Well, here it is. I hope that you like, and do not be mad at me for what is going on.

Disclaimer: I own nothing that I want… but I guess I have what I need.


Chapter 10

Light filtered in through the bamboo blinds, reflecting off particles of dust and shining across the wooden floor. A glass vase just opposite glowed prism-like, casting blinding colors of infinite beauty to circle the walls and ceiling. It was tranquil, delicate, and something that should have been shared in its inspiring splendor… but Tomoe could not share it with the one she wanted. Not when he stood so rigid and stiff next to the door, with his eyes firm and alert and his mouth set in a frown.

Seated at their favorite table, bathed in their favorite patch of sunshine, and staring at their favorite set of chess pieces, Tomoe felt her lip tremble. It was no longer a desirable location when she occupied it alone. Not even the sweet, hot tea steaming softly in front of her, or the plush surface of the cushion below her knees kept her mood from dimming. Not the prompt service of her maid, the soothing music that floated through the house, nor the warming of life from outside could tempt her heart with joy. With the force of separation from love, the smile she had found in this life was gone.

Heavy black irises lifted, casting a lethargic look in his direction, staring at his familiar figure and feeling bitterness for the one who had stolen it away. After a moment, his own eyes lowered, meeting hers, and his determination melted, showing the pain he felt at their division. It was the same expression she saw in Kenshin's eyes when he looked upon Kaoru. The same aching want that crushed the spark in his irises and ate away at his heart. It seemed unfair now, knowing that look of despair could no longer harm him with Kaoru's apparent submission to her feelings and had now been instead passed along to her love. Forced there by Kaoru's own hand and biting words. How could she take away what was most precious to her and then practically flaunt her own relationship's progression in the same moment? How could anyone be so cruel?

For several weeks she had thought to play along, to allow the sudden and intense anger that had spread across her Kage's face to have its fill until she admitted she had been wrong. But for those long, empty days her Kage had stood firm in her belief, and her Tate no longer became her koibito during the shadow of night. Time had deadened her heart, forming a cold barrier between herself and her Kage, thickening every time Kenshin's presence was the encouragement for her to leave earlier than was usual. Even if that occurrence did not happen often and Kaoru herself feigned ignorance of any relations with the "rurouni" as she called him.

It had been long enough now for the seasons to begin changing and the Earth to tilt its axis and allow the sun's rays to project stronger upon their country. Too long of a wait, too miserable an experience to sleep by oneself through the cold, lengthy hours of winter nights, imagining the warmth that used to settle near and keep company. She sometimes felt that she may be acting rather melodramatic, but after years of having all that she had wanted, she was at a loss when that happiness was suddenly taken away.

A dark frown knitted her features, and as was becoming natural in her tumultuous state, she turned on the serving girl replacing her tea and snapped in shortened words. "Where is my Kage? It has been well over an hour since she disappeared. There is no excuse for her to be gone from my side so long."

"I-I'm sorry, mistress… I think she is still in a meeting with your father." Voice light and wary, the girl backed away, her body arched in fear of this new creature that had taken the place of her sweet and kind lady.

"She said nothing to me of such a thing." Rising from her cushion, Tomoe stalked from the room, whisking by her Tate's form without a look at the disappointed expression he wore. He fell in place behind her, and her irritation heightened. That was not his place. He was meant to walk before her, not behind. "What use is she if she isn't doing her job? I will not stand for her negligent actions any longer. Not after she dares preach about everyone else's."


"Be quiet, Tate-san."

There was a sigh, and her mouth briefly jerked. "Yes, mistress."

Outside her father's study she paused, her hand lifting to land a defiant tap to announce her presence.

"How much longer did you say?" Her father's voice sounded weary; older than he truly was and she froze, her anger fading.

"It cannot be estimated so easily, Yukishiro-sama. Another month… possibly three. I cannot intimate details at this moment."

"I understand." A chair squeaked, and his voice moved further away, the gentle clacking of his bamboo blinds suggesting he was now at the window. "I must admit I have become impatient for this to end. Here and now, so close to the peak of the mountain, I long to make the descent into a much more peaceful valley. However, I fear losing my footing and falling to that destination too quickly and without fulfillment."

"I am sorry, Yukishiro-sama, that this has troubled you so greatly."

"Do not apologize, it is I who came to you. There is no hardship too great for the goal I hope to achieve for my daughter." Again, his soft footsteps moved, this time closer to Tomoe's position. "And I am sure she has begun to wonder by now. I trust you remember what is necessary? Good. The information was not easily attained. I do not like asking such matters of Eni…"

There was abrupt silence and Tomoe's frown deepened, jumping when Tate's hand landed on her shoulder and yanked her quickly back. A firm smack and the door before them opened, Kage's hand planted over the hilt of her katana warningly. Seeing that it was only her mistress, she let out a vexed breath through her nostrils and stood straight. "Nigousan… I thought I left you in the sitting room."

Straightening, her voice answered just as irritably. "Yes, for more than hour now. I was under the impression you were making a phone call. Of course I came to investigate."

"Do not blame the poor girl, aijou. I invited her up here to have a few words." Yukishiro interrupted, his own tone kind and loving. Only a touch of sorrow tinged the cords. "I'm afraid everything has become so very complicated with the current state of the situation. Your father is merely worried for your safety, what with the bosses fighting amongst themselves and this… vigilante making trouble for us all. I only needed reassurance…"

"Has this vigilante really become such a nuisance, Father?"

"He has caused much trouble, yes."

"Is there anything that I can do to help?"

Smiling affectionately, Yukishiro walked closer to wrap an arm around her shoulders. "Do not worry yourself, aijou. Both Kuroike-sama and Kuragari-sama are working hard to take care of him. If they are not able to handle this one man, then I am afraid there is not much the rest of us would be able to do either. Why don't you go out this afternoon instead. Enjoy the warm weather we are experiencing and take a walk through the gardens. If it is nice enough tomorrow, we should consider a drive to the beach."

"Alright, Father." Smiling back warmly, she bowed her head in submission and turned to walk out. A sigh left Tate's lungs, his eyes thankful for Yukishiro's diverting words, before stepping out in front of her to lead the way. Bowing her own leave, Kage fell into step behind, and for a moment, all was right.


It was evening when Tomoe finally spoke to her Kage again, ignoring her presence behind her for most of the day just as everyone else was wont to do. The sun was just beginning to set over the western horizon and the small party was comfortably situated on the engawa to enjoy its splendor.

"I see you have actually decided to spend your entire shift here today. What a surprise, Kage-san."

Kaoru tilted her chin away, ignoring the sharp flutter of hurt her master's stinging words caused. Her actions were not to be blamed on her, however, and Kaoru felt no resentment for the woman she had come to care for despite herself. "My job is to protect you, Tomoe-sama. All that I do is to realize this end."

"Do not lie to me so blatantly. How can this be true when you have left hours before your scheduled time at least once every few weeks? How would you convince me that you are not spending those hours at your own pleasures when I know just whom you are spending them with?"

"There is no such relationship between me and the rurouni." Speaking once more an oft repeated phrase, Kaoru stared straight ahead at the far wall, a lump of iron pulling steadily at the bottom of her heart. A place that use to be fondly occupied by the rurouni from before.

Tomoe laughed, her black eyes trained steadily on her tight features. "I'm tired of your hypocrisy, Kage-san. Denying me my happiness when you almost blatantly rub yours into my face. My sweetheart won't even look me in the eye anymore because of your callous words. Not even when your presence is gone will he take advantage of our solitude. Why have you made me hate you so?"

A pause filled the air, a cooler breeze teasing their clothes with its pull, and something indescribably sad hung between them. "It does not matter… nigousan, whether you love me… or hate me. As long as you stay safe." Standing smoothly to her feet, Kaoru nodded her head, her dark sunglasses shielding the look in her eyes. "It is time for me to leave. Please take care of her, Tate-san."

There was vulnerability in her voice that only Akira noticed, and he watched carefully as she turned away to walk up the porch towards the exit. A halfhearted swipe of her hand brushed at her bangs, one shoulder rolling as if to relieve some ache, but it was the drip of moisture off her longest finger that confirmed the emotion he had detected.

Though he had understand all that she had told him before of his responsibilities towards his mistress, he was ashamed to now admit he had not forgiven her for the demands placed between them. Now, however, there was nothing but sympathy in his heart and admiration for her strength through such dejection and resentment. Sustaining all in order to protect her mistress no matter the pain she herself endured.

"You should not be so hard on her, mistress." Rebuking softly, Akira did not meet the gaze that was fiercely directed at him. "She is only making sure your safety is the main priority. Because I believe your father has wished it so, ne?"

"But Father wishes for my safety because he wants me to be happy. Is this not a direct contradiction of his wishes?"

"Sometimes… sacrifices must be made for that happiness." Dark eyes beseechingly looked into her own. "Am I not still here with you, Tomoe-sama? Does my presence alone mean so little to you?"

Trembling, she turned away. "Of course not, koibito. I just… I feel that I cannot now stand the reality of being even this far away."

"Then please, koishii… do not take this out on Kage-san. She has only your best interests at heart, and I feel that we owe her our thanks for correcting a mistake before it became fatal. If you were to be hurt because of my own flaws in protecting you, I would have been so ashamed. I would never have forgiven myself."

"To what end, though? What will it take for you to be given back?" Tearful sorrow tore at her throat. "I know what kind of life my father has made for me. There will never be one moment of it when I will be truly safe. If I cannot be with you now, Akira… then when?"

"Perhaps it is only this recent turmoil that has upset your father and placed a heavier burden on your Kage. If he was talking to her today of his worry for your safety, it must not have been the first time. Perhaps she is feeling the weight of his wishes even more than you or I and has become stressed and overworked. To tell you the truth… she has looked rather pale lately."

"Then you think if this vigilante were to be taken care of, Kage-san would be freed of my father's demands upon her?" Suddenly hopeful, Tomoe grasped his hand.

"I think it would ease much of the tension, yes." Briefly squeezing her hand back, Akira withdrew his fingers with a tight smile.

Black irises lighting with new resolve, Tomoe lifted her chin. "Then I shall help." Offering her palm in demand, she spoke now in impatience. "Tate-san… hand me your phone."


"You want me to do what?"

Sano shifted his weight uncomfortably, his irises looking briefly away from the determined gaze of the woman before him. To have been the recipient of her call to begin with had teased his curiosity, but had also gave him cause to be wary. Something different had shifted between Kaoru and Kenshin lately, and he was not ignorant of the coldness Tomoe now showed to her Kage. He had not, however, thought them to be linked, none-the-less, he had felt a certain level of disloyalty towards his friends by accepting Tomoe's request of his presence.

Not that he didn't like Tomoe. She was a sweet and gentle woman. He didn't understand what had changed between Kaoru and her mistress, and in all truth thought it only because Kaoru still denied her love for Kenshin. What was bothering him was the ties she had to the yakuza. These ties directly linked Kaoru to them as well… placing her in a situation that was not suitable for a master of her style. It itched his anger. Kenshin did not like it, he was sure Megumi did not like it, and from what he could read from that large, brute of a man Hiko… he wasn't fond of her dangerous position either. At times he could even catch lines of age creasing Kaoru's once smooth features… and he doubted she was happy with this life she led.

Being of a simplistic nature, Sano had one conclusion. Though it was not a pretty one, and he held nothing against her, Tomoe seemed to be the source of much of their misery. And now that same woman was asking him a favor.

"I want you to track down this vigilante that has been intercepting our business trades."

"No." Arms crossing, Sano's frown deepened. If there was someone making trouble for the yakuza, who was he to disturb them?

"But why?" Confused by his adamant refusal, Tomoe stepped closer. "Do you not wish to help out a friend that is in need?"

"I'm sorry, lady, you're nice and all, and I know you were important to Kenshin and Kaoru both, but… I don't know you that well. Not well enough to help a bunch of bloodthirsty, money hungry, rich bastards that live off of the death and destruction of others. It's not my style."

"I wasn't talking about me. I meant Kaoru-san." Frowning in turn, Tomoe's shoulders dropped. "If you do this then it will take more of the burden off of her."

"This vigilante has been giving her trouble?" Lifting a brow in disbelief, he didn't think that would have lasted without at least him or Kenshin having heard about it.

"Not personally, no. But she has been bearing a very heavy burden, and this will help to lighten it."

"Look, miss, I don't help the yakuza. Even one as pretty as you. If Kaoru's having problems with anything, I will help her. Not them." He spat the word as if it were vile, and turned to leave. "Sorry I can't help you. Oh, and don't you even think about asking Kenshin. He's worried enough about Kaoru as it is. Do not make him one of your pawns as well by baiting him with her name."

"Will you at least think about it?" Calling after him, she chased him to the door. "I won't ask you to fight him… just find out who he is… talk to him…"

"Goodbye, Tomoe-san." Slamming the door shut, Sano stepped out into the darkness that was settling over town, shoving his hands into his pockets irritably. "Dammit."

It wasn't a long walk back to the apartment he shared with Kenshin, but his temper made it so. As if we don't already know how heavy this life has been for Kaoru. Che! But if the woman's right and I could do something to help… should I ignore the chance?

The door ricocheted off the wall when he entered, and Kenshin's head ducked around a corner cautiously, his eyebrows flat. Seeing that it was only Sano, his frown turned resigned. "Do you have to be so hard on the door? This one does not wish to buy another one."

Mood already dark, he kicked off his shoes and stalked past him, plunking down on the couch. "Who gives a shit about the damn door?"

Wiping his hands on a dish towel, Kenshin walked into the room. "You do not seem to be in a very good mood." Smiling suddenly, Kenshin teased. "Has Megumi-dono finally tired of your phone calls?"

"For once it's not that fox." Grinding his teeth, he reached for a game controller. After telling Tomoe not to ask anything of Kenshin, he wasn't quite sure he should speak to him about the situation either. It might make things even worse.

Sano knew that Kenshin and Kaoru had been spending more time together. At least he assumed since Kenshin was over at her house almost every other day. The problem was, he didn't think his presence was wearing Kaoru down any at all. If anything, she seemed to be even more irritable and bitchy. That was not the way a loving couple acted.

Of course, knowing just what Kaoru had living with her, he didn't think Kaoru could act loving towards Kenshin even if she had wanted to. Sano didn't think the Battosai would care for any kind of sentiment towards his Rurouni half unless it included pain in some form or another. Kenshin truly had his work cut out for him, but Sano feared, even from the moment they had learned just what had happened to Kaoru, that Kaoru and his friend could never be together. Not only was it seemingly impossible because of the clash between the two halves, but more to the point… With Kaoru having her own body and the Battosai sharing it with her… wouldn't that almost be like Kenshin… loving himself?

Dropping his head and making a face at the turn in his thoughts, Sano groaned. Now what the hell! I don't need that image in my head for the rest of the day!

"Sano." Looking up at Kenshin and realizing he had been ignoring him, Sano leaned back and sunk deep into the couch. "What's up?"

"It's nothing, really. Just some bullshit." Shrugging his shoulders carelessly, Sano started the system and picked up where he had left off on a level. After a few moments, Kenshin let the matter go and walked back to the kitchen, apparently working on food.

What if Tomoe was right, though? What if this guy's been givin' Kaoru trouble and she just wants to make sure Kaoru's ok? Gritting his teeth and cussing as his character got his ass kicked and a big GAME OVER appeared on the screen, Sano growled. It's not like Kaoru can't take care of herself. And besides… this guy only attacks the shipment crews. Kaoru's Tomoe's personal bodyguard. She doesn't have anything to do with the shipment aspect of the yakuza. How would she be affected by some vigilante dude wanting to make the streets just a little bit cleaner? Sounds to me like Tomoe doesn't understand the line-up in this business. Restarting the level once again, Sano half-heartedly ran his guy back through the same scenarios.

Something obviously has her worried, though. Or she wouldn't have turned to some guy she doesn't even really know for help. Hell, she doesn't even know the first thing about me, other than I care for both Kenshin and Kaoru. If that's all she was counting on, that's a pretty slim bet to be taking. And what the hell did she mean, just talk to the guy? What they hell was I supposed to say? "Hey buddy, the yakuza wants you to stop jacking their shit and leave them alone. They've had enough of you playing the hero." Right. Silly woman doesn't understand the first thing about the outside world. Especially someone who is trying to do something right for other people. Surprising since she was supposed to have known Kenshin so well. Of course that was back in his hitokiri days so…

Staring blankly at the GAME OVER blinking on his screen once again, Sano let the controller drop to his knees, and chewed on the soft flesh between his teeth and his chin. It was way too late to be thinking about anything serious, especially since he hadn't had anything to drink tonight. Putting down the controller and bracing himself to stand, he frowned and let his weight fall back into the cushions. Shit! Kenshin threw all the beer out of the fridge when I told him I quit drinking. Remembering his pledge to Megumi that he'd quit if she'd go out with him, or rather, she wouldn't even think about him as a future prospect unless he quit drinking, Sano cussed some more. These women were driving him stark raving mad.

"Sano. If you don't stop talking to yourself, this one if going to call the doctor. And it's not going to be the one you want." Sitting down at the small table with his own plate of food, Kenshin made himself comfortable without looking at his friend.

"It's not my fault if I'm going crazy." Grumbling, Sano strode into the kitchen for his own meal. It's everybody else's fault.

Surprising Kenshin by sitting down at the table as well, Sano plopped cross-legged on the floor and dug into his plate. Shrugging his shoulders, Kenshin returned to his own dish.

Several minutes later, his thoughts trying desperately to order themselves, unable to venture very far passed his interview with Kaoru's boss, Sano flopped back flat onto the floor. A very loud belch issued from his mouth, his dishes completely empty, and he contemplated the ceiling fan circling lazily above him.

"So… word on the street is there's some jumped up vigilante guy giving the yakuza trouble. Heard anything about it?" Wanting to keep to his promise not to let Kenshin know, Sano found he still wanted his friend's perspective on the situation. Since he couldn't come up with a decent conclusion or choice by himself, he knew he needed some outside input. Kenshin was sharp about these kind of things in a way he couldn't be. He would undoubtedly be able to point out something that would sound simplistic when stated aloud, but out of his reach if he tried to find it on his own.

Chewing thoughtfully on some rice, Kenshin swallowed then reached for his tea cup before he answered. "Only what they talk about on TV, and there they make him sound like some kind of superhero, make-believe champion that's going to save the city. This one doesn't know what he believes, if that is what you are asking. Since Saito is the head of the crime department, this one thinks that Saito is more than likely the person behind the rumor. Although, it also seems too strange to think that Saito would be parading as a vigilante when he is such an influential justice officer. On the other hand, maybe it is a ruse to boost the people's morale as well as give them a reason to start trusting the police in other matters, since this vigilante also seems to be working with the police."

"You really think he's working with the police?" Folding his arms up behind his head, Sano scratched at an ear. "That one morning at Kaoru's when Saito got that microphone shoved in his face… he made it sound like he didn't want to have anything to do with the guy being linked to them."

"True, but Saito is cunning like that. If he were to go around swearing that this person was directly linked to the police station, then it would be like telling the yakuza just who he is and how he can be found. Although this one is sure they have already checked all of the police employees, just incase, they have obviously found nothing since this man is still giving them trouble. Plus, if he were working for the police they would have more than just those kinds of problems to deal with. They have to work under a set list of rules and regulations. This man is working well outside of those regulations, but since he is not working for the police, he is not restricted by those rules." Gathering up his dishes, Kenshin balanced them in one hand. "They said on TV that this vigilante was scarred as well. Though what that means exactly this one isn't sure. It has to be in a prominently seen location for that to be identified, so this one will have to dismiss his conclusion about Saito. We have seen him once in this life, and there was nothing noticeably scarred on his figure. It would have to be someone else."

Scarred, huh? Somewhere prominent that everyone can see to identify him that way. Like on the face. Sitting up straight, Sano turned on Kenshin hurriedly. "Shit, Kenshin, it's not you is it?" Kenshin made a strange face, and Sano began laughing. "And here I was freaking out because I had no idea how to handle this situation with Tomoe. You sure are a life-saver, buddy." Standing to his full height, he walked back around the couch. "I feel a whole lot better now that that's all cleared up."

"Sano… what are you talking about?"

"Nothing now, man. I just got a call from Tomoe earlier, and she was all worried about this guy messing with the shipments. Said he was giving Kaoru trouble or some such nonsense. Wanted me to go have a nice little chat with him. If you know what I mean." Laughing, he smacked one fist into his open palm. "I told her I didn't want to have anything to do with the yakuza, and if there was someone messing with their business then it was fine by me, but I wasn't too sure what to do about Kaoru. I didn't think there could be any way this guy was really giving her any personal trouble, but I couldn't be sure. Now that I know it's just you… hell, I've got nothing to worry about."

"Sanosuke… if there is someone giving Kaoru trouble, this one would appreciate if you told him first instead of as an afterthought." The quiet steel in his voice twisted Sano's head around in confusion. Staring at the darkened violet gaze of the rurouni, Sano blinked.

"It's not like it matters now, she said it was just you giving her trouble. I'm sure she didn't know it was you and she was only worried, but hell…" Trailing off as Kenshin shook his head impatiently, he watched the smaller man sit the dishes back down and rake a hand through his hair.

"Sano… this one is not the one stopping the shipments. You should have realized that a long time ago. Not only does this one not have a scar on his face anymore, if you had been paying any attention to that broadcast during that blizzard, you would have heard them talk about the body count. How many people did they say were dead?"

"Uh, I don't know, a few?"

"Five. There were five men dead. You should know better than to think this one would have let anyone be killed in front of him, or by his own hand. This man is not held down by such a belief. He sees only evil and takes only enough measures to make sure the deal is closed down. If a few people are dead by the end, it does not seem to matter to him… and that would greatly matter to me."

"Dammit, Kenshin… I…"

"Besides… this man would have to have a lot of information about when the deals are held, where, and the number of men who are going to be at the exchange. He would need to know the activities in precise detail so he would be able to predict their movements and have the upper hand, even as he is only one man. This suggests that he has someone close to the information that he needs. Or… he is in fact close himself to that information. Suggesting he is a part of the yakuza. Maybe even someone who works with or for one of the bosses that handle the shipping methods and trails. He is highly skilled in some form of martial art, intelligent enough not to get caught while doing his research, and yet low key enough that no one has suspected him so far. Which means there is a great chance that he could be a problem for Kaoru.

"If she were to notice his actions and suspect he is actually this person interfering with the transactions, then she would feel conflicted about her duty. First and foremost she wishes to protect Tomoe-dono. Which means, whether we like it or not, she works for the yakuza. But she is also a master of katsujin-ken, and seeing that this man is working against the yakuza and helping the populace, as well as the police to put away men that are working only to take life, either by killing or degrading, she would want only to help him. And even if she did not notice herself, and someone else did, say her own boss, and she were asked to take care of this problem because of her skill and reputation… then, as indirectly as it sounds, this man is giving Kaoru trouble."

"Then what do you suggest we do? I already told Tomoe I wasn't going to help her because…"

"This one understands, Sano. What he doesn't understand is why she did not inform this one instead, or why you did not tell him once you got home?"

"I can't speak for her, but I didn't want you any more worried than you already are about Kaoru. You've already got enough shit to take care of, and besides… I thought we'd have already found out about someone giving her trouble if it were true. The way Tomoe made it sound… it was only a problem for Kaoru because it was placing a heavy strain on her or something."

"And that is exactly what Tomoe-dono said?"

"Well, yeah, something like that."

"Did she tell you where or when you were to confront this man?"

"Uh… no… I left before she was able to give me any of that info."

"Then call her back and ask."


Kenshin paced back and forth across the family room floor, glancing at the clock with each third pass. Hiko was grumbling, but Kenshin could not help his agitation.

After deciding that Sano would be the one to find out about the vigilante, Kenshin had gone over to Kaoru's home immediately. With all the information and speculation about what was going on with Kaoru and her job with the yakuza, Kenshin had wanted to talk to her about it himself. Unfortunately, Kaoru had already been home and left again. Hiko said it was not an unusual occurrence. Sometimes she would be gone for hours on end. More often than not, he said, she was at the graveyard… where her mother and father were buried.

Sighing, Kenshin darted another side look at the clock. It was already passed midnight, and there was no sign of either Sano or Kaoru. He had thought about going and finding Kaoru himself more than once, concerned about her health, but was afraid he would miss her in the crossing. Now, he had no choice but to wait, as the scheduled time for the exchange Sano had gone to scope out had already happened at eleven-thirty. Not too much longer, and he would be arriving himself with the information he wanted.

They had agreed that there would be no confrontation on Sano's part with this vigilante. Kenshin simply wanted to know who he was, and what his true intentions were. If there was any possibility that Kaoru was being pestered because of his actions. He wasn't quite sure what kind of solution could be made, but he was hoping it would come to him in time. Hopefully sooner than it took to have his own confrontation with the man.

At nearly one o'clock in the morning, the front door swung open, Sano's voice indignant and loud. Looking to the living room door eagerly, wanting information quickly so he could finally go and search for Kaoru, Kenshin froze when Sano's lanky form stumbled slightly through the doorway.

"Alright, dammit, chill out." One shoulder rolled, and Sano stood to his full height, looking Kenshin in the eye with an expression of resignation. "I think we just killed two birds with one stone."


A smaller form stepped through behind him, shoving him again to stand boldly in the middle of the floor. For one second, Kenshin tensed, unsure of what Sano had done. The stupid idiot brought the damn man here? Dressed in traditional samurai garb, the colors swirled and dangerous in their patterns, with a sword at his hip and a matching top-knot that brought all of the dark hair off his neck and forehead, the figure looked imposing. Not moments later, amethyst eyes locked onto the deep crossed-scar on the person's left cheek, and recognition finally hit.


"What the hell were you thinking?" She was clearly pissed at their venture, and if the redness around Sano's ear spoke anything, she had been showing it the entire way back to the house. "This idiot nearly screwed up everything!"

"I said I was sorry."

Rounding on Sano, she jabbed him in the gut. "Do you even realize how dangerous tonight was? After all this time it's only natural for them to become suspicious and edgy. I already knew I had my work cut out for me and then you show up! If even one of them had heard you address me everything would have been fucked!"

"You will watch your language young lady."

Shooting a side glare at Hiko, she swung her accusing finger to him briefly. "Don't even get me started on you, old man. I can't believe you let these idiots do this in the first place."

Hiko decided not to comment, and Kaoru turned next on Kenshin. "I thought I told you to keep your nose out of my business. I've worked too hard to have this fall apart now because of your insistent meddling."

"Kaoru-dono… this one was only concerned. He was told you were being troubled because of these raids. Besides, did you yourself not ask for my help?"

"I asked only that you help me protect Tomoe-sama. That doesn't include me or anything to do with me. You should have just left this alone."

"And deal with the contemplation of your possible injury? This one is incapable of standing back to let harm come to you."

"It has happened plenty of times before!"

Temper snapping, Sano stepped in. "Kenshin has never stood and watched you get hurt without trying to help!"

"No, he has held the dagger himself!"

"He has never raised a finger against you!"

"And it is that same inaction that is so painful!"

"So yell at him now that he's trying?"

"He no longer has any right to try!"

Walking slowly into the room, Megumi watched with wide eyes the fight that was ensuing. Wrapped in a house robe and exhausted from her double-shift at the hospital, she planted both hands on her hips and yelled over the top of the racket.

"Just what the hell is going on!"

Spitting with fury and rage, Kaoru rounded on her sister. "Nothing that concerns you!"

"Don't yell at her!"

Turning back on Sano, her brow twitched convulsively. "I'll speak to my sister however I please."

"And treat her like shit just like the rest of us? Why? Because she pulled the trigger and saved her own ass? Yours as well! You're living on borrowed time because of her!"

"Borrowed time? By all means, take it back! I don't want it!"

There were standing face to face, noses almost pressed together as the spat turned lethal. Words bringing up situations that were not to be trifled with.

"Bullshit! Everyone of us in this room would rather live than die! No matter how bad you think you have it, death is never something you want! Shit, Jouchan, do you think your sister wanted to kill anybody?"

"You don't know what you're talking about, Sanosuke! You need to shut up!"

"I know damn well what I'm talking about! You treat your sister like shit! I've seen the way you act around her! You spit and hiss like a damn alley cat and then walk away! Do you ever once actually pay attention to the look on her face? Whatever she may have been before, in this life she is your sister! Your family! Kami, woman, that's more than you ever had in that other life. Would you now tear her apart simply because she gave herself over to panic? She was protecting you! She was protecting herself! Would you rather she let him do what he did to your mother?"

Kaoru was breathing hard, moisture glinting the whites of her eyes, and her body shook. Seemingly desperate to avoid this subject, she tried to turn away. Still more than pissed, Sano pressed on.

"Why are you doing this to her? Why are you being this bitter? What the hell do you think you have living inside you? Have you forgiven him for all the lives he's taken? Do you hold anything against him? I doubt it! Not with the way you've protected him! Sheltered him! He's killed countless people! Knowingly! In full understanding! Your sister has killed one… in sheer, blind terror!" Kaoru trembled harder, the action frightening to see. Megumi, becoming alarmed, tugged on Sano's arm in a plea for him to stop. Jerking himself free, he ignored the protest.

"And what about these little outings you've been going on? How many people have died during them? Are they your fault, have you been their executioners?"

"Boy, that will be enough." Standing to his full height, Hiko intervened, his face dangerous in warning.

"This one agrees, Sanosuke. You've gone to far. There is no doubt in this one's mind that she is not the reason for their deaths."

"Well I think it's all a bunch of bullshit! She works for the yakuza, is involved in dealings that have wracked up a helluva death toll, and she's pissed at her sister for something that happened years ago!" Grabbing her by the arm and shaking her harshly, Sano's voice rose even further in volume. "What the fuck gives you the right to act this way?"

"Because I did it!" Swinging her arm free, she screamed her answer, stepping in when he jerked back. "I killed him!" Fisting a hand into his shirt, her muscles tightened so far he had to hunch awkwardly forward. "I put the gun to his head and blew his mother-fucking brains out!"


A/N: So... that was a lovely note to end it on. (laughs nervously) But I think I like the chapter better this way. Well, it seems Tomoe is pretty pissed, but I wouldn't take her anger too seriously or vengefully. She's just understandably upset. Writing Kenshin as a little more intelligent is making me feel better. The rurouni wasn't ever stupid, but to defend myself he has been a little distracted by his depression and Kaoru's emotions towards him. I only just realized now that the Battosai hasn't played much of a part in the last two chapters. Yikes. Well, no matter, he's in the next one and is never really gone, but watching everything. Very intently and with much observation. Well, hope you put some stuff together, and then tell me what you think. Don't worry. There's more. Please review, and I hope to see you soon in the next one.