Woah woah woah! My first Negima fic! Please read and review! Kinda AU and I think it's a bit of a diff version of the Kyoto Arc! Yeah, maybe….I'll see as the story goes.

EDIT: IS NOT A DIFF VERSION OF KYOTO ARC! Alternate Universe and diff story ya'll!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own "Negima!". I'm sure everyone who reads/watches "Negima!" would like to say they own it, but alas, Ken Akamatsu does.

Kirei—(my character) Kinda like a guy who reports on the latest happenings to the Kansai and Kanto Magic Associations. Also a messenger at the same time I guess.

"The letter has been sent…"

Those were the few words he muttered as he slipped away from the Elder's room.

Kirei put the peice of paper down. "I'm afraid we can't take this threat lightly Eishun-sama…"

"I know, but as you remember I don't want Konoka to be worried about these things. She's just a child after all."

"I understand, but we just can't leave it alone. You of all people should know how precious Konoka-sama is to the magic society."

Eishun let a small smile come to his lips. "I have a suggestion that can calm you and the Magic Associations down. Well…once they find out anyway."

Kirei nodded. "I'm listening."

"I'm sure you have heard of the Thousand Master's son?"

"Of course but what does he have to do with this?"

"I can assemble a special squad to guard my daughter. I will recruit him."

Kirei's eyes widened. "What are you talking about? I don't even think he's reached the age of three!"

"Remember, this threat will only happen once Konoka's powers are released. This most probably won't happen for a few more years. I'm sure he will be skilled enough by then. I will take care of the other members who will be joining this squad."

Kirei started to lift himself from his tatami mat. "Alright then, We in the Kansai and Kanto Associations are counting on you then."

Eishun smiled and led Kirei out.

Hehe…I really don't know when word came out that Negi is the son of Nagi but heck, it is a sort of AU story anyway. Sorry, it's all Eishun and mystery person right now. Ahahhaha……R&R everyone!

Chamo: Bossy……

Ekilow: Feh…you shouldn't even be here..

Chamo: ACK!

Ekilow: (Looks at the window) Oops..threw him in the wrong direction…..and I'm on the second floor too…