"With due respect to the members of the Council," Qui-Gon said quietly, "you must be out of your minds."

Obi-wan bit his lip, although he wasn't sure whether it was to hold back a grimace or a giggle.

"Qui-Gon, we've barely spoken five words to you, how can you possibly object to this mission already."

"Once of the five words was 'undercover'" There was still no emotion escaping in his voice. You'd have thought he was talking about his tunics or the weather instead of a mission. Even though it did not appear in his voice, the anger and frustration Qui-Gon was feeling was evident in their bond.

"There is a group of mystics near the outer rim who are kidnapping men and children in an effort to try and solve one of their species great mysteries. They believe there is power in certain types of relationships – particularly in ones that their kind does not develop – and that if somehow they can harness this power than can achieve a greater existence for their people. They have yet to succeed, but they are still abducting men and children at an increased rate and either killing them when they fail or selling them into slavery."

Obi-wan stiffened in spite of himself, and seconds later he felt his Master's hand on his should give a reassuring squeeze.

"I will not take part in anything that requires Obi-wan to pose as my slave. The Council has given it's permission for far too many of those types of missions recently, and ---"

"Remain silent you will, until briefing over, it is!"

Qui-Gon swallowed his anger visibly but said only "Yes, Master."

"We are not asking you to pose as a Master Slave pair. The B'disth, as they are known, seek to capture the relationship that is between a father and child. They have created a retreat-like area of their planet as a lure for fathers and their children to attend on holiday. There they seem to try and set up events and circumstances to trigger the so-called power that is the output of any father-child relationship."

/Output? How silly. Someone ought to tell them that it's love and that the only output of love is more love, and you can't bloody bottle that and drink it/

/Um, Master, your shields.../

Qui-Gon glanced at him quickly. /You're correct, Padawan. My apologies./

After a few more minutes of background information, Qui-Gon seized his moment. "With respect to my Padawan, Obi-wan is still far too young for an undercover mission. Why are you requesting us?"

"For one, precisely because he is so young. In all the families that have gone missing, the children were under 14 standard years."

"But still, there are plenty of young teams --"

"None of them have the strength of bond that the two of you do, Qui."

For the first time, perhaps since Master Tahl, he saw his Master left speechless, without an argument. It was intriguing.

"When would we leave?"
"Five days time."
"We accept."

Obi-wan had just enough time to bow to the council before scurrying after his Master, who by that time was half way down the corridor.


"Are you upset Master? I understand this mission may make you uncomfortable..." Obi-wan asked as he set about preparing tea.
"It does make me uncomfortable, but not in the way you're imagining Obi-wan."
"I don't understand."
"What is your greatest weakness in lightsaber fighting?"
"My left-sided defense and retreat."
"Right. If you were to go away on a mission, you wouldn't be very happy if your enemies knew that, would you?"
"No...but how does this..."
"Ah, you'll understand when you're older Padawan," he replied as headed for the fresher. The younger jedi stuck out his tongue. Qui-Gon paused.
"How...charming, Padawan mine."
"Just practicing Master."


"Eleven! Eleven! And I am NOT short!"

"I see you've found our mission notes, Obi-wan."

"Why in Sith's hell did they have to make me 11!"

"I'm sure they had their reasons beyond the joy of torturing you."

"Am I really that short, Master?" Qui-Gon only stood, and cocked an eyebrow at his apprentice. "Well, I guess I am sort of asking the wrong person. But maybe they are just viewing my height in relation to your own unnatural altitude?"

Obi-wan barely had time to register the movement before was being held upside down by the ankles and tickled with the force. He gasped and laughed in spite of himself, squirming.


"What is it you were saying about my regal stature, Obi-wan?"

Obi couldn't speak for giggling. "Do you take it it back?"

"Yeeeees Ma Ma Master."

"Very well then." and the boy was lowered slowly into a gasping heap on the floor.

"Late meal awaits, Obi-wan"

"Master, what was that?"

"Just practicing, Padawan."