The Cat-alyst

A/N: This little bit of silliness just hit me and I couldn't resist. I hope that you enjoy.As usual, I don't own Inuyasha. Even if I did, FF and MM wouldn't believe me and would kick my stories off!

The tips of her tails twitched in anticipation as she watched the koi swim under her upraised paw. It was a beauty and her patience was about to be rewarded. Quick as a flash, her paw dipped into the pool and scooped the unsuspecting fish out of the water and onto the bank. Happily, she pounced on the fish as it flopped around. After she had it securely in her jaws, she marched back to camp to proudly show off her catch to her mistress. Mistress Sango had never failed to praise her for her catches and now was no exception.

"What do you have there, Kirara?" queried her mistress, as she entered the camp with her head held high to show off her catch. "That is a beautiful koi!" Sango exclaimed, as she laid it on the ground at Sango's feet for her inspection. She leaned over and stroked the fire kitten's head. "It's a big one. Are you sure you're going to be able to eat all of it?" she asked in amusement.

Kirara mewed and nodded her head before picking the fish back up and heading to a quite place to eat. As she settled down, she looked over the campsite to insure that everything was alright. The monk was staring at mistress's backside while she was bent over preparing the fire with a look in his eye like she would have if she were about to pounce on a mouse. Pack leader was looking at the miko from his limb with a look of longing while she played with the kitsune kit. The monk she understood. He would have made a good cat. Pack leader was another story. She sighed to herself. Everything was normal. Purring happily, she began to eat. About halfway through the fish, something caught in her throat. She swallowed hard and the obstruction vanished. Thinking nothing of it, she finished her fish, sauntered over to the campfire and laid down to sleep.

The next morning, Kirara woke slowly as she always did. She began with her morning stretch that put her posterior high in the air and stretched her fore legs out in front of her, kneading the ground with her claws as she yawned. Then she sat back on her knees and did a full body stretch with her arms into the air.


She brought her arms down to her face, and looked at them with rising panic. She looked at them from the finger tip (she still had her claws, she noticed in passing) to the shoulder. When she hit the shoulder, she looked at the rest of her body starting with her chest. 'I have breasts! But I'm not nursing!' was her thought. Each revelation was unnerving her more and more until she couldn't stand it anymore. She threw back her head to wail for her mistress.

"Mistress!" she shrieked, and then her hands flew to her mouth as she realized that she had spoken words instead of meowing.

Miroku thought he was still asleep. 'Surely, I am dreaming.' This thought came to him as he opened his eyes to the sight of a woman's nude backside before him. It was up in the air, bent over in an inviting way. The wonder of the view was only marred by the tails that hung down to cover the more interesting areas.

'Tails?' was about all he had time to think before the backside sat back to reveal a long, lovely back with golden hair hanging down the center. That back was stretching upward and turning slightly to give him a look at a magnificent breast in profile. Any words that he had been about to say went unspoken as his mouth went dry and his eyes widened. 'Dear Buddha! If I'm dreaming, don't let me wake up!' This thought permeated his mind as he reached for the vision in front of him until she threw back her head and screamed "Mistress!"

A/N: I had originally intended for this to be a one shot, but the potential is just too good to pass up. Besides, I have too many ideas to restrict this to just one chapter. And, for the faithful, don't worry. I'm working on the next chapter of 'Reunion' as you read this. One other thing, this will NOT be a Miroku/Kirara story. I just couldn't resist the idea of what his reaction would be to a beautiful, nude woman appearing in camp.