling with his every move, that same man she could feel inside her right then. Their bodies were slick, the sheets tangled around them as they enjoyed every miracle brought on by a long night spent loving and making love. They were chasing passion, and catching it with every feeling. They were one that night, darkness falling around them, bodies full of life and free to make their own kind of thunder.