Disclaimer: I do not own any WWE superstars

Chapter 25 : Epilogue

April made her way downstairs wearing an elegant black velvet knee length strapless dress with matching peep toe black velvet 4 inch pumps. She stopped on the last step and looked at her crowded family room. There were at least fifty of her and Randy's close friends gathered at her house for a Christmas Eve dinner.

It had been two years since she had visited her best friend John Cena and never in a million years would she have guessed it was a visit that would change her life forever. She had met the love of her life. Her and Randy were still very much together. In fact, April and Natalee had moved into Randy's house just a month after they got home. Natalee was now seven years old and in first grade. Natalee had instantly attached herself to Randy and nicknamed him dad. The title of Daddy still went to Dave. He was still very present in Natalee and April's lives. He was a very supportive friend and moved just a few blocks away to be closer to Natalee.

"Ape! Come over here!" She walked over to her closest friend John Cena. She smiled when she saw he was with his fiancée, Candice Michelle. They had really hit it off with each other and now, even after two years, couldn't get enough of each other.

"Hey John!" She said and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Candice," She said turning to her. "I'm so glad you could make it. When John said your flight was delayed, I was getting very worried." She said as she embraced her in a friendly hug, she had definitely become a fixture in John's life which made her important to April.

"I know, me too. But I made it." Candice said animatedly. April heard her name being called and she excused herself from Candice and John and made her way to the fireplace where Dave was standing.

"Dave!" She said with a big smile. Dave had been on a pretty long wrestling tour and she had been unable to see him for a while, so it was nice to see him here. They embraced in a tight hug before pulling back.

"April, I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Anastacia." She smiled and recognized her as the newest Smackdown! Diva. Dave had been telling April about her ever since her debut and it was nice to see them together.

"It's very nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you." April said shaking her hand.

"As have I." She responded good naturedly. They chatted for a while before she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her. She smiled when she inhaled a familiar scent of cologne. She politely excused myself from Dave and Anastacia and turned around.

"I think you forgot to come see someone." Randy said as he kissed her neck. She closed her eyes for a second, letting the sensation overtake her for just a minute before she opened her eyes.

"I was making my way around the room. You were my next stop." She said kissing him on the lips lightly.

"I better have been." He softly growled and kissed her full on. This was a daily occurrence. It seemed like Randy was incredibly happy with April and couldn't get enough of her. She enjoyed it and felt the exact same way about Randy. Their intimate moment was interrupted however, when Natalee appeared out of no where, yelling for April. April moved away from Randy slightly, not quite out of his grip but not as close, and looked around for her daughter. Once her eyes narrowed in on her small daughter, she made her way towards her. Natalee saw her and smiled. She launched herself into April's arms and laughed.

"Mommy! Come and see the picture me and Chris drew!" Nat said excitedly, referring to one of Randy's co workers daughters.

"Maybe later baby. Mommy has to go check on the food." April said, setting her daughter back down on the ground. "I'll come see it right after, I promise." She added when she saw her daughters lips twitch into a pout.

"Hey Nat, come on, I'll go look at it with you." Randy said picking her up and setting her on his forearm. She clapped her hands excitedly and told him where to go.

April made her way into the kitchen and checked on all the food quickly, saw that it was all cooked and she got everything ready for the table. After she set the last bit of food on the table, she went into the living room and announced to everyone that dinner was ready and that everyone should make their way to the long table. It took a while, but five or so mintues later, everyone was seated. Randy sat at the head of the table and April made her way to sit to the left of him. April stood up and clicked her spoon against her wine glass.

"Everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for joining Randy, Natalee and I for Christmas this year. It means a lot to all of us. This night has been so much fun so far and I'm sure it will be a blast by the end of the night. With that said, I guess we should dig in." She said, which earned her a round of cheers from their guests. She took her seat and watched as everyone reached for the food.

"Just a minute everyone." Randy said and stood up. "I just have something I would like to say before we start eating." He turned his attention to April and smiled. "I love you so much. Much more than I ever thought I could love someone that wasn't related to me. I know we had a real rough beginning and I almost let you slip through my fingers, but I'm not going to ever let that happen." He dropped to one knee, put his hand in his pocket and held a small black velvet box in front of her. "April Taylor, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?" He opened the box and April's hands shot to her face. She looked at the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen, then she focused in on Randy's face. There was no way she could say no to this man.

"Yes." She said and cried when her friends started whooping and cheering them on as Randy pulled her into a deep kiss.

A/N: So here it is, as promised. A bit short, i know, but i didnt want to force anything. hope everyone liked this story! and i hope your reading my new one.