After reading an awfull fic about the cliche idea of hermione getting pregnant and then leaving. I got inspired :).

Title: Porlelain Doll

Summary: The war is over, harry defeated You-Know-Who, and was left with emptyness. So he decides to travel in a soul searching trip. In a goodbye matter he and Hermionespent onenighttogether. And after he's gone, she finds out that she's pregnant...

It was a clear summer night. A light breeze played with her long brown hair and silver dress. The green grass felt soft under her naked feet. Her shoes lay on the ground, long forgotten behind her. The moon made her look like a porcelain doll; beautiful, perfect, fragile and most of all untouchable. She heard some noise behind. But she didn't turn to see the cause of it. There was no need. Clearly they had found out she was missing from the party and had come to get her. She kept waking slowly, with no change in her pace to acknowledge the presence behind her.

"You look beautiful tonight."

Thanks she thought. But still she kept on walking slowly giving no sign that she had actually heard him.

"I have to do this." The voice continued, insistently.

I know the walking continued and he followed her.

"I don't want to leave you, but I feel lost… Something's missing Hermione. And I don't know what it is. I have to find it." His voice and movements seemed to show he was incredibly desperate to reach her. So much, that from an outsider it looked like he was trying to reach for the wind: so close, yet so far away. "I know you need me here… I know it's hard for all of us. But you have to understand…"

I do… so much that it hurts… He was walking beside her now.

"I don't want to say goodbye to you like this. Please look at me and tell me that you'll be here, that you will always be my best fried. I need to know that when I came back you and Ron will still be my best friends. Please say something… I'd do anything for you to understand." And then she stopped. And he stepped in front of her. When he did, he found her eyes finally on him. Staring into his own. A moment passed and the wind kept playing with her dress and hair. And then she finally answered "Be with me." Sadness and loneliness were clearly seen in her eyes. Just like in his. "Just tonight." she said after placing her right hand on his face. And then he answered "Yes."

He sat on her bed fully clothed, his eyes cast down, lost in what ever was in the carpet. She was still in bed, just a white sheet covering her naked body and looking at his back. "Why?" he asked still sitting there. She didn't move just answered "Because I understand, because I feel the same, something's missing for me too" she turned to stare at the ceiling of her room. "Since when?" he asked turning around to look at her "Since they died." she said. He nodded in understanding, and stood up. "Goodbye Hermione," he walked to the door and stopped in the frame "Maybe when I return we can continue this." She smiled still looking at the ceiling. "There's nothing to continue." she said and looked at his back. "Goodbye Harry, travel safe" And he disappeared.

"…And then he asked me out! Can you believe it? Me and Draco! This is so bizarre!" Ginny was sitting across from her in a muggle restaurant, always a better place to gossip around. It was late, around 11… late considering she had work tomorrow morning and they had just arrived. Ginny took a sip of her soda and continued "But it's amazing and he is so passionate in bed! Mmm just the thought of it turns me on! Oh god Hermione you were so right! He's perfect for me!"

She smiled to her red haired friend. After the war ended a few months ago and everyone seemed so happy. They were all looking for a romance, a good job, pieces that easily fell into place for everyone. Maybe even for her. She had a good job as a mediwitch. After training 3 years directly with Madam Pomfrey during the war, finding a job was a piece of cake. She had a nice flat, a flat that she shared with Ginny. And had ended to decorate the day before, during her 3 months anniversary of living in it.. And now they were celebrating.

"I knew you were going to like him! I just knew it! I always thought that you two would be together." Hermione said as excited as Ginny was.

"Of course you did. I mean I know you two dated a while during the war but –"

Hermione stopped her next words with a wave of her hand. "Don't go there Gin. It was 2 years ago and it lasted just a few months, plus we broke up because we both knew it was just lust. And you know this!"

"All right, all right I get it. Now the question is: When will you find someone to make you crazy? Ron's still around…" Ginny said winking at Hermione.

"No he isn't! He's with Luna now. And Ron and I are just friends. And I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much." The waiter walked up with their food and the girls waited until he had walked away.

"Mmm I'm starving!" Ginny wasted no time and started eating. "Ohh my god. This is really good." She looked at the girl in front of her that had a funny look on her face. "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the food? Looks fine to me."

Hermione took a deep breath and gulped down the glass of water that she had been drinking "I think the fish is bad… the smell of it is making me sick." She pushed the plate away.

"Still not feeling well I see… told you not to eat that pizza… it had been in the freezer for days!" Ginny made a gesture with her to call the waiter. "Could you please wrap this to go? And bring the check." She asked him signaling the food.

"Certainly miss, anything else you need?" Obviously he was trying to gain a good tip

"No just that, thank you" The waiter took the plates and left.

"Oh thank god… one more minute and I'm sure I would have thrown up."

"Thank god you didn't. I think you should see a doctor…" Ginny said knowing she was entering dangerous territory. Telling Hermione that she needed to see a doctor was always difficult.

"What for? I am a mediwitch, remember?" Hermione asked making fun of her friend comment.

"Then do something about it! I'm tired of watching you sick all the time! God Hermione it's not like you are pregnant or something!" Silence.

Hermione stopped breathing. "A calendar! I need a calendar!" She quickly graved her purse and starting searching. "It can't be I'm on the pill and I never forget to take it" She keep searching "The only time that I forgot was for Harry's birthday…. Party." The last word barely a murmur. "Oh my god…" She stood up and run out of the restaurant.

"Hermione Wait!" Ginny didn't follow "What the hell was that about?"

"So… how does this work?" Ginny asked. It had been an hour since Hermione had left her in the restaurant. And now they were in their flat's bathroom with a muggle pregnancy test in Hermione's hand.

"It says here that if it turns pink am pregnant if it's blue I'm not" Hermione took a deep breath "just 2 more minutes" she said.




"Ginny please don't do this now"

"C'mon Hermione, you don't have a boyfriend and haven't for at least a year. I'm sorry if I want to know who fucked my best friend." Silence again.

"Don't say it like that." Hermione said softly.

"Like what?" Ginny was clearly exasperated.

"Like I'm some kind of tramp or something." Hermione said looking at Ginny's eyes. The pregnancy test was still in her hand.

Ginny took a deep breath. And looked the time. "Three" she simply said.

"I'm afraid" Hermione still looked at Ginny. "I can't see it. What if I am? What am I going to do?"

"It doesn't matter what you choose to do I'll be here to support you always." Ginny said with a small smile on her face.

"Okay…" she looked. And stood still. Took a deep breath and throw the test into the garbage. She walked out of the bathroom to the living room and sat on the big couch and then stood up again. She walked to the fire place and stared for what seemed to be hours at a picture Ron, Harry and her. Ginny following her every move with her eyes.

"Harry." Hermione said in a whisper.

"What was that?" Ginny said sitting on a chair.

"Harry's the father. And I'm keeping it." Silence…

"Harry?... but how? No, I mean I know how, but… why? You two weren't together right?... Oh my god you were! And he left any way! What a bastard!" Ginny spoke with every single emotion showing.

"We weren't together Ginny it was just that time. And he had to go. I understand him."

"You understand him? God… what are you gonna do?"

"I think tomorrow I'll go the doctor… And I think people have to find out… I don't want them to know when I'm already showing."

"I stay by what I said before 'Mione. I'll help you in anything you might need."

"Thanks Ginny… I needed to hear that."

Telling Ron was no easy thing. He threatened to search for Harry even if they didn't know were he was. After all Harry had left almost 6 weeks ago. 3 years after leaving Hogwarts. After 3 years of a hard and painful war that had finally ended and that had left him empty. He had left to find himself. At least that's what he had said that night when he announced that he was leaving the next morning. And he still hadn't contacted them.

The Weasleys had been surprisingly understanding and Molly, who was now practically a surrogate mother to Hermione, had offered her total support.

3 months and 2 weeks and she was barely showing. She placed her hand on her stomach and smiled. She thought of Harry. Where could he be? Was he happy? Had he found it? She had… She had found it. After telling everyone, after things had calmed down and she could sit calmly to think she realized it. She was no longer empty, no longer searching; it had found her, that missing piece. Her baby. Hayley, she had named her, after finding out the sex of the baby. She had hated having to refer to her as an it. Now that she had given her a name, Hermione felt at peace. Because now whatever thing that had been missing since her parents death at the hand of death eaters, was filled by Hayley and it was perfect. Almost.