



River ran as fast as her little bare feet could carry her, leaping over any obstruction that came to pass. The steel walls of serenity were but a blurry distant memory. Jayne bounded after her, their laughter and shouting filling the ship.

"Get back here with that girl!" Jayne yelled as he flew down the steps into the cargo bay.

"Your liver is dying." River yelled back over her shoulder.

"It ain't the only thing that's gonna get dead." he threatened.

Jayne had corned River, a large crate between them. They danced back and forth. River held up an amber colored bottle and grinned tauntingly.

"Lack of oxygen. Tens of thousands of brain cells being killed." River continued.

"I don't give a rats tail about no brain cells, never did much for me any how."

"Case in point." River giggled.

Jayne rested one hand on the crate, lunging forward to make a swipe for the bottle with the other. River pulled back, flush with the wall behind her, causing Jayne to miss his target and stumble forward. Face red with anger, Jayne pushed himself up and glared at River.

"Gorram it, girl! I paid a pretty penny for that sauce, and I intend on drinkin' every last drop!"

"They have programs for that." River countered.

Mal and Kaylee watched in amusement, observing the ruckus from above.

"Those two going at it again?" The Captain mused. "Maybe I should retire from my life of depravity and become a Circus Master instead, seein' as I got me a boat full of clowns in trainin'." Mal rolled his head toward Kaylee and grinned.

"I think it's sweet, Capt, Jayne and River finally getting along." Kaylee argued.

"You call that getting along?" Mal looked entertained, as he watched Jayne swipe at River, and then fall forward.

"They're just playin', is all. Riv and me are doing that sort of thing all the time."

Jayne yelled in the background.

"Don't look like Jayne is playin', looks more like he's being played." Mal joked.

Kaylee laid her head on the captain's shoulder as she continued to watch the scene below and in a thoughtful tone added, "I think Jayne likes the attention. He just don't know he does. Everyone needs some sort of diversion out here in the black. Sides, he looks kinda cute when he's threaten River's life."

"Adorable." retorted Mal.

Jayne moved over to River, and managed to grab one of her hands, desperately trying to reach for the bottle she stashed behind her back. River twisted and turned her body at every attempt. Wash's voice broke over the intercom.

"This is your pilot speaking. You know, the good-looking one on this vessel. Did I mention debonair, chic? Oh, I almost forgot. Captain, you have a wave."

Mal rolled his eyes. "For the love of horse monkeys, will that man ever use the com like a proper thief?"

Kaylee, looping her arm through the captain's, playfully added, "Come on Capt, lets see who Mr. Rico suave has waiting for us."

Mal, almost forgetting about River and Jayne, yelled down, "You kids play nice, Daddy has to go to work!"

Oblivious to anything but the task at hand, Jayne still tryed to wrestle his prize from River. Weary and beat, Jayne decided to switch tactics. Using his left hand to steady River's writhing waist, he brought his other to tickle up her side. River's body let loose as she arched her neck back instinctively. A fit of painful giggles tore through her abdomen. This seemed to work, as the arm still clutching the bottle was forgotten, and lowered defenselessly at her side. Jayne quickly grabbed at the bottle, his large hand clasping over hers. River stopped abruptly, her eyes forced down into his.

"Gottcha"! Jayne hollered in triumph, his face a breath away from hers. River stilled. Her heart thudded deep in her chest.

"Palpitations." she whispered.

Jayne pulled the bottle from her hands as a gaping grin spread across his face.

"Some killer woman you are. Ain't nothin' can keep me from my destiny, and I'm destined to get me nice and liquored up!"

With that, Jayne turned away from River and merrily headed to his bunk. River was left standing, trying to slow the blood that coursed through her veins.