Author's Note: A one-shot from a post in the 'A story starter' thread in the 'Challenges' forum.

"In time you'll see the reasoning behind this, I promise." said Will Turner the first. His young wife closed her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"But he is your son William," she whispered. "How am I suppose to raise him on my own? He needs a mother and a father." Bootstrap Bill Turner hugged his wife and kissed her gently.

"I'll come back someday," he said. "I promise." He looked down at the baby his wife was holding and kissed it's forhead. "Stay strong my son." and with one final goodbye kiss to his wife he walked off toward the port...


"In time you'll see the reasoning behind this, I promise." said Will Turner the first. His young wife closed her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"But he is your son William," she whispered. "How am I suppose to raise him on my own? He needs a mother and a father." Bootstrap Bill Turner hugged his wife and kissed her gently.

"I'll come back someday," he said. "I promise." He looked down at the baby his wife was holding and kissed it's forhead.

"Stay strong my son." and with one final goodbye kiss to his wife he walked off toward the port, wishing he could feel as she felt, cry as she could.

He knew he should feel something more for his son, for his beautiful wife. He loved them, in a way, but someone sweeter than his son had captured his heart, someone more beautiful than his wife plagued his thoughts.

His friend Jack had said it would be inevitable. Once yer get a taste, Bill, yer'll ne'r wan' anythin' else. Bill had laughed, thinking his young friend a crazy man- as most people did.

But Jack had been right.

He met her at the port, and she greeted him, her aura washing over him, capturing his senses, making his body relax, his mind forget.

"I missed you," he breathed.

Sunlight reflected on her, making her beauty blinding to see. But Bill only smiled. He had returned.

He had returned to Lady Ocean.
