Disclaimer: I own Nothing which is a rather sad thought : (

Dedication: This is for Ella because she is lovely and she managed to find the clip of this scene for me so that I could get the words down so I could stay true to the show, well for this chapter anyway the next few are all in my imagination….

italic indicates thought

The rating is T because i thought i'd better be on the safe side because i'm completely new to the whole concept of posting stories.

Oh and i no this is basically me retelling the last scene from "Strange Bedfellows" but i had to set the scene before launcing into my proper story. so enjoy. the story will develop i promise.

And the reason i'm typing all these really rambling notes is because i'm actually terrified that no one will be bothered to read it.

Ray walked into the apartment just as Neela was packing a bag.

"Yo, Neela!" he called out.

"I'm in here." She answered.

"I brought you a peace offering, extra anchovies, and I promise no more dirty dishes, ok?"

"I'm… erm… going to stay at Abby's for a while, she's at Luka's most of the time so…"

Ray walked towards the open door of her bedroom,

"So are you moving out, like tonight?" he said as he leaned against the door frame, running his fingers through his hair, he asked, "can't you at least wait until you find a new place?"

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Neela answered as she turned and faced Ray.

He looked down at his feet and muttered,

"Yeah," and letting out a sigh added, "You're probably right."

As Neela slung her bag over her shoulder, Ray tried to make the situation slightly less heart-breaking and said,

"Hey, all good things, right?" she stared at him and him at her, "We had a lot of fun." she gave him a smile and went to retrieve a shirt from her bed.

"Need a hand with anything? Some pizza?" Ray added.

"No I'd better just get going," she said as she passed him in the door way she handed him his shirt.

He just smiled and said, "You know I've being looking for this for like a month!"

She smiled "Yeah, I rather liked sleeping in it."

He leaned in to hug her but she just moved from the doorway and Ray was left standing there as she walked out of the apartment.

Neela handed her bags and boxes to the cab driver, who loaded them into the boot of the cab.

"Neela!" Ray called out to her; she turned her head away from him.

"Just, just wait one second, please!" Ray stood in front of her; he shook his head in dismay and shuffled his feet on the ground, "I wish I didn't feel how I feel," he looked at his feet and as he looked up he said, "But you, you're the best friend I've ever had."

She couldn't meet his gaze.

"Here, keep this." He gently pushed the shirt towards her; she took one more look at him and then stepped into the cab, leaving Ray standing on the pavement watching as she drove away.

He turned to go back to the apartment lifting the shirt to his face, breathing in her soft scent trying to hang on to the memories, he whispered,

"Please don't leave me." but he knew that he was too late, he opened the door to the now empty apartment, he stared down at the pizza he had brought her. It was getting cold.

"Don't leave me."

yep so there u have the first chapter of my first fic. hope u all like it and i no that the title and summary don't make much sence at the moment but i promise if u stick this story out until the end, it will all be revealed to you.

please R&R coz i will be very sad if no one does. : (

love to everyone
