"Granger," said Draco Malfoy, strutting into Hermione's room and flopping down onto the bed.

"Come on in," she replied sarcastically. She turned around revealing her normal jeans with a lacy top. Her usually bushy hair was smoothed into ringlets. Malfoy was stunned silent. But, as this was Draco Malfoy, it was only for a moment.

"Are you wearing…makeup?" he asked stupidly.

"I've got a date."

His heart broke suddenly, though he had no idea as to why. She couldn't have a boyfriend! Draco wouldn't ever get time with her! Not to mention every time he teased her, there'd be someone around to punch him for it.

"Don't..." he started. Then chickened out. "Didn't think it'd take Weasel this long to realize you'd settle."

"It isn't Ron." She grabbed her jacket and a bag.

"Another poor, pathetic smuck?" he asked. "My, Granger, you do attract them."

"You could say that." Her eyes twinkled. "He isn't very bright either. Jealous?"

"Funny, Granger."

Oh God was he ever jealous! Poor, dumb…but not the Weasel. Potter, maybe? No, he was still dating Little Weasley. Well, who in the hell would date Granger?

Draco paused.

It'd be easier to ask who wouldn't date Granger.

He followed her out of her room, all the way to the entrance hall. He pestered her but she flatly ignored him.

Ginny Weasley stood at the door, she eyed Hermione. Her brown eyes full of excitement.

"Will he be there?" She asked. Then she threw Draco a small nod of recognition.

"Looks like it," smiled Hermione.

"She pulled her jacket off outside, realizing it was a very nice day. Ginny smiled wickedly at Draco.

Guess someone knows about my crush, he thought.

"Granger!" She kept walking as he sat down on the steps. Hermione turned at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and issued a small wave at the figure on the stairs.

Draco sat, staring after her. Did she really have a date? Why did he care that she had a date? Why didn't he have a date!

He stood up to run across the slopes towards the wood. Stopping at the lake to turn around and head back. Finally, he turned again and sprinted after her.

"Eh!" shouted Hagrid after the streak of bond that rushed by. "Malfoy?" Without a thought he released Fang after the boy.

Draco followed quickly after Hermione. He stayed on the opposite side of the river, careful not to step on anything that would alert her attention.

He followed her to a small clearing next the river. A blanket was already laid out. But no one was waiting for her. She sat down and pulled out a book.

Bloody Granger! Making me worry over her stupid date! Malfoy thought from his place across the river. No one's coming. It's almost sad.

But then, he looked at her. He really looked at her. The way her chestnut hair tickled her pale face. How content she was, just to be out under the sun reading.

That's when he heard the growl behind him.

Fang, not a beast of ferocity, but a beast of great mass lurked behind Malfoy.

"Bloody hell!"

He splashed ungracefully into the water. Fang let out a happy bark and trotted off.

"Took you long enough," said Hermione, not once glancing up from her book.

"Bloody hell, Granger, I'm not your bloody boyfriend." He stood up, unsuccessfully trying to shake the water off himself.

"I know, Malfoy."

"Pity you've been stood up though."

"I have not," Hermione said, thoroughly enjoying the confusion she was causing him. Malfoy looked around, looking for anyone. But nobody was there.

"Pathetic," he mumbled.

"Yeah you are," she pulled out a flask and filled up two glasses.

"Excuse me?" Malfoy roared at her.

"You just got here."

His eyes caught fire.

"You think you're so brilliant don't you!"

"Draco…" she began but he cut her off.

"No! Hermione Granger, the perfect little mudblood princess. She thinks she's so damn special. So damn perfect! Well you aren't, Granger! With your stupid hair, that I just want to touch. Your stupid friends that I'd give anything to be! Your stupid thoughts and words that force their way into my brain! Everything about you is wrong!" He broke off as the tears began rolling down her pale cheeks. "God, Granger. Everything, everything about you is wrong, bad, so flawed. And…" He tried to stop but the words flew out of his mouth. His arms slumped at his sides. "And that might be the most perfect thing of all."

Hermione looked up, her face a mask of anger and unabashed tears.

"I hate you, Draco Malfoy."