Switching Personalities

A horrible Science experiment goes wrong…and Naruto and Sasuke end up switching personalities! So now Naruto is a brooding, arrogant, cold-hearted, and power obsessed bastard while Sasuke is an idiotic, goofy, hard working, Hokage hopeful, ramen loving, prank obsessed, happy go lucky idiot. Will they ever return to normal? Or will they forever be what they are now?

In the Gymnasium of the Ninja Academy, students and their Science projects were currently on exhibit for the annual N.A.S.F (Ninja Academy Science Fair). A lot of the projects were basic (like an erupting volcano that uses vinegar and baking soda) but interesting none the less. The Chuunin teams and their team mates were to build a project together.

Shino, Kiba and Hinata had scientifically cloned insects, plants, dog bones (Kiba was currently trying to keep Akamaru calm) and guppies. Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji had beauty products conducted into food so you'd get beautiful while eating them. Lee, TenTen and Neji had a strange machine with a chicken and a rabbit in it (this machine is important for this story!) Sakura, (who had been transferred to a new team months ago) and her team Aiko and Junika (all girls!) had a volcano that erupted tomato sauce. Sasuke, his cousin Olivia (also known as Teah) and Naruto had a neat and high-tech Solar System with a neat set of laminated photos to go with it.

"That's a neat project!" Lee commented, nodding towards their project. "I can definitely see that as a winner!"

"Thank you, Lee!" Teah said. "What's your project, anyway?"

"Yeah, are you cross breeding a rabbit with a chicken?" Naruto teased.

"Actually guys, it's a machine that completely switches the personalities of any living thing! The Rabbit will switch personalities with the chicken and vice versa!" Lee explained. TenTen and Neji nodded.

"Very interesting, Lee! Good luck and may the best team win!" Teah told him.

"Thank you, Teah-chan, you're too kind!"

"Yeah, good luck, fuzzy brow!" Naruto gave him a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Naruto! Same to you!"

Then Iruka stepped up to the microphone. "Attention everybody! Our judges will be passing around and evaluating the projects in about 5 minutes, so get your projects ready and good luck to all of you!"

"Hey Sasuke," Naruto spoke up. "Think our project will win?"

"Hn. Who knows?" Sasuke shrugged. "Probably would if you weren't such a dope."

"Hey! Don't call me that, you bastard!"

"Make me."

"Boys!" Teah scolded. "Stop fighting! Save it for later! The Judges will be around soon."

"Okay, Teah-chan." Naruto said, but glared at Sasuke who smirked back.

And so the Judges went around from project to project, finally coming to Lee and his team.

"Well, what's this then? Are you going to cross-breed a rabbit with a chicken?" One of the Judges joked.

"Actually, this machine will have the rabbit and the chicken switch personalities and vice versa!" TenTen explained.

"Watch and learn! Neji, push the button." Lee said.

Neji sighed and pushed the big red button which activated the machine.

"As you see, now the rabbit thinks it's a chicken…while the chicken is enjoying a nice, crunchy carrot!" Lee gestured toward the two animals who were now being each other!

"Very impressive!" The Judges clapped.

Suddenly, a strange static sound came and smoke arose from the machine.

"Oh dear, you can't be planning to also cook the animals, do you?"

"N-no! This was not supposed to happen!" Lee was horrified.

"What do we do?" TenTen panicked.

"Here! We'll help! C'mon Sasuke!" Naruto went over to the plug of the machine, grabbed it and Sasuke grabbed it beside him. "Okay, on the count of three we'll both pull! One…two…"


An electric surge went through the plug and zapped the two boys holding it.

"Three!" Naruto finished as the zapping stopped and they fell to the floor. It was all over now.

"Oh my God!" Teah rushed over and helped them to their feet. "Are you guys okay?"

Sasuke rubbed his head. "Yeah, Teah-chan, we're fine! Thank goodness."

"Hn, I'm fine too." Naruto replied.

Teah quirked an eyebrow. "Okay…"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to an unfortunate accident, we may have to take time to decide the winner. You may all go now. We will announce the decision tomorrow!" Iruka said.

"You know what I could go for? Some miso ramen! Hey, Naruto! Want to grab some ramen at Ichiraku's?" Sasuke asked as they left the gym.

Teah stared at her cousin in disbelief. Did he really just say that?

"Fine. But you're paying." Naruto replied.

"Not a problem! You can come too, if you want Teah-chan! C'mon! My treat! And I know just how much you looooove ramen!"

"…" What has gotten into these two?

"Hey, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura squealed. "How are you? You all right?"

"Hey, Sakura-chan! I'm great! Never felt better!" Sasuke said cheerfully.

Sakura froze, Sasuke just sounded like Naruto there! This was weird! And why wasn't Naruto saying anything? Yes, he had gotten over her a long time ago, but he was still and nice and friendly!

"Hey, Naruto. Are you okay?" Sakura asked.

"I'm fine. Now go away." Naruto muttered.

Sakura looked a bit hurt but walked away. "See you, Sasuke-kun." She walked away.

"Hey! Don't be so mean to Sakura-chan like that!" Sasuke scolded.

"Shut up, Teme."

"Don't call me that, you dobe!"

"Guys! Cut it out!" Teah said sternly. For God's sake! What's with them?

At Ichiraku's…

"Mmm! Best ramen in the world! Keep the ramen coming, Ojii-san!" Sasuke said as he slurped down some ramen.

"Sure, Naruto…I mean Sasuke."

"…" Teah was just too confused and bewildered to eat.

Naruto was eating, but not as enthusiastically as he used to.

"You going eat that, Teah-chan?"

Teah pushed the bowl away. "No, you can have it."

Sasuke took the bowl and ate some of it. "Wonder who's gonna win the fair?"

"Who knows?" Naruto stood. "I'm gonna go train."

"Wait for me! I'm coming with!" Sasuke finished the bowl and stood.

"No. You should digest first, sudden physical activity right after eating causes cramps, aches, nausea and vomiting." Naruto said.

"Shut up! I can manage just fine! I challenge you to a sparring match!" Sasuke pointed at his friend/rival.

Naruto smirked a Sasuke-ish smirk. "You're on, Teme. Let's go."

Teah stared after her two team mates, deep in thought. What is wrong with them! It's like they've switched personalities or something!

The next day, Iruka's classroom…

"Good morning, everyone. As you all know, the accident yesterday that occurred caused a delay in the awarding, but I assure you that they will take place this afternoon." Iruka sat down on his chair.


All the students cracked up! Teah laughed really hard, Sasuke laughed the hardest and Naruto just shook his head, his hands folded under his chin.

"Morons." He muttered.

Iruka blushed and stood, seeing that he had sat on a whoopee cushion. "Naruto! You are so…" He picked up the cushion and stared at it.

Written in black marker was: Property of Sasuke Uchiha

"Sasuke? Did you do this?"

Sasuke laughed. "Sure did, Iruka-sensei! You should've seen your face!"

All the girls stared at him in shock and the boys too.

A heavy silence fell over the room.

SASUKE planted that thing on Iruka's chair! Teah thought. I knew it! They DID switch personalities!

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