I am SOOO sorry this took so long to update! ALOT has been going on in my life...

1 - I found out that I am expecting my second child so if any of you guys have ever been pregnant you know what the first three months are like... nothing but being sick.

2. My last great grand parent died a few weeks ago so... Ive been dealing with that.

Anyway... I promise I'll try my best to get the next chapter up soon! I know whats going to happen already so writing it shouldnt be so hard :) Anyways...Heres the story!


Finding comfort in the one you love

The school year was passing by quickly; no one seemed to mind it that much; no more like they welcomed it. As usual Kagome caught a ride with Sango and the guys to the Taisho mansion.

Kagome couldn't help but smile lately, ever since that night in Sesshoumarus room things had changed between them. They couldn't explain it nor understand what had brought on the sudden onset, but who were they to complain? It was now how it was in the beginning of their friendship.

Of course her friends were totally against her spending all her time with him again, but she didn't listen to a thing they had to say. She needed all the attention from him she could get. She had missed what they had, she missed her Sesshoumaru.

She wasn't as naïve as everyone believed her to be… she knew this wouldn't last forever; so she was going to make the best of it while she could. She after all knew Sesshoumaru better than anyone, sometimes even himself.

Feeling the jeep come to a stop Kagome jerked herself out of thought only to refocus on where she now was. Grabbing their bags the four teens dashed up the countless steps towards the hand crafted marble twin doors. Not bothering to knock since he lived there, Inuyasha just barged in, throwing his school bag to the side before headed off in the direction which the others guessed to the kitchen.

Sighing, Kagome shook her head while eyeing the tossed aside book bag. "He never did learn to pick up after himself…" Picking up the bag intending on taking it to his room Kagome started toward the stair case only to be pulled backwards into a rock hard chest.

Letting an 'eep' escape her mouth she soon relaxed when she realized it was a familiar aura. Unable to control her mouth from smiling "I was started to wonder where you were…"

He snorted behind her "You should have sensed me well before this." This caused her to giggle, sure she had sensed him but she liked this little cat and mouse game they played every now and again. Squeezing her waist tighter caused her to stop the so called racket she called laughing.

"What do you have planned for remainder of the evening?"

"Huh?" Pulling out of his grasp she swirled around to look at him. "Uhm… nothing really. We were going to start on a report we have due next week but beside that nada. Why do you ask?"

"The report can wait, seeing as it is the end of the week you have the weekend to work on it. You are to accompany me some where."

"And just where are we going?" She never was one for secrets and she just knew he did this sometimes just to mess with her.

"Go tell that nuisance I dare to call a brother that we are leaving and if they wish to follow they had better do so now. I'll meet you in the garage." Without another word, just a quick heated kiss to her lips he turned to leave.

Once she came too her senses from the kiss she narrowed her eyes at his retreating form. "Argh! You still didn't tell me where we were going you ass!" His only response was an evil smirk which she happened to not see.

Stomping into the kitchen grumbling at the way Kagome informed her friends that they should probably follow Sesshoumaru to where ever they were going. Of course Inuyasha threw a bitch fit about her riding alone in a car with Sesshoumaru which earned an eye roll from her.


Seriously who was he kidding? Its not like they hadn't done anything before, after all she had been through with that ass of a demon she called her love, you would think her friends wouldn't believe her to be so weak; yeah, so much for hopeful thinking.

They needed to ease off a little, perhaps they were afraid of what they might see; a young woman, their friend whom they have always protected… not needing them anymore. She always scoffed at that thought; she would always need them in her life! They were her friends; she just wished they would see themselves that way some times; as her friends, not her protectors.

Oh well, it was wishful thinking on her part. At least they were looking out for her when she wasn't at times she didn't know what she would have done with out them. She was truly lucky to have them in her life.

This brought her thoughts to another person in her life; yes that ass of a demon from earlier. At times she didn't know how she could possibly go on in life without him by her side. Others… well… just look at everything that has happened over the past year because of him. He was her strength in life just as much as he was her downward spiral into agony.

"Do you find the dash of my car to be that interesting?"


A soft chuckle rumbled from his chest, sure he knew she was one for zoning out from time to time but he needed to her attention at this moment.

"You have been staring at the dash of the car since we left the mansion. Mind filling me in on what has you so entranced with it?" She knew he was taunting her, she could see the amusement dancing in his eyes.

"No, I promised not to reveal its deepest, darkest secrets."

Rolling his eyes, he snorted at her remark. "Oh come on, lighten up! When are you going to give me a clue as to where you are taking us anyway?"

'Us…? Oh yes… the half-breed and the other two annoyances.' Glancing in his rear view mirror to make sure they were still following with in a reasonable distance, he switched lanes getting into a left turn only lane. "You shall see where we are going in a moment."

"Ugh, can't you give me a hint or something? You know I can't stand it when you keep things from me."

"Hn, yes. I know this all too well." Turning toward her he flashed his pearly whites.

"You know… one day I'm going to keep something major from you and we'll just see how much you like it!" Crossing her arms she turned her nose up at him.

Turning once the arrow became green they headed down what Kagome guessed to be a wealthy part of town. Of course it is… like he would actually drive in any other part.

"You forget something my little pumpkin…" Well that definitely caught her attention, forgetting about her snubbing she merely raised an eyebrow to show she was listening.

"As long as you bare my mark there is nothing you can keep from my knowledge. Even with that little potion of yours can't keep me from finding out things you wish to keep to yourself. As soon as its effects wear off I can search through your thoughts; your memories…"

"You're such a jerk you know that?"

"Hn, indeed, but that doesn't stop you from coming back now does it?"

"I wonder how often I would come around you if I actually had a choice in the matter." Feeling his eyes dart in her direction; her mark began to burn, biting down on her bottom lip so the scream wouldn't escape she brought her hand up on top of it. He was mad and this was his way of punishing her with out leaving any evidence. She decided to end this conversation before it got carried a way even more than it already had.

Stopping in front of a guarded gate Sesshoumaru pulled a card out of his wallet and handed it to the guard that was on post. Sliding the card through a device in his hand, he returned it back before bidding them a nice day.

Pulling through the now open reinforced steel gate they started up the road. Kagome looked wide eyed at all of the beautiful houses, even though most of her friends not to mention herself lived in an upper class neighborhood, she could never get over how over powering the houses in extremely wealthy neighborhoods looked.

Her sight seeing was cut short when they finally turned off the road only to pull into a drive way. Turning toward him she just looked at him with a confused look plastered on her face.

"It would seem my father has decided to entrust me with an early graduation present."

Before he could say another else she was out of the car marveling at the house before her. Shaking his head at her child like behavior he walked up the steps to unlock the door. "Are you coming?" With a nod of the head she started walking toward him.

Of course the house was already furnished, he was a Taisho after all, and they even seemed to come out of the shower fully dressed and ready for the day ahead of them. The living room, dining room, and kitchen seemed to be one huge room all in one; there was a stair case to her left along with a door which she guesses could be a bathroom. On the right was one lonely door half way hid because of the design of the wall stretching out.

The over all look was regal, sleek, masculine and very very Sesshoumaru. She had to hand it to him, when it came to decorating; he could probably out do most women. It didn't take long for her to make herself at home, jumping out on the kitchen counter that connected to the eating bar; glancing his way she smiled at him.

Catching her drift, he came over and seat down on the nearest bar stool. "So…?"

"So what Sesshy?"

"You know what girl."

"I think that you are a spoiled daddy's boy. What did you do to get him to give you this place?"

Raising one of his elegant eyebrows he scoffed at her. "He merely wants me to 'learn some financial responsibility'. By staying here I'll have to learn how to manage bills etc…"

Her mouth formed into an 'O' "So… you'll be living her by yourself until you graduate?"

Sensing nerviness wash over her he quickly decided to put an end to the thoughts she was surely having. "No. There are five extra bed rooms up stairs and mine is through the door behind me."

Lowing her head; hiding her eyes from his view incase the tears that were beginning to build decided to fall. "And who do the other bedrooms belong too…?"

Lifting her chin with a finger he guided her face back into his view. "Stop that. It's not as it seems Kagome. Father as instructed me to recruit other room mates to… as he said, make things interesting. Before you even ask, no they are not female, well… as far as I know. I'm still questioning the sex origin of a few."

Kagome couldn't help but giggle at his remark. "So who are the unlucky people that you are soon going to label as roomies?"

"Of course Naraku will be here and Hiten. A distant cousin of mine which father picked himself will be arriving tonight I believe.

"And the other two?"

"Inuyasha and that perverted friend of his." He could feel a headache forming just from thinking about living with those two for the next year and a half. But this was this only way his father would let him have this present early.

Of course his father had allowed him to pick two of his closest friends seeing how his cousin didn't know anyone from the area yet. Inuyasha of course picked Miroku and they had some how talked his father into allowing such a thing.

Naraku and Hiten had no problem as well, seeing as they are almost as rich as the Taisho's; Kagome figured they were probably glad to get the spoiled trouble makers out the house for a while.

"Hey speaking of Inu, where at those guys?"


As if on cue the door burst open reveling a seemingly ticked off Inuyasha. "Thanks for leaving us hanging back there ya bastard!"

"Why dear brother what ever are you talking about?"

Shooting his brother a glare her kicked off his shoes then proceeded to plop down on the couch "Well you don't waist any time making yourself at home." Kagome stated boredly.

"Feh! Whatever wench! And what am I talking about! You know damn well what I'm talking about fluffy! That stupid ass chimp in a guard suit wouldn't let me in because dad didn't give me my pass yet! So I tried to get a hold of dad which I couldn't, so after the third try at calling mom she picked up and straightened everything out, no thanks to you!"

Refusing to listen to anymore of his brothers childish rants he stood up motioning Kagome to follow him. "Show your friends around if you wish. Just don't have a mess of things; inform me as soon as the others begin to arrive."

Grabbing her wrist Sesshoumaru pulled her toward the door he had earlier stated to be his room. Opening the door he relieved another set of stairs, pushing her in front of her he nudged her to go down them. Hearing her friends protests about her leaving them being silenced, she assumed he had shut the door.

"To answer your question, it was a basement I had gutted and rebuilt to my liking."

"Well that answers a lot."

Once they came to the bottom on the stair case Sesshoumaru wasted no time scooping her into his arms and tossing her on his bed; only to have his own form lay on hers.

"Some ones a little egger to 'crisin' the room, aren't they?"

He answered by nibbling along her neck line. "You have no idea…" finding his way up to her ear he lightly blew on it while sliding a hand up under her shirt.

Licking her dry lips she hated that she needed to stop him before he got carried a way. "Sesshy, they will hear us! Plus isn't your father supposed to arrive soon with your cousin?"

Biting her ear lobe to silence her he continued on with his menstruations he was currently doing to her right breast. "Did I not say I had this room rebuilt to my liking? It will not allow sound to escape. The others can simply wait until we are ready to return up stairs."

She was going to continue to argue but she couldn't find the words when his mouth found one of her sensitive spots. Lately he seemed to be fixated on leaving what she called 'love marks' on her person. She detested and refused to call them hickeys; love mark seemed less sluttish in her eyes.

Taking the delicate skin of her neck between his lips he sucked until he was satisfied it had let a bruise like mark on the opposite side of where his actual mating mark lye.

Smirking against her skin when gasps reached his ears, he stared licking his way down between her breasts before stopping on top of her left mound. Biting gently at it caused her to arch further into his awaiting mouth.

"You're evil do you know that…" it was barely a whisper but she knew his demonic hearing would catch it.

"Hn." Trailing a hand passed her well toned stomach he pushed aside a leg as a claw tickled the inside of her thigh.

Tangling her fingers in his hair; holding it in place silently telling him not to stop what he was doing. Before his hand reached where it was oh so needed the bedroom door was swiftly kicked open only to reveal a tall figure running down the stairs.


Inutaisho rubbed the left side of his head yet again; this drive was not going as quickly as he would have hoped. Currently he was driving towards his oldest sons new residence riding shot gun was his lovely wife behind him his lovely but hyper active daughter; to her left was his cause of his headache, his cousins son – Kouga.

He was now very grateful for allowing Sesshoumaru rights to the house a year early; he knew he wouldn't have been able to live with this young wolf demon. Let his sons deal with this loud mouthed teen; it would be good for them both.

This thought alone brought a small smirk to form on his lips; momentarily forgetting about his throbbing head. Pulling through the gates of the community Inutaisho drove as fast as he could without endangering anyone whom might be out walking and such.

"Finally." he grumbled as the house came into sight, causing Izayio to giggle sheepishly at his childish like actions. She was used to the never ending conversations of children; Sesshoumaru wasn't her problem in this area no it was Inuyasha and most of all Rin who broke her in.

Not wasting any time getting out of the car Inutaisho skipped steps as he walked up toward the front door. Knocking once before entering he quickly looked around for the occupants of the house.

His answer as to their ware bouts were shortly answered as a loud slapping noise was heard with a female voice screaming PERVART! following it.

Hearing three sets of foot steps all but running down the stairs he braced himself for any further screaming he was all to aware of when these kind of situations involved Sango and Miroku.

"Why can't you keep that hand of yours to yourself monk!" Sangos aura flashed dangerously as she rounded the corner. Seeing Inutaisho in the room she flashed him a quick smile before sitting down on the couch.

"But Sango my love come into my arms! I shall make it up to you!"

"Leave her alone will ya? Don't piss her off anymore than you already have." Inuyasha sniffed the air a little when catching the scent of someone new.

"Took you long enough Inu-Trasha! But what else could you expect from a half-breed like you!"

Letting out a growl Inuyasha whipped around to come face to face with his not so missed cousin. "Listen here ya mangy wolf I'll show you what ya can expect from his half breed!"

Before the two could start anything Izayio intervened "Kouga wouldn't you be a dear and find Sesshoumaru? He seems to be the only one missing so far." adding a sweet smile she gently pushed him in the direction she was sure the older teen to be.


Not even bothering to knock Kouga kicked open Sesshoumarus door before leaping down the stairs. "Hey fluffy! Your parents want ya up stairs pronto…whooaaa…"

Pulling Kagomes shirt up in flash before the uninvited guest he known all to well could catch a peak of anything Sesshoumaru covered the rest of her body with his.

Kagome wasted no time in burying her head in a pillow; she could feel her face beginning to burn up from blushing.

Hearing a chuckle coming from his cousins' direction Sesshoumaru jerked his head to face his way. "Did I interrupt something here?" a huge wolf like grin plastered on his face.

"It would be in your best interest to leave now before you forfeit your life."

Knowing he wasn't joking Kouga held up his hands defensively "Ok, Ok don't get your panties in a wad fluffikins." Hearing a snarl come from Sesshoumaru Kouga wasted no time with getting out before he made good on his threat.

Peaking out from under her pillow she smiled at him "We should go up stairs don't you think Sesshy?"

"Hn, it would seem so." Instead of getting off her though he started nipping at her throat once more.

For once she was a step ahead of him, wrapping her legs around his waist she flipped him over on his back; pinning his arms above his head before he realized what was happening.

Of course she knew he could get out his any time he wanted but she liked thinking she could actually control him some times. Bringing her head down to his neck she mimicked his actions from earlier. Sucking on his silky skin until the blood from his skin; she hadn't meant to suck so hard but at this point she didn't care as long as she left a mark as well.

Leaning up slightly; looking over her handy work she smirked up at him. Jumping up off of him she ran toward the stairs before he could catch her. Of course he knew she was going to run once she smirked but he decided to let her; he would get her back later.

Giggling all the way into the living Kagome finally calmed down when she saw that Sesshoumarus dad and step mother were there. "Hello Inutaisho, Izayio." She bowed slightly before sitting down besides Sango.

"Kagome dear, I didn't have any idea you were here as well!"

"Feh! From the looks of it you've been busy." Pulling the side of her collar down to get a good look at the newly made mark.

Not liking the fact that his brother was sitting so close to his 'mate' Sesshoumaru took it upon himself to hit him on the back of the head as he walked by.

"Father I'm surprised you are still here." Sesshoumaru said rather boredly.

Slapping his oldest son on the back he laughed lightly "We're just on our way out my son. Just wanted to make sure your cousin got settled in." Glancing over at the person in question he raised an eyebrow.

"From the looks of things he is doing just that." Letting a look of confusion sweep over his face for but a moment Sesshoumaru followed his fathers' eye sight and didn't particularly like what he saw.

Kouga was seemingly warming up to Kagome lightly touching her knee or arm as he told her a joke; not trying to hide the fact that he was flirting openly with the female that had just been in his cousins bed.

Not letting his anger get the best of him he quickly took notice in the way Kagome was reacting to his 'innocent' touches by pushing his hand away gently then sending him a look that pleaded for help.

He mentally slapped himself for even doubting her for a second; she wasn't like the other women in his life, she wasn't easy.

"Kouga would you mind helping us bring in all of your belongings hon." Kagome quickly smiled and mouthed a thank you towards Izayio.


After helping their cousin bring in his things and some what unpack the teens tried to decide to what to do with their time until Naraku and Hiten decide to show up.

"We should invite people over."

"You don't even know anyone yet wolf!"

"So? don't you people have other friends or something?"

Sango quickly shot Kagome a glance before both of them chimed in "That's a great idea! We'll start calling people!"

Sesshoumaru glared at the females "I don't really want…" He was surprising cut off by Kagome shushing him.

"Kagome." he bit out but it went unnoticed seeing as she was already on her cell inviting people over.

Sesshoumaru decided it would be best to stick around through out the duration of the party; if only to keep things from disappearing or that was what he was telling himself. He did in fact enjoy having fun with what he considered his friends he just didn't show it that well.

Kagome knew what he was doing from the get go; she knew once everyone got here he would lighten up some.

Everyone had been instructed to bring this or that; it was after 10:30 and it was basically a full house of their closest friends. Grabbing a beer out of the fridge Kagome headed outside to visit with the closest ones of all.

Sitting down in a lawn chair she couldn't help but smile while watching her friends interact. She was happy for them all; they had at least found someone to spend their time with.

Kagura had much to everyone's surprise ended up dating Onigumo; Kagome and Sango had cornered her and threaten to harm her in every way imaginable if she did anything to hurt him. She did everything she could to convince them that she was dead set on staying with him. In her own words she said he treated her like anyone else.

They seemed happy enough and Kagome had gained another friend out of it all. Yura had started dating Hiten not to long ago and from what she understood Naraku was currently dating a girl he had met on vacation who he convinced to move here; how he did that she had no idea, she still didn't understand rich people.

She hadn't been introduced to her as of yet so Kagome walked over figuring now was as good of a time as ever. "Hey Naraku, haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Kagome smiled sweetly hoping he would get her drift.

"Ah, my dear Kagome" taking her hand he gently kissed the top of it. "You are looking lovely as ever. I've been on vacation with my family lately."

"So I've heard and I also heard you didn't come back single." Noticing him wrap his free arm around the mystery woman's waist.

"That is correct; this lovely woman beside me is named Kaguya."

"Ah, the name fits. It's a pleasure to meet you Kaguya." Kagome placed her hand out but before Kaguya could take it she used it to cover her mouth and ran inside.

"Uh… is she ok?" Naraku shook his head before he chuckled.

"Hai, but if you can keep a secret well until a little later; we're expecting a child."

Kagomes mouth fell to the ground "W-what? Oh my god, congrats!"

"Yeah… that's why she's living with me. Her parents thought she was to young which 17 is young but we are graduating next year after all. Nothing to worry about."


After congratulating Naraku once again Kagome set off to find Sesshoumaru. Walking inside she noticed the door of his room was ajar and thought it to be odd since he was such a privacy freak.

Pushing the door open so she could squeeze past it she started walking down the stairs calling out his name.

"Sesshoumaru? You down here?" Before she knew it she was tossed back down on an extremely soft bed; her panties sheared before she could blink an eye.

Kagome gasped as she felt the rough tongue of Sesshoumaru against her nether lips. She didn't have time to brace herself when his fangs not so gently grazed across her clit. She knew he still worked up from earlier but didn't expect this. He rarely went down on her.

Holding down her hips, he looked up locking eyes with her as he continued his assault on her now dripping wet pussy. Without warning he sank two of his fingers deep with in her; roughly working and stretching her insides making sure she would be ready for him.

Pulling his fingers out; still locking eyes with her; he licked them clean before flipping her over on her stomach. Ramming into her hard he smirked as she half moaned half screamed. 'Hopefully these sound proof walls work…oh fuck it if they don't'

She knew no one had missed them at the party and if they had oh well; no one could've made her miss what had just happened between her and Sesshoumaru. She loved it when he caught her off guard like that.

Snuggling closer into his chest she sighed in total bliss; maybe him having his own house wouldn't be so bad; at least she never had to worry about his parents over hearing them or tiring herself out with putting up a barrier.

"Hey Sesshoumaru…."


"What would you do if….I got pregnant?" She couldn't help but start chewing on her lip but the thought had plagued her thoughts for a while.

"Ridiculous. No need to worry yourself over it." He snorted.

"Why is that? Naraku got Kaguya pregnant so why couldn't that happen to us? Its not like we use protections."

Again this caused him to snort "The only way you would become pupped without my knowledge is if I was in a blood lust state and my beast took over."

"Nani…? I don't understand."

Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose "I can control when I get a female pregnant. My beast would do it just so it could have an heir; I wouldn't remember anything that my beast did so I couldn't remember getting said female pupped."

"Oh…but you still didn't answer my question… what would you do?"

"It would be a half-breed. I would insure it would be disposed off. So we have nothing to worry about, now get some rest."

If he would have looked closer he would have seen a single tear roll down her cheek with only the darkness falling witness.


There you guys go! Another chapter... I know its short but sorry! This is all i could type without getting sick. Anyways I have posted a new story also... look on my profile page and look it up!

Anywho... you guys know what to do! Review!