Yes, yet another fic by me... this one I find very Kawaii -

Disclaimer: Blah blah blah don't own InuYasha blah blah Rumiko Takahashi yadda yadda... DONE!

To Melt One's Heart

Chapter 1: Bankotsu's New Burden

Her tiny feet splashed through a puddle. Loose strands of hair escaping the ribbon holding her hair back in a low ponytail. A pedal blew from the small bouquet she held and into her hair.

"Daddy! Daddy! Lookit what I got!" her gentle, small voice.

She froze.

She saw her mother lying on the ground with red water surrounding her, and her father was standing over her.

Her father turned, and his eyes widened when he saw his daughter staring at them, confused.

"Daddy…" she said quietly, almost frightened. "What's mommy doing?"

Her father smiled. "Don't worry honey. Mommy's just… sleeping that's all."

I'm sorry…

Sango's face brightened. "Oh! OK! I brought mommy and daddy some flowers!" she said, whispering, as if she was afraid that she would wake her mother.

Her father twitched slightly, which went unnoticed by his daughter.

My Dearest…

Sango walked over to her beloved father. "Daddy, take the flowers, k?"

I love you…

Her father's sweaty hand gripped the dagger.

Now die…

A shrill scream broke from her lips.

Sango's father leaned over and plucked the pedal from her hair as pleading, confused eyes looked up at him.

"Now go to sleep, my daughter."

He steps were slow and graceful, as if he didn't give a damn… which he didn't.

His icy blue eyes, which lacked emotion, gazed at the path ahead of him. His one and only partner rested on his shoulder; his right arm was lazily draped around it to prevent it from falling.

He had only just noticed how tired he actually was, so he decided to find a village to destroy and rest in. He needed a place to settle his restless mind.

He lazily looked up and saw a village. A small smile curled upon his lips. Perfect…

Bankotsu stopped just a few inches from the gate. His mind was torn between two options: He could knock on the door and kill them surprisingly…


Just knock the door down and kill everything and everyone in sight.

He smirked. The second option sounded much more entertaining.

With one sweep of his mighty sword, Banryuu, he knocked the entire door down and-


He hadn't intended on taking half the village down as well. Oh well, no loss.

The remaining villagers stood there, like deer in front of the headlights. Their faces were pale one minute, and then they were running and screaming the next.

He smirked again. Emotion filled his eyes now; only it was cold and dark emotion. With two or three more sweeps, it was dead silent, except for the crunch of his feet against the ground as he searched for survivors.

His head whipped around to a hut, where he heard some commotion. He slowly walked over, walking on the balls of his feet so they wouldn't be heard.

His arm reached over and gently brushed the straw curtain aside. He arched and eyebrow when he saw a grown man leaning over something.

He rolled his eyes when the man let out a chuckle. Was he going insane? Most likely. He swung his Banryuu, which in his mind was yearning for more blood.

He frowned at what he saw. A small child, no more than six years old was lying on the ground, tears in her eyes and she was whimpering. A small cut on her arm caught his attention.

He almost laughed when she looked up, realizing that she was out of danger.

For now…

Her fearful eyes looked up at his tall figure; his shadow cast over her tiny form.

He was almost ready to kill her, but… on second thought, he was in a good mood today, so he thought he would let her go.

A grunt was heard from his thought as he turned to move on with life. He would rather stay in a different village. It would be kind of awkward staying in a village with a little girl that was still alive.

A twig snap from behind caught his attention. Huh, so she followed me.

"Look kid, I spared you, so what more do you want?"

"I want my daddy to love me."

His eyebrows knotted. "What?"

She looked at her feet. "My daddy hurt me… because he doesn't love me." Her voice was so soft that he almost couldn't hear her.

He sighed. "Sorry, I can't help you with that. Besides, he's dead, so what does it matter?"

She cocked her head to the side, curiosity filled her eyes. "Dead?" she repeated the new term.

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, you're probably too young to know about life and death, aren't you?" He shifted Banryuu slightly. "Well, it's been real, but I gotta go now. See ya!"

He took a couple of steps, but heard her small steps running after him. He groaned and turned around again. "Now what do you want?"

"Please…" she whimpered. "I'm scared." His blank expression made her look at her feet again. "Please don't leave me alone!" she began to sob softly.

Bankotsu couldn't believe it. He actually felt a little bit sorry for her. He actually had feelings. He sighed and rubbed his head, unsure what to do.

"Fine! You can come with me, but stay out of my way, got it kid?"

He head snapped up with a bright smile. She quickly nodded her head and trotted over to walk beside him. "Arigato, Oo-aniki!" she chirped. (Arigato: Thank You)

Oo-aniki? What was that about?

Bankotsu shook his head in disbelief as she skipped merrily along side him, giggling once in awhile.

"What's your name, Oo-aniki?"

The question pooped out of nowhere.

"Bankotsu," he muttered.

"Bankotsu…" she tried it out. "My name is Sango!"

"Yeah, that's great kid" he sighed. What have I gotten myself into?

Poor Sango! I intentionally wrote this story for Language Arts, but I liked it so much that I decided to post it here! R&R!