A/n: ok people this is my first fan fictions So don't blame me,and I will try my best to update soon. Oh and this fiction was inspired by the amazing fan fiction 'Demons glory' but note fiction is my idea's, the only inspired idea was being betrayed by anbu . Thank you and I give complete credit the other of demon's glory for that idea.





Things you need to know:

this takes place after the valley of the end but this time sasuke came back instead of leaving

There still 13 but their age will increase.

Also this is a NARUSAKU fiction so don't bug me about it not being sasusaku/ sasuke is a stuck up bastard! (Sorry sasuke lovers I despise him.)

Also sasuke never went to orichamaru he came back because naruto succesfully knocked the selfish bastard out.

Summary: it was supposed to be like any other day. Naruto headed home from practice…. All seemed dine until the anbu attacked him supposably under tsunade's order. That day naruto left for good and ran into akatsuki were they taught him to be a deadly demon. But what happens when Konoha needs him and when he finally comes back, and what happens when a pink hared konoichi (spelling?)

Chapter one: betrayal of konoha

"WHERE IS HE!" yelled Sakura. Team 7 had been waiting for there sensei for what seamed like hours, but then again that's kakashi for ya. "Stop yelling," yelled Sasuke. She then turned over to sasuke "hey sasuke-kun want to go out with me tonight?" she looked hopeful. "No Sakura." was all sasuke answered. It had been only 6 months since he returned and sasuke was still really quiet.

Then he looked over to naruto who surprisingly hadn't said a word. Sakura noticed this too, whats wrong with him? She thought to herself"Hey naruto" he said to be nice as the memory replayed in his head.

Flash back:

"Sasuke…you're my brother in my eyes and I don't want to see you become orichamaru's!" sasuke made some seals "CHIDORI!" he yelled running towards naruto. Naruto started to charge the rasengan but he was to late. Sasuke shoved the chidori the naruto's chest. "I could never be your brother because I despise you! I hate you more then anything! And to be honest I couldn't agree more with how the villagers treat you!" sasuke yelled. Kit I'm sorry but please allow me to take over… I wont kill him I promise. 'how can I believe you!' true, but kid the truth is ive come to respect you as my container and I don't want to see you die along with me. ' Kyubi I.. ok I trust you.' That was when naruto's chakra flared red. Then the battle began between rivals.

Flash back end Sasuke really regretted it, he was just so caught up in the seal he never fully noticed what he was saying until it was to late. "hey sasuke" said naruto calmly. Just then kakashi arrived. "Hey guys sorry but I…" not hearing the usual lair! He trailed off. "Ok team today we have no practice, so see ya." And whith that he was gone in a poof of smoke. "Dam sensei! He made us wait here for no dam reason!" yelled the out raged sakura.

Naruto started to walk away. Sakura looked at sasuke and he looked back.

Inner sasuke and Sakura:

What's wrong with him? They both thought.

Sakura ran up to naruto and put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey naruto are you ok?" she asked. "Yes sakura-chan I'm fine." He said as he continued walking. "Oh naruto whats wrong?" she pondered a loud. Sasuke put his head down in shame.

Sakura waved good bye to sasuke and made her way to her home.

Naruto got home and laid on his bed. Kit what's wrong you are unusually quiet today… as a matter of fact you haven't been loud at all! Are you ok?

Naruto was quiet and didn't answer. He just laid there and drifted of to sleep. Meanwhile ANBU waited outside his house. "Ready?" asked the ANBU with the cat mask. "yes" the ANBU threw the bomb into naruto's window.

"WHAT THE HELL?" yelled naruto as he saw the bomb. Naruto jumped out his window. He landed hard on to the ground. 'OUCH!" he yelled. The Naruto looked up to see his house explode. "what's going on?" he yelled.

That was when the anbu surrounded him. "whats going on here!" demmanded naruto.

"Were here on orders from the hokage to kill you!"the one with the cat mask said. The others nodded in agreement. 'WHAT! No Tsunade-baa wouldn't do this! …would she?" that was when one of the anbu members did a henge and appeared as the hokage. "yes I would Naruto! Its about time we destroyed you!" she said firmly.

But the sad truth was naruto had no idea. He got up with tears in his eyes. "why?" was all he could mutter. Then before he knew it he was in his mind scape…

Kit what brings you here? Kyubi said but as he looked into naruto's eyes he noticed that there was no hapiness.

I see kit. The 9 tails replied. Engulfing naruto whith his chakra

Naruto was crying hard now. 'What hace I done is it possible that the kyubi is gone? Am I hurting an innocent child?' was all the anbu thought before naruto's chakra exploded.

AAAHHHHH! Yelled the demon possessed naruto as his chakra energy pushed the anbu back into the walls

Tsunade felt the chakra rush. "little brother!" she sasid getting up so fast the stack of papers on her desk fell over.

Shizune cmae running in. "Tsunade … that chakra.." "I know shizune were going to my little brothers." Before you couuld blink tsunade was out of her office.

A/n" ok well that's it for now. Hope oyu enjoyed and I will update soon.

Next chapter: goodbye

Naruto leaves Konoha and runs into akatsuki. And Sakura realizes who she truly cares for.

See ya next time.