A/N Hello sorry I haven't updated I wasn't feeling very well but here's chapter 9 enjoy.

Chapter 9

Halliwell Manor: 3:30 A.M.

Piper slowly opened her eyes, her ears were ringing and her head had been cut open "Leo..?" Piper mumbled. Leo and Phoebe ran over to her, Phoebe helped her up while Leo healed her. "Is he gone?" Piper asked. "Yes but Paige…." Phoebe paused. "What? No! we vanquished him! Paige should be alive!" Piper shouted. She began to cry along with Phoebe. Piper slammed her fists on the coffee table, then looked up "We saved your sorry asses from being killed and this is how you repay us! By taking our sister!" Piper shouted. "Piper don't" Leo said. Piper ignored him "If you don't bring her back I swear to you that I'll turn evil!" Piper shouted. Then Paige opened her eyes, "Piper…..Phoebe?" Paige whispered. "thank god" Piper whispered. She and Phoebe hugged Paige as they smiled. "Is it over?" Paige asked. "Yea, its over" Phoebe whispered.

A/N stay tuned for the sequal!