Chris grumbled in annoyance when Lilian's phone rang, blasting an old Heart song out. Out of all the cell phones in the world, Lilian had to buy the loudest one possible. He opened one eye, seeing that Lilian was still fast asleep. "Lil, your phone's ringing," he told her, poking Lilian gently, rolling his eyes when she rolled over, muttering in her sleep.

'How can she not be woken by that stupid thing?' he thought, reaching a hand out to grab her phone, flipping it open and holding it to his ear. "Hello?" Chris questioned groggily, holding the phone back when a loud booming voice rang out from the earpiece.

"Hello, this is Vincent McMahon. I need to speak to Lilian Garcia, please."

"Yeah, hold on a minute," Chris replied, rolling his eyes as he looked at the clock. It was 8:15 in the morning. Who called people that early, especially on a Sunday? Well, obviously Vince McMahon did, but that was beside the point. "Lil…" he whispered, shaking her shoulder a bit. "Lil, you have a phone call," he tried again, nearly laughing when she moaned in annoyance in her sleep.

"Just give him the damn microphone," she grumbled in her sleep. "You know Umaga wants to cut a promo before his commercial break."

Chris frowned, wondering what the hell Lilian was talking about. He smiled evilly, thinking of a good way of waking her.

Placing the phone on mute, he leaned over her, directly in her face. "Vivian! Wake up! The match is over and you need to announce the winner!" he yelled in her face, backing up quickly when she shot up, her eyes wild as she felt around for, Chris was assuming, a microphone.

Chris started laughing hysterically, leaping off the bed with the sheet wrapped around his waist when Lilian grabbed for him, the sheet covering her naked body slipping down a little bit. "Chris! You ass clown! Why'd you do that?" she asked, gasping for breath.

"Sorry, baby, couldn't resist. You have a phone call," Chris said, still laughing as he walked into the bathroom.

Lilian took a deep breath, looking at the caller id. "Fuck," she grumbled, gathering her bearings as she answered the phone. "Hello?" There was no answer, and she looked at her phone, surprised to see it was on mute. "I'm gonna kill him," she muttered, turning mute off as she sweetly asked, "Hello?"

"Lilian? This is Mr. McMahon. I hope I didn't wake you."

'You didn't, but that bastard I fell in love with did,' she thought, falling back against the pillows, closing her eyes briefly. "It is okay, Mr. McMahon. I was just starting to wake up. How can I help you?"

"I've been in meeting with creative all weekend, and we've decided that you should stay out this Raw and continue to sell the 'internal injuries' you received at Viscera's doing last week. It will also give us a chance to develop the team of Charlie and Nelson. You see…" Lilian toned him out, glaring at Chris as he came out of the bathroom, sauntering slyly over to the bed. Chris smiled at Lilian, settling down on his knees on the bed in front of her, crawling to where she lay.

'Don't you even think of it,' Lilian mouthed, her breath catching in her throat as Chris crawled over her, his knees planted on either side of her hips. He ducked his head, kissing her throat, smiling wickedly when she jumped a little bit, her back hitching at the sensation.

"… and people are saying that Viscera and Charlie could be Men on a Mission part two, which I find funny. Most of our fan base may be too young to remember Men on a Mission, but I'm sure the older people remember that Nelson, before the Viscera character, used to be known as King Mabel and he teamed with…" Vince droned on.

Lilian held the phone away from her ear, whimpering softly when Chris licked her stomach, using his hands to massage her hips. She grabbed the sheets as he worked his way up, continuing to kiss her, the obvious destination of his lips being her bare breasts. "Stop it," Lilian hissed softly, her eyes wide as she gestured to the phone with her head.

Chris smirked, moving from a top his girlfriend as he laid next to her, hearing Vince still talking away. "… but I have to say, many people want Charlie to team back up with Shelton Benjamin to reform the World's Greatest Tag Team, but that's too predictable. I personally think Shelton is doing well in the singles department. Besides, I like the idea of Nelson and Charlie together… they could have a finishing move dedicated to you called 'Pillow Talk'. Wouldn't that be hilarious?"

"Tee hee hee," Chris muttered in a high falsetto, jumping away so Lilian couldn't smack him. He grinned at her, knowing that she was going to try to kill him as soon as she got off the phone with her boss.

"So, I hope you didn't have a ticket purchased for a plane. If so, I apologize. We're willing to pay you back for the ticket since it's such short notice if needed," Vince said.

"It's honestly not a problem, Mr. McMahon. I appreciate the offer, though. I will probably still fly out because my sister lives in Texas," Lilian told him.

"Okay, that sounds good, Lilian. Sorry for such short notice about this angle. Enjoy your week and we'll see you in Cleveland on the 24th, right?" Vince asked. "Charlie, Nelson, you and I can go over how to develop angle then, okay?"

"Absolutely, Mr. McMahon. Thank you very much and have a great week."

"Good bye."


Lilian snapped the phone shut, rolling over to look at Chris, who was looking at her with a goofy smile. "I should kill you for doing that to me when I was on the phone with my boss…" Lilian told him, shaking her head.

"… but?" Chris asked, attempting to prompt her to finish.

"… but, you are so absolutely fucking adorable that I can't stay mad at you," she finished, kissing him on the cheek. "Besides…" Lilian whispered, pulling slightly on the sheet around his waist, "I'll get you back later."

"I can't wait to see how," Chris whispered, kissing her gently.

Later in the afternoon, Chris lay next to Lilian, enjoying the feeling of her breath against his bare chest. He had just woken up, but Lilian was still sleeping. Sighing, he forced himself off the bed, rolling his neck as he stretched, walking to the bathroom. He turned on the water, looking in the mirror, nearly jumping at the sight before him. His eyes were drooping, his hair mussed. Yawning, he stuck his hand in the shower, making sure he was satisfied at the temperature before stepping in.

Lilian forced her eyes open when she heard the water in the shower running. She stretched, standing up, walking to the bathroom with the intent to join him in the shower. Her hand touched the knob, an evil smile coming across her face as she thought, the perfect idea for revenge filling her head.

Quietly, she pushed the door open, smirking when she heard Chris her theme music from WWE Originals, 'You Just Don't Know Me at All'. It almost made her feel guilty about what she was getting ready to do…

Lilian flushed the toilet and turned on the water, listening, feeling satisfied when Chris yelled in surprise when the cold water hit him, the sound of him dropping his shampoo echoing in his large bathroom. Lilian giggled when he cursed, jumping slightly when he stuck his head out of the shower, shampoo suds rolling down his shoulders as he glared at Lilian.

"Vivian, would you shut off that water?" he yelped, wiping water out of his eyes.

"That's not my na-ame," Lilian teased, her hand hovering above the toilet flusher again.

"Okay, okay, Lilian," Chris said desperately. "Seriously, babe, you're causing some shrinkage in here, and that'll be a big problem for both of us."

Lilian giggled again, finally shutting off the water. Chris sighed in relief, muttering, "Just wait till I get out of here…"

"Whatcha gonna do about it, tough guy?" Lilian asked, stepping into the shower with Chris, stepping close to him so the now warm water could hit the both of them.

"Well, nothing, I guess," Chris murmured, closing his eyes when Lilian began massaging his shoulders. "I guess we're even for now."

"That's what I thought," Lilian murmured, pausing in her massaging. "Will you wash me hair for me?" she asked shyly, picking up the shampoo bottle for him.

"You bet," Chris said with a smile, accepting the bottle and admiring her wet body.

God, he loved her.

End Part 3… hope you enjoyed… lots of joking and fun that I tried to keep fairly clean.