.Realistic Romance

Kairi is glad to be friends with Selphie. Because her own ramblings as of late lean towards talk of fate, destiny, hearts, and everlasting friendship. The other girls at school say that's cute - for an elementary school-er. The boys say it's typically female - not who they want to talk to. But Selphie is different.

Selphie believes her. Selphie believes in everyone. She believes that Wakka will win that silly school tournament he has lost each year, believes that Tidus will return her affection, believes that Riku will come back, and believes that there was another boy. Selphie believes in romance.

Not just the love kind - not the angst and recover, tragic-teen seeks help, marriage, children, house-wife, flowers love kind of romance. But the friendship romance. The destiny romance. The fantasy romance.

There was another boy that Kairi is forgetting. There was. Him and Riku were her best friends - her brothers. Her crushes. Selphie believes that loving two people can work. Believes that they will return because Kairi believes they will.

Selphie is there when Kairi sends the letter, and she is there when Riku and the other boy register for school. Despite being a year above them, Riku has not gone to school in a year, and is in Kairi and Selphie's class. Sora has tested into his proper grade - though Kairi privately thinks that it was a certain nobody who knew the answers. She also suspects to herself that Riku could have done the same and ended up in his own year.

But after this, they don't want to be separated again. Even in small ways, growing apart is growing apart.

Kairi puts a distinct effort to spend time with Selphie - even when her best friends are back. Even when they are her brothers, because they have grown that close once more.

When they are both her boyfriend, as well as each other's, Selphie is the first to know, and the last.

Pastel Ink