Zexion never minded when Demyx barged into his room, even while he was reading. To be honest, he enjoyed the company. Lexaeus was always preoccupied working in the Organization's gym to drop by, and Vexen was always caught up in an experiment. To top that off, almost none of the other Organization members really cared about him. He was always forgotten and ignored. Demyx, however, never forgot him.

Today, Demyx and Zexion were sitting lazily in the older man's room. Number Six was flat on his stomach, reading a book with only mild fascination. Demyx was skimming one of Xigbar's surfer magazines, sprawled across the floor.

"Hey... Zexion?"

"Mm?" Zexion's eyes directed themselves towards Demyx, who was still engrossed in the magazine.

"Have you ever..." Demyx drifted off, eyes wandering and locking onto the ceiling. "Tried smiling?"


"Yeah, smiling."

"What is there to smile about?" Zexion started off one of his infamous lectures. "We're Nobodies. We don't exist and we aren't supposed to. We're just remnants of someone great– but we're not. We're nothing to be proud of. We're just nothing. We can't feel anything. There's no hope for us. There's no salvation for the damned. There's no salvation for us. Why do you believe in something as stupid as smiling!"

To be honest, Zexion loved it when Demyx smiled. Only Demyx. It made him seem real. It turned Zexion's stomach upside down. Everything on Zexion's mind; Demyx's smile melted them away.

However, he wasn't about to tell this to anyone anytime soon.

Zexion picked the book up, covering his mouth. He didn't want Demyx to see; his pride wouldn't allow it, but his lips – they formed into a gentle curve.