First of all I would like to apologise again! (I'm doing this a lot lately) I had promised/informed/mentioned to people that I would have this chapter up a week again but I must confuse that work got on top of me and therefore I have been living like a running mouse on the wheel in the cage!

Secondly, I would like to give a big thank you to – Shaurya, slightly unhinged, beyaz Kaplan, James's Fire, potterchil, PiperPaigePhoebe01, Rica, Tamzi, mistinthenight, Erica, Dactyl, Baney Llama, tigerlily141, Because I Need More Space, robster639, MoonShine Fairy, Shbeni, Blacksbitch, radical-rebel, BlueSea14, blueholly, Whitelight72, raindrops on roses3, anon, Katie, meganidge, ilusinging333, opalshine, Ronnis, tm7, hermy permy, WhiteCamellia, annna, tracyh. – thanks for the reviews they kept me going!

Epilogue – The Future

Music filtered over the dancers swaying to the slow melody in the enchanted Great Hall. Tall, frosty pine trees with silver bubbles and small fairies stood proudly in each corner of the room while several small snowmen dressed in colourful scarves and gloves jigged on the tables, entertaining the students resting from the dancing. The food was delicious as Hogwarts elves in the kitchen had once again out done themselves. Many of the students were lounging on the chairs with contented smiles at having a great night before the Christmas holidays started.

Lily saw this all over her tall partner's muscular shoulder as they moved gracefully in time music. It was a success and now the Head Girl could relax and enjoy herself without worrying what everyone thought about the Heads' planning, management and decorating skills. Time enough to enjoy the triumph when the morning comes, thought Lily with an inward smile. She sighed happily, tightened her arms and smugly smiled into the neck that she snuggled into.

"It's alright Lily to smirk" said the husky voice of James Potter as he whispered into his love's ear. "You have earned it with all the hard work you put yourself through. Go on. Show off to everyone that you are a brilliant witch…I know that you're thinking it anyway!" He chuckled softly as Lily pinged the back of his neck in revenge. "Now, now Lily-flower that was not nice…might have to punish you…"

James wiggled his eyebrows and left the thought hanging to watch in anticipation. Lily's embarrassment at the obvious suggestion spread from the bottom of her slender neck to her pale cheeks in a matter of one second. Very adorable. Very sexy. A small smile tugged at the corners of James' mouth.

Lily half-glared back at her tormentor, staring him straight in the eyes, which was her undoing. The chocolate irises swirled with love as they gazed calmly back before smiling at the lack of the red-head's usual fiery retort at the Head Boy's jibs.

"You are my downfall!", muttered Lily heatedly as her eyes dropped to his sensual lips that was pulled into the familiar 'Potter smirk' that charmed every single girl in Hogwarts, including Lily which, if she was honest, still grated on her conscious at times. "I can't even think of a clever thing to say back. I hate you for that."

James' forehead leaned on Lily's and rubbed their noses together – an endearing gesture that he knew that Lily love when they were alone. Of course, they weren't with the Great Hall of fourth to seventh years present but Lily had enough punch, spiked by his dear friend Sirius Black, for his girlfriend to lose her edge at public display of 'couple-ness'. She smiled sleepily at him and brought her head for a quick peak on the lips.

The day had been long for them both with organising and running riot at the fifth year prefects being incapable of understanding any words at all! Several times Lily and James had to sort out disasters with magic particularly when two snowmen caught on fire in a place where there was no naked flames! James was content just to be in Lily's presence. Ever since three weeks since the whole Frank Longbottom's engagement was revealed the two of them had been inseparable. James permanently attached himself to the Head Girl's side. No place better to be! his heart argued sensible with his head agreeing.

The Marauders of course were delighted with the outcome as they no longer had to hear about all of James' lousy attempts to woo the fair Lily-flower anymore. Remus and Sirius, still sugar high, interrupted the couple by bursting into James' room half an hour later since they talked to James. A picture greeted them -the two love birds, sat opposite one another, cross-legged, on top of Potter's bedcover playing a heated game of chess; each fully concentrating on the outcome and therefore totally oblivious to the commotion.

This did not last long as Sirius had a pillow projectile directly into his gorgeous face for the loud comment, "What! Not even strip chess!"

After that James felt the need to stay at Lily's side. Although he was already memorised in her presence anyway, he was shocked that she agreed with a beaming smile gracing her features as to say yes to be his girlfriend. While she was in such happy state, James further pushed his luck by getting a 'I must ask my parents' for her to come over to his house and stay for three days to be a guest, an important guest, to the annual Potter's New Year Party.

The next day the whole school gasped/gaped/fainted away as the Heads' came to breakfast together holding hands and saw James diving to Lily's cheek for a quick peck and watched as she turned glaring at him. She knew what he was doing – claiming her for his in front of everyone however, in her heart she was secretly thrilled that he felt the need to be possessive. Lily was quickly instigated into the Marauders' mould and soon Lily could barely eat her toast with the constant laughing stitch in her side. From that day, fun and laughter have been with Lily.

"Lily", James sang softly into her ear as he breathed in deeply the strawberry shampoo that she used on her hair which tamed the wild strands into perfect curls.

In fact, James thought that Lily looked absolutely perfect this evening – breathtakingly so! From the moment she walked down into the common room James eyes were popping out of their socket at the vision that she created. A deep forest green dress that fitted her petite frame very nicely showing off the curves that Lily had and a simple diamond necklace which James had given her as a early Christmas gift both brought out the sparkle of her eyes. He wasn't the only one to notice the beauty. As they entered the Hall, James noted all the double looks from the girls and boys, especially the lust from boys and quickly placed his arm protectively around Lily's waist.

However, now the Head Girl's head was comfortable on his chest, eyes closed, swaying with his body to the music.

"Lily-flower", repeated James until Lily's eyes fluttered open in response to hearing his voice. "I think some fresh air is in order. Come on love."

Lily moaned in slight irritation as they headed towards the doors which brought them to the Hogwarts grounds. They were hit with cold wind instantaneously. Lily started shivering and murmured slightly, hugging herself closer to James' body heat. James was not complaining at the contact, in fact, to make sure that Lily was warm he pinned her to him. He steered them to the lake to gaze at the water.

James pulled Lily closer into his strong embrace, his arms circling her waist, head tuck under his chin. Both were bewitched by the new moon in the sky and the reflection dancing across the Great Lake.

"You do know that mini-Potters are going to be running around all cute with bright green eyes and red hair," James stated in a matter of fact manner while curling a piece of Lily's attractive hair around his rough fingers.

"I prefer messy black hair." Lily replied simply and snuggled into the hold and breathed in deep.

"Well, I guess that could be arranged," James smile, "Mrs Lily Potter…nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"Yes." Lily turned around to James and smiled up into his face, standing on her tip-toes kissed him with her whole soul.


Thank you everyone who reviewed this story. Please review it one last time! Hope you all having a great day and cheers!!!