This is my first Spirited Away Fic - Hope you enjoy

I don't own Spirited away or anything else owned by Miyuzaki (sp?)

The walls seemed to call to her again, this time though she had almost given into to them as they pushed another dose of medicine into her mouth, again like the other she let it fall before the nurse held her mouth shut ands she had no choice but to swallow it.

It ran down her throat like chalk oozing its way with no thought to the one having to take it. Her eyes dulled if possibly more, as she made no outward gesture to the medicine. The nurse looked at her sighing as she had tried to get the girl talking at least one word each night but nothing ever came out, the only word she would speak was when the medicine took affect and sent her on her way to dreams.

They had to put on the cuffs again tonight as she seemed more and more restless in her sleep her from lurching itself around the wards her eyes blank uncaring as her soul screamed out in a silent voice. The cuffs held her still the leather bindings more than enough to keep her in her bed for a night, though it pained to see such a broken spirit the nurse gave her one more look before turning the lights out. The girls dimmed eyes looked to the side of the bed out of the barred windows as her eye lids fell the room seemed to spring to life with the sound of the river flowing in her dream.

The sound of the river was closer than before, like it was under her floating away as she slept above its crystal like appearance. The dream faded out as her dead eyes looked around the room. Her eyelids heavy and slow she turned to face the door, the only light the small slivers of pale moonlight that reached her window.

Her eyes widened as for a moment she could hear running water aside from her dreams, she sat up all too quickly forgetting about the restraint as she was forcefully reminded as they held her arms taught and painfully behind her as she lurched forward.

She looked around franticly looking for the noise, she looked to the window...nothing…she looked to the walls…again nothing, but as she looked to the door right were it ended near the top of the room next to the ceiling she gasped. Water was running into the room from the door in small waves running down the door, always gathering in speed as they began to fill the room. Even as they hit the bottom the water didn't leave it simply began to fill up the room swishing lazy at the posts of the bed as the girl began pulling at the cuff on her wrists. Hair was flung carelessly around her as she tried to pull of the cuffs the water was almost halfway up the post of bed and it showed no sign of stopping, her head shaking from side to side as she began to throw herself madly trying to remove her restraints.

The water began to lick at her feet that dangle slightly over the edge of her bed and as the first drop of icy water hit her she jerked upwards almost wrenching her arms out of there sockets before hitting the now damp bed sitting up again she felt it. She wrapped her arms as best as she could around herself as the water continued to rise upwards still.

It hit her middle hard with its icy temperature her legs now under shook as did the rest of her, the water still chose to ignore her struggles, as she looked to the door franticly her eyes wide. She jumped suddenly as something in the water brush passed her foot, the sensation like that of wet blanket or fur. Her arms held her still as best as she could while pulling her legs up towards her form.

The water was continued reaching her neck the girl however was cold and pale with shock, her lips turning an odd shade of blue as she shook violently. She felt the sensation again as something wrapped itself around her legs and her torso, swirling with the water it moved effortlessly as it rode up her frame the water just under her nose as it curled round her neck.

It was above her now the water was almost near the ceiling; she opened her eyes and found herself staring into large jade irises. She shrieked but all that came out was a large bubble of air. She tried to get free, to fight, to move but all she could do was struggle in its hold. Looking down at herself she saws scales of which glittered under the water, fur as green as a freshly cut piece of jade matching the eyes and teeth that poked out from underneath a large snout. Her face was aching, her lungs burning as she tried to breathe all the while two hand held her shoulders, she looked again at the dragon but was shocked to see a boy there, he looked up at her and spoke but she couldn't hear him over the water that was threatening to drown her. He shook her shoulders roughly pulling the almost nonexistent air form her. He leaned closer to her ears as her vision clouded thoughts of the end creeping into her conciseness.

"Chihiro?" his voice called through the water parting the current, soft and warming in its tone.

"Chihiro?" again he called but he began shaking her again, but it was not use the void had almost taken her, eyes widening as the last piece of light faded and with a voice not used in years she cried out the one world that could either make ort brake the existence she had come to known.


"Chihiro?" came another voice in the dark depths of her mind but instead of his soft voice it was a harsh but lighter toned one, "Chihiro?" it was there again the same voice, a women was calling her but she couldn't seem to find were from. She felt like she was moving again as her mind began to swim. "Chihiro wake up!" the voice all but demanded of her this time and a child opening her eyes for the very first time she moved her heavy lids and stared into the same green eyes as before, well they were the same before she blinked the once placid green was replaced by a chocolate brown as she stared into the eyes of the head nurse.

If you like it PLZ review, I won't update until I get at least 5 reviews!