Hi, I'm Ally also known as Fruitylicious-Angel. I do not own fruits basket, but I am a major fan of the author's artworks! This is my very first story ever written on fan fiction and I'm so excited. Fruits Basket is my favourite manga, so I hope all of you who love the anime will love this story too. P.S: Written in all sorts of P.O.V (point of views) and I've introduced a brand new character!

Enjoy reading it!

Chapter 1 Chained Friendships

It was the start of a brand new term in Kaibara High. Tohru, Hana and Uo chose a table and sat down eating their lunch while chatting. In the middle of their conversation, a girl appeared behind them and asked Tohru for directions.

"Excuse me, can you please tell me where I might find the cafeteria?"

Tohru stared at her, she was very pretty for her age, and she looked like she was in the same year as them not to mention the glossy, caramel, golden, sun bleached hair that shone as it waved in the wind. Her eyes were a cross between chestnut and hazelnut coloured and her height was about 165cm tall. She wore the girl's uniform with a short skirt like Tohru's with a few additional accessories attached to her neck.

"Sure, come with me! Uo, Hana I'll be back in a moment." Tohru replied happily.

Tohru led the girl to the cafeteria, on the way she decided to start a friendly conversation.

"Hi, I'm Tohru Honda from class 2-D, what's your name?"

"I'm Karina Sohma, I'm new here and I think I'm in your class too." said Karina

Tohru lit up knowing that she would make another friend but had her mouth hanging at the fact that Karina's last name was Sohma.

"Do you know Yuki or Kyo?" Tohru asked.

"I don't think I know them." Karina answered.

'Hmm, that's very odd, a person with the same last name as Yuki and Kyo and yet doesn't seem to be related by any chance' thought Tohru as they reached the cafeteria.

"Well, this is where you collect your lunch and when you've got what you need, you can come sit with me and my friends." Tohru suggested.

"Thanks." Karina walked off with her empty tray and waited behind the cue.

Tohru sat back down with Uo and Hana and told them about Karina Sohma.

"Well I have to give her credit, that girl has got serious hair and jewellery." Uo said gulping down a can of cold sugar-free lemonade.

"Yes I agree, her waves feel calm and contented." Hana commented.

Two minutes later Karina arrived and picked a seat next to Tohru.

"Hello Karina let me introduce you to my two best friends, Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima."

"Hi I'm Karina Sohma."

"So I've heard, are you sure you ain't any relation to the prince or orange-top?" Uo asked

"Umm, not that I know of." Karina replied confused.

They finished their lunch and Tohru, Uo and Hana took Karina around the school and gave her a tour in the classrooms and introduced her to other students.

"I have to say, everyone at your school seems so nice." Karina said smiling.

"Well, you never know what their hiding." Uo replied smugly.

"Arisa, I love your blonde hair, is it your natural colour?" Karina brought up a different subject.

"Yea, by the way Karina, ever tried looking in the mirror, your hair is so unique, there's no way that's your natural colour is it?" Uo stated.

"It is my natural hair colour Arisa". Karina admitted feeling happy that someone had complimented her looks and her hair colour.

"By the way, call me Uo."


As they walked into the library someone carrying a load of books crashed into Karina at the doorway.

"I'm sorry, I should have looked where I was going, are you alright?" the boy asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." Karina replied helping him gather the books off the ground.

"Oh, by the way, this is Yuki Sohma, the prince of Kawaiia High school." Tohru explained.

"Hi, I'm Karina Sohma."

Before Yuki could laugh at the prince joke, he was stunned at what he just heard. "Nice to meet you but did you just say that your last name is Sohma?"

"Yes, I think we share the same surname." Karina giggled.

"How unpredictable." muttered Uo.

"Yes, this is the first time I've met anyone with the same last name as me, not that I mind sharing it of course." Yuki smiled warmly.

There was an abrupt silence as everyone tried to find something to say.

"Well, umm, Yuki I guess we will be going. I'll see you after school." said Tohru.

"Sure, I'll walk you home." Yuki made his way out of the library with the handful of books.

'Such pretty coloured eyes 'thought Karina.

"I'm picking up two different signals." said Hana.

"SURPRISE!" yelled Momiji.

"Oh, hello Momiji, you gave me a fright, hello Hatsuharu." Tohru greeted a short blond haired boy and a tall white haired boy standing behind her.

"Who's this?" Momiji asked grinning at Karina.

"This is Karina Sohma, she's new here and Karina, this is Hatsuharu Sohma and Momiji Sohma." Tohru explained happily.

"Hi, pleased to meet you." Momiji and Hatsuharu said in unison.

"You too." answered Karina.

"Wow, you have the same last name as us, we must be related." Momiji said aloud jumping up and down while Haru stood there with a blank expression on his face.

Karina smiled back at them. She was having a great time for her first day, so far she had met so many of Tohru's friends and all of them were nice!

The day finished fast and Tohru decided to walk Karina home dragging Yuki and another boy Kyo with her after introducing Karina to Kyo who appeared to be in the same family as Yuki, Haru and Momiji.

Karina invited them into her apartment home where she served them tea and biscuits.

"Your home really new and spacious." Said Yuki

"Thanks for the compliment." Karina smiled.

"Would you guys like to try my own recipe of rice balls?" asked Karina.

"Oh, yes please. I would love to try them as I love rice balls." Tohru exclaimed.

As Karina went to open the cupboard, her cell-phone suddenly played a melody. She quickly ran to her room and answered the call. A familiar voice came onto the speaker.

"Hello is this Sohma Karina?" the lady asked.

"Yes….." Karina replied nervously.

Whatever came onto the phone next was tragic and in seconds, Karina froze with shock.

Finally finished my first chapter.
Your welcome to post comments, hope you liked it!

Fruitylicous Angel