Chapter 3: Reality

"Dreams have always expanded our understanding of reality by challenging our boundaries of the real, of the possible."
Henry Reed


I had taken it, stolen it right from under the drill sergeant's nose. All the guys cheered, because I swiped the keys to the barracks and we could finally choose where we wanted to go when we wanted to. Those few hours out in the City had been the greatest time of our young lives, where we were allowed to just be boys. It was a place full of bright lights, countless services that catered to our every want, with the benefit of the unlimited military bank account backing us of course. For a child who had been selected to become the next generation of SOLDIER, I found that I preferred fun and juvenile activities to memorizing the different techniques of death and strategy of war.

Unfortunately they found us missing, and boy, was the drill sergeant ever pissed. His face was bright red, just like that steamed lobster I had ordered… The shellfish didn't look nearly as appealing when it reappeared in my vomit after I had been punched one too many times on the stomach. I had been a trouble maker ever since they gave all the boys a puppy to raise, only to take the grown dogs, starve them, and then set them loose on us. I really did like my dog too, a Dalmatian which my great imagination had conjured the name of Spot. After killing Spot to save my own life, I decided I really didn't want to be a SOLDIER if it meant I would have to do these sorts of things…

Everyone, including the drill sergeant went easy on me at first, deciding it was just a rebellious phase that would pass… Only problem was I didn't share their view, I didn't want anything to do with them. When I stole his keys the drill sergeant didn't hold back, beating me until I decided that dieing wouldn't be such a bad option after all. But his beating wasn't the worst part, no it came after I woke up.

I woke up in the labs, Shinra's labs, which could only mean one thing. Zackary, you are screwed. It was a distressing recovery, where white lab suit clad toadies would only add to my pain by taking my blood samples and switching my pain medication on a whim. Some of that stuff left me high for days, like some kind of demented hippy on happy pills, but others would make me so angry that I'd foam at the mouth, but the most awful kind did absolutely nothing leaving me to writhe in agony. Worst of all was the Professor, a lead scientist who acted like he owned the labs. Hojo, a grade-A nutcase if there ever was one. One would have thought that we all existed to become his next test subject.

Well, I had done something right, 'cause the next thing I knew I had been promoted to the next stage of SOLDEIR… I was lucky to survive. We stayed in the labs undergoing all kinds of Mako treatments, from dermal showers to being injected directly into the blood stream. I wanted to die, just so I won't have to wake up for another set of treatments. I'm sure all the other boys felt the same, since many of them did breathe their last in that horrible place.

They called it Mako Poisoning, a thing that left most of the other boys strapped down to chairs, convulsing and screaming at things that didn't exist. Though its effects varied from person to person, I had befriended a blonde haired boy who did nothing but stare blankly ahead muttering in voices not his own after falling ill. Cloud recovered, but was never the same… Most weren't so fortunate, dying of brain damage or being driven insane and put out of their misery.

Hojo told me personally that I held the highest potential in the group, my body having a 'favorable' reaction. Pah, some reaction. The Mako made me always restless, filling me with enough energy that I thought I would spontaneously combust if I didn't burn it off in some form. It wouldn't let me rest. I couldn't sit still, always fidgeting like I had no attention span or control. Finally my body would become so worn out that I would collapse in a sleep so deep that a tornado wouldn't wake me. Feeling both exhausted yet brimming with energy, it didn't help my already rebellious behavior.

I did every stupid thing that came to my mind, trying to get kicked out or sometimes shot. It wasn't enough apparently, it only resulted in isolation from the other boys, confined in solitary until I earned my way back. I was so angry at that time, it was easy to hate when people were treated just like garbage. It was easy to hurt others; after all, I had been trained to kill. Those people who acted so friggin' perfect, I wanted them to die. But then I met the Doctor, someone who was the opposite of everything I had known.

Doctor Gast, young but a genius, renowned for his work in electricity, circuitry and genetics. He found me rotting away in my solitary cell, hating the world and everything in it. It was by his request that I study under him, this also meant that I would live with him… At the time I couldn't understand why he would want a mistake like myself.

They didn't worry about his safety, having created enough androids in his home to rent out a personal army. Dr. Gast was patient and kind, he actually did try to teach me his sought after skills, it's just that technology and I have never gotten along. I tried to hate him, to find out his motive and how he benefited from this. All I could see, however, were the blow up circuitry boards and broken machines. The Doctor never condemned me or told me that I was a useless waste of life or ungrateful little brat. Because of this he broke my will, and I was left a lonely little boy again.

I didn't understand him or his charity; SOLDIERS were taught that mercy would get us killed. The good Doctor taught me how to be a child again, taking me to the Gold Saucer theme park and even making me never-before-tasted chocolate chip pancakes. I decided that I never wanted to grow up. To my mind, if I stayed a boy I wouldn't become a SOLDIER. Well, Shinra eventually took me back into the fold to continue my training, seeing that Doctor Gast had calmed me down.

They were shocked by my change in attitude, remaining positive no matter what they threw at me. Of course I still managed to cause them trouble, the bright and shiny, new Zack was a little too carefree for their tastes… But they never did break me. Doctor Gast still visited, checking my progress and asking how I was. Those visits kept my hopes up and my spirit bright; the others watching my progress predicted that my strength, skill and confidence would accelerate me to the top ranks of SOLDIER. They never got the chance to see if their prediction was right.

One night I snuck out, despite the looming punishment, and went to drop by Doctor Gast's home because he had not visited for several weeks. I found his house devoid its normal android army, with much of his property missing. The Doctor found me in confusion with the last of his personal possessions in hand; I asked him where he was going. The man I had grown to trust and love like a father was silent a long time, seeming to assess a boy with spiky black hair and glowing Mako blue eyes. Finally he asked me if I could be trusted with his greatest secret, I promised without thinking.

We snuck off the space traveling, colony ship that had served as my long time residence and onto the planet it orbited. It was so unlike the City that Doctor Gast had to remind me several times that we could sight see later. Eventually we arrived at a house hidden deep in the forest, though I mistook it for another mound of trees. Inside it was just as advanced as the Doctor's old home and I found it hard to believe it was real.

Then I met the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, whose hair was spun of earth and sunshine with the green of spring in her eyes. Inflana was her name and she was the Doctor's wife, she introduced herself as a Cetra. I remembered being taught of a sentient race that inhabited the planet we had chosen to become our new home; they had been categorized as 'the Ancients'. One of our many duties as SOLDIERS would be to seek out and capture any of these beings, so that they might help us establish a colony. Well, I knew it was a load of crap and that Professor Hojo only wanted to get his boney hands on another specimen to experiment on.

Still, I was young and a bit scared of meeting a member of a race of creatures that could wield magic without need for materia. But that was nothing compared to my next shock. Panicking I fled into a nearby room, only to be cornered by a gurgling baby bouncing in a crib. Doctor Gast followed me and held his daughter up for my inspection, introducing both myself and the baby Aeris. I found her adorable, though a bit drool covered, but I had never really seen a baby personally and I was afraid that if I got too close I would break her.

The Doctor and Infalna managed to coax me into holding their baby girl, I was extra careful and the baby Aeris rewarded me with a bright smile. In this house I felt loved and welcome, like I was an actual part of the family. I didn't want to leave, surprisingly I was granted my wish the Doctor inviting me to stay with his family, hiding on the planet from the reach of Shinra. But apparently it wasn't far enough…


I knew today wasn't going to be good. It's that horrible feeling you get in the morning that makes you not want to rise and shine. But the reason for the feeling I just couldn't place. It wasn't a Monday, and the weather was perfect. So why were warning bells going off in my head?

It was only after I had hobbled over to the bathroom and made myself presentable, that I learned the reason why. Arriving shortly afterwards, I found Infalna weeping by the window next to the front door. Being the dense person that I am, I couldn't understand why she seemed so heart broken. After all, Cetra were delicate beings, who were connected to the very Planet. There were lots of reasons to mourn, so this had to be one of those obscure, sad reasons right? Wrong, Zack, so very wrong.

"They found her, Zack. They caught Aeris." Infalna had sounded so exhausted; she probably had stayed up all night.

It took a moment for the thought to penetrate my thick skull, "You mean.. Shinra got Aeris?" I was stuck in disbelief for a moment. No way, they couldn't have found her. We've been able to hide her for fourteen years, there's just no way. My heart dropped when reality managed to wriggle into my mind. Unless she snuck off to that church…

Inflana had only managed to nod and whisper, "Aeris is gone; they took her away."

If she hadn't of stopped me, I probably would have ran out that door all the way to Principal Shinra's office to demand that they release Aeris that very instant. Not that I would have accomplished anything other than a trip to the nearest Psyc' Ward.

"Zack calm down! If you get caught you'll only make this worse!" Infalna shouted at me as she barred my exit.

It was true; though I had been one of their star guinea pigs in the past, I was still only human. That made me expendable. After all, how am I supposed to help 'Ris if I'm stuck in some cell at some dark, hidden corner of the labs? We all knew that Shinra had increased their patrols, going out without a plan was foolishness in the highest degree. So why did Aeris go out? And why did she get caught? With her connection to the Planet she could be warned often and early to avoid trouble like the patrols. Well I'm no Sherlock Holmes, so I wouldn't be able to deduce the Why and How just thinking about it! I needed to take action.

So that is how I got stuck watching and waiting until my action would actually do some good. I hate waiting. I had risen some time past nine and it was now long past sunset. Rocking back and forth on one of the squeakiest barstools in existence, I tried to pass the time by filling out the newspaper's daily crossword puzzle. "A five letter word for happiness?" I read the question for number three across out loud. Well Shinra backs this paper, so I should put a word that would apply to them. I said the word as I filled it into the tiny blank boxes with a dull pencil, "Money…"

Once I had collected my wits, Infalna had told me that 'Doctor Gast was monitoring the patrol's routine so if there's anything we can do he'd tell us' in other words we were stuck for the moment. I sighed opting to balance the pencil on my nose. Infalna will know if Aeris makes it back, the Planet will tell her. Using my booted foot I leaned the stool onto one leg and still managed to keep the pencil balanced. 'We can only pray for Aeris' safe return.' That was the last thing she had told me before I let her be alone, this was a heavy matter.

"Zackary!" the shout caught me off guard. The pencil flew to the ground as the stool swiveled around and left me flat on my back. It would have been funny if it hadn't hurt so much.

"Let's not do that again…" I muttered as I got back onto my feet. Setting the stool back in its original position, I looked over to the kitchen doorway.

"There's another gray hair." the man commented as he shook his head at me, "But I suppose I should be grateful that you didn't land on that pencil." I scratched my head sheepishly at his chastising; I had gotten into far less flattering situations in the past.

Doctor Gast was a man of average height and build, whose black hair was beginning to gray. His wardrobe consisted of slacks and sweaters, while his predominant features were the gold rimmed glasses set on his nose and the mustache that he had grown in the past year. His brown eyes looked tired with dark bags under them. Did he stay up with Infalna? "What were you doing before the balancing act?" he looked at the paper on the counter curiously.

"Just filling out the crossword puzzle." I answered as I handed it to him.

He glanced down at it then back up to me, "Zack, you've just written 'money' over and over again."

I shrugged, "It's not my fault that it's all Shinra ever thinks about." The good Doctor didn't even sigh; he was used to my nonsense. But now I was serious, "Did you find something important?"

Doctor Gast nodded, passing me some sort of hand held device, "I managed to scrape this together." He pressed a red button and it lit up in my hands, "It'll show you where any automated units are patrolling and most of the divisions have at least one android or robot with them." He pointed to the white dots on the screen, "These are them, and any colored marks indicate active section IDs, so you should be able to avoid most patrols this way." I looked at the thing's screen and nodded, I didn't have to fiddle with it so nothing disastrous would occur hopefully.

"Infalna told me that it would be best to wait for Aeris out in the forest." I looked back up at Doctor Gast as he spoke, worry and exhaustion clear on his face, "There is a meadow, about three miles west from the house, that's the place where Aeris is going to appear according to the Planet." Removing his gold rimmed glasses to rub his eyes, the Doctor let out a tired sigh. I could tell that he felt useless and I knew he hated that feeling.

Making sure not to whack the device against my head, I saluted, "I accept this mission to rescue a fair damsel in distress! Rest assured that I will bring your daughter back safe and sound." Stuffing the device into the largest pocket of my camouflage print, cargo pants I strolled past the Doctor into the hallway which led to the front door.

Activating a panel beside the closet, I scrolled over the weapon selection. I'll need to be stealthy if I don't wanna be caught. I decided against my usual choice of the Buster Blade and selected an old fashioned handgun with a suppressor. Bullets weren't as potent or flashy as photon energy but they got the job done. Hitting enter I waited for the machines and other mechanisms to cease whirring, I opened the closet and picked the gun along with its holster off the shelf. Quickly securing the holster onto my hip via my belt, I placed the handgun into it and turned to find Doctor Gast watching me from the doorway. I grinned at him, "Since this is a search and rescue I don't plan on challenging the masses, so no need for my sword."

My words didn't seem to lighten the mood. "Zack," his voice was stern as he addressed me, "If Aeirs does manage to escape, Shinra will undoubtedly deploy more patrols to track her down. They might even send the Turks to catch her." I felt my face tighten with anger at that name. I have no respect for Turks, the ever vigilant no-gooders, who were always willing to do Shinra's dirty work. Rolling my eyes, I blew at a strand of my black hair and nodded for the Doctor to continue. He shook his head at me, "Don't take them lightly, Zack. You might be one of the successful products of SOLDIER, but I'm sure the Turks have had similar augmentation as you did."

"I doubt many of them have been pumped full of Mako." I mumbled to myself, trying not to think of all the others who had undergone the treatments and died because of Mako poisoning.

"Zack," he sounded reprimanding, "The point I'm trying to make is that it will be much harder to make the return trip than it will be getting there in the first place."

"Yeah, it's just another walk in the park." A park full of soulless mercenaries armed to the teeth with the latest and greatest, who would sell their own mother for a few gambling creds… "Don't worry; I won't lead them to the house if I am caught." I tried to lighten the mood again, but what I said wasn't a joke. I wouldn't let Shinra get their hands on them, even if it killed me.

Looking up, I saw how anxious those brown eyes were. "I'll be back with Aeris before you know it." I grinned at him before heading out the front door. It's dark in the forest at night, at least darker than city-dwellers are used to, so I shouldn't have any problems hiding. Walking as quietly as my boots could manage, I snuck out the hidden exit and into the nighttime forest.

Checking my darkened surroundings I was relieved to find the area man-eating-mutant free. Three miles west… That should be the open meadow Aeris loved to play in as a kid. In my head, I mapped out both the quickest and safest routes to my destination, opting to take the fastest route there not wanting Aeris to be stuck waiting in the dark all alone. Carefully removing Dr. Gast's device I noted the positions of several white dots and a few colored ones, mentally adjusting my route to avoid them.

After placing the device back in to pocket I began my quick but quiet pace, maneuvering through the trees and under brush with ease. I know these woods well, having explored nearly every inch with Aeris. Increasing my pace just slightly, I watched for any sign of a threat that would delay my arrival.

Every now and then I would stop to check the hand held device, changing direction or altering my path to avoid them, but overall I was moving swiftly but unnoticed. See? Just as I thought, a walk in the park! Suddenly movement drew my eye above my head and something burst out of a nearby tree top.

The feathered fowl squawked and flew away through the trees. I forced my breathing to remain even, willing my heart to slow from its excited rate. Just a bird… Looking at my outstretched hands I noticed that they were gripping the handgun ready to blow away whatever stood in my sight. I frowned at my reaction, having drawn the weapon from its holster without even needing to think; it seemed that my SOLDIER training was still as ingrained as it ever had been. At least I didn't shoot the blasted thing!

As I started to straighten out of my fighting stance, a flash of light illuminated the forest and I ducked against a large tree before it ended. Concealing myself in a clump of fern-like foliage, I peaked out to see just what had teleported in amongst the nearby trees.

"Damn! Did I tell you how much I hate the feel of getting teleported?!" shouted a young man with wild bright red mane. With a pair of sunglasses resting atop his vivid head of hair, his rumpled blue suit accessorized by countless weapons was a dead giveaway of the guy's occupation. Turk. I silently adjusted my position to count at least fifteen armed guards with a few androids.

Turning, the red haired Turk muttered, "It's like a colony of ants crawling all over ya, I can't stand it!" I felt my eyes widen in surprise as I recognized his narrow face, the twin slashes of red on the edges of his cheekbones unmistakable.

Reno! That Turk.. is Reno! He had grown since I had last seen him, but the eyes tainted by Mako blue reaffirmed my intuition. I remember him as one of the many boys with me who had undergone the tests of SOLDIER, he had managed to survive the Mako treatments but they had removed him from the program for one reason or another. Shinra must've taken him to turn Turk. I felt sweat gather on my brow as I contemplated the odds of taking on such a heavily fortified force. This isn't a normal patrol…

"Sir, shouldn't we begin to search the area?" one of the guards questioned the still muttering Turk.

"Yeah, I guess we should." Reno replied slinging some sort of large metal pipe over his shoulder, "Wouldn't want the Mad Professor's prized freak to make a clean get away now would we?" His comment was met by the snickers of the surrounding guards while others added their own jabs at the infamous Hojo.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as I readjusted my footing. What is he talking about? Could Aeris have already escaped somehow? Memories of Infalna casting magical spells without the aid of materia filled my mind; those spells were potent but they always seemed drawn out, needing more time. I fought the urge to snap my fingers as brilliance hit me. That must be it! Aeris must have cast a spell to come back to the Planet, it's just slower than the teleporter. With my epiphany in order I began to inconspicuously back out of my hiding place, ready to commence sneaking away from Reno and his posse.

My body stilled in its movements at a low threatening growl. Shifting my eyes I found myself being watched by a pack of hairless, grey colored wolf-like beasts which were watching me intently. Only one word came to my mind. Crap. The handgun I had chosen earlier fired bullets, which I remember did didily-squat against these mutated animals. Double-crap. Well, there was only one option left, a choice many others would have considered insane. Luckily I was not one of them.

I darted out of the vegetation, sprinting through the group of armed guards, and before they could get over the initial shock the pack of beasts rushed in attacking those close enough. Feeling the adrenalin and Mako pumping through my system, I put on an extra burst of speed when Reno's colorful curses and the monsters' snarling reached my ears. I continued to run like my hair was on fire as the howls, yells, and automated weapons fire echoed behind me. I hope Reno didn't recognize me! It would be most unfortunate if we happened to meet again by chance and the Turk blew my brains out before I could utter five words, 'Well, fancy meeting you here.'

When I had run a fair distance away from the battle I inadvertently caused, I slowed my pace and drew out the hand held device to check the other patrols' status. The white and colored dots were moving towards the area I had just fled from, someone must have called for reinforcements. I felt my lips spread into a grin, this would make meeting up with Aeris a much easier task! But the return trip will be more difficult with the patrols on edge and a Turk lurking on the scene. Drawing my lips into a tight line I pushed the gloomy thought away, for after I had reunited with sweet, adorable Aeris.

Up ahead I could see the trees beginning to thin as the meadow opened beyond. Slowing to nearly a crawl, I approached the forest's boundary. It would be much easier to spot a man loping across a field devoid of cover; I would have to be careful. Calming my rapid intake of breath, I once again checked Dr. Gast's device, by the position of the dots, all the patrols were too deep into the forest to notice anyone darting through the tall grasses.

Returning the device to my pocket so that its glow wouldn't draw unnecessary attention I prepared my body for another run, adrenalin and Mako still lingering in their boosting affects. Suddenly a light caught my attention; it looked as if a shooting star had just streaked out of the nighttime sky into the meadow. That's gotta be Aeris. I took off through the rustling grass of the meadow towards the place where the light had landed.

I barely caught the sound of happy giggles over the noisy chirping of crickets, she was close. Racing up to meet her, Aeris' expression of fright melted into relief as I entered her line of sight. I felt my heart twinge at the sight of her tear soaked face; thankfully she didn't look harmed in any other way, apart from a few bumps and scratches. A white, unisex shirt and a pair of equally unflattering pants covered her body, while her dainty feet were bare. Her long chestnut curls were down and unkempt, they would most likely be full of snares by the time she would have a chance to brush them out. But her large, brilliant green eyes shone with life, those innocent eyes full of spring. Thank everything, she's alive…

"There you are!" I called out to her, "I can't believe you 'Ris! Those flowers will be the death of you-" I abruptly stopped as I came around the girl, my eyes finding a curious sight indeed.

Resting quite peacefully on her petite lap was the head of a rather attractive man that was attached to an equally attractive body. His long pale hair lay around him, reflecting the white light of the stars overhead. While his face seemed perfect, it was fashioned in such a way that he seemed entirely unnatural, but not in the way a plastic surgeon would make someone. His face, it's too perfect I glanced over his body to find ashen skin covering hardened muscle; it reminded me of a book Dr. Gast's library which outline the history of the fine arts, a particular picture of a man made from white marble coming to my mind. He was also clad in the ugly white outfit, but his was torn in several places and splotched with blood. That's a lot of blood.. it couldn't possibly all belong to him. He'd be dead! Finally snapping out of the assessment I spoke, "Huh? Should I even ask?"

A teasing grin spread over Aeris' lips as she batted her full eyelashes at me. "Can I keep him?" she asked her voice playful.

I merely raised an eyebrow at her while returning her banter, "I don't know… Taking care of an angel is a big responsibility young lady, and I don't think you can handle it!" My hands motioned to the bloodstains as I continued, "I mean look! You already managed to loose his wings!" My words caused her to giggle delightfully and I grinned.

Yet I felt uneasy of this new person. Just what is he doing with Aeris? When Aeris was still just a little girl, she carried on and on of how she wanted to meet an angel. 'A perfectly pale angel, as white as snow, I'll ask him to be my guardian!' I recall her saying. Of course she grew out of that phase as she grew older, but this flawlessly pale man… What is this? Is it some coincidence or cosmic accident? Why does this feel.. like it was meant to happen?

"Zackary." Her clear voice brought me out of my musings and me back into reality. I watched her smile face and my own expression became serious. "Shinra is coming, aren't they?" what she said was more of a statement than a question. Those monsters back in the forest will prove a distraction, but they won't last long. I nodded and watched as she nervously bit her lip.

Those big green eyes looked up at me; I could see her pleading through them. Gosh, she turns this soldier into a big ol' softy. I love the color of her eyes, such a vibrant green; it makes me think of times before all this craziness happened, when a child could be a child and nothing more was demanded of them.

Her delicate hands clasped before her as she put her pleading into words, "His name is Sephiroth and he's a friend. He needs our help." I looked down at the strange man, realizing that he wasn't much older than myself.

Glancing over him again I noticed the tattoo of letters and numbers on his right hand and my heart leapt into my throat. He's an experiment! A product of the twisted science in Shinra's labs, the result of Hojo's unrelenting pursuit to create a 'better world', but the only things that emerged from that cursed place were like the monsters that plagued the Planet, threatening to spread like a disease.

So this was who Reno referred to as 'the Mad Professor's prized freak' and I thought he was just being rude. "Aeris what is he doing with you?" I couldn't stop myself from asking the question.

Her brilliant eyes were confused at first, but as she took in my distrusting face she looked hurt. I felt my heart tighten at such an expression, like I had just refused to help an orphaned kitten. Don't let you guard down, Zack. I couldn't let this just slide by, after all, what if this creature posed a threat to our safety? Another tactless question followed the first, "Is he dangerous?"

Aeris appeared close to tears, "No, Zack, you don't understand!" Her lips trembled and I felt a muscle near my jaw twitch. "He saved me Zack!" her eyes shimmered, threatening to spill tears, "If it wasn't for Sephiroth I would still be strapped on some table, helpless and alone…"

My eye twitched, she sounded so miserable and I felt so mean, but I somehow managed to retain my straight face. She looked down and the unconscious man with tender eyes, "He's strong, Zack, strong enough to break anything if he put his mind to it, and he's fast enough to do it before anyone would realize." She swallowed a nervous lump in her throat, "But… He was so gentle, I.. I almost didn't believe he was the same person." Her small hand brushed a stray lock of silver hair was from the young man's face. "I slowed him down.. I could've caused us to be recaptured. But he chose to save me, Zack, and he didn't have to…" She looked back up at me as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Giving in, I stooped down to her level and carefully brushed away the stray tear. "Sshh… Don't cry." I told her in a hopefully comforting voice, "We'll help him, I won't refuse, we'll help him." So what if he's an experiment? Wasn't I at some point in my life? The only reason I have a family now, is because of Dr. Gast's charity, he didn't have to take in a trouble-making boy; he could've let me rot away in those labs destined to be nothing more than a number in the system.

When Aeris no longer look ready to burst into tears I grinned at her, "I'll carry him on my back. We'll have to hurry if we're going to out run Shinra!" She gave me a frail smile and began to adjust 'Sephiroth' until he was sitting up. Still stooped I turned and grabbed his legs, while Aeris helped push him onto my back, slinging his muscle corded arms over my broad shoulders.

I grunted when the man's full weight slumped against me, struggling to rise back onto my feet. What is the guy made of!? Talk about heavy! Maybe if he was made out of rock, he would be easier to carry. I swayed a bit when I was finally standing upright; running back to the house was going to be some workout!

I turned my head to see Aeris gathering a sack full of something into her arms as she stared down at a strange sword which lay in the grass. When she attempted to pick the blade up by its hilt it didn't even budge. Frustration covered her pretty face as she continued to try to move the sword which seemed to be part of the ground. Finally stamping her foot and releasing the hilt, she looked up at me with once again pleading eyes. Oh no… There's no way I can sneak around with that thing, especially not with sleeping boulder here to lug around. "Let's just come back and get it later, 'Ris. I'm sure Shinra isn't going to find some six foot sword lying out in the middle of the field." I suggested, silently praying that her stubbornness wouldn't kick in.

Thankfully she agreed, and before we set off to sneak into the forest I pulled Dr. Gast's device out of my pocket, handing it to Aeris. "Your dad made that," I said nodding to the handheld, "Those dots show either robots or section IDs, so tell me if there are any close by, 'kay?" Briefly inspecting the machine, she nods and places it onto the sack making sure that the light isn't visible.

Giving her a reassuring smile, I then turned ahead, adjusting the ridiculously heavy man on my back so that he wouldn't fall off as we traveled. I just hope the noise and stench of that battle didn't attract more monsters… Taking a deep breath, I announced, "Let's mosey!" And with that absurd phrase we made our way through the tall grass of the field, ducking so that its length kept us hidden.

It was quite nerve-wracking, having the unconscious man breathe down my neck as I tried to stay alert and catch any possible threats. Luckily he remained motionless as he laid against me, lessening the distraction at least a little. Focus, Zack, focus… Ug, I hope he doesn't drool on me! Forcing my ever-wandering mind to pay attention to reality, I snuck across the night cloaked field with Aeris trailing close behind me. Hearing her soft, quiet footfalls comforted me and sealed my resolve to bring her home safely.

The edge of the forest loomed before us, eerily silent except for the whistling nighttime wind. "Zack," Aeris whispered above the rustling tree branches, "Something's not right." I glanced through the forest, what was up? Everything looked the same… But then again I wasn't the one with a connection to the Planet.

"Alright, 'Ris, we'll be careful." I whispered still watching our surroundings, "But we've gotta get going before any Shinra goons get too close." There wasn't any time to mess around; if Aeris had a bad feeling then it was time to get her safely home. Checking to make sure we weren't headed straight into a patrol, we entered the line of trees snaking our way around pressing deeper into the forest.

Carrying the unconscious man on my back was proving more troublesome in this wooded area than moving through the grassy field. His added weight made my footfalls heavier than intended, often causing twigs to snap or other noisy things to be crushed underfoot, transforming my normally quiet stride into a terribly loud stomp. Also the long, silvery strands of his hair would often become caught in low tree branches, halting our progress until Aeris could free the fine strands. All the while, Sephiroth remained oblivious to our struggles, limp and cold as a fish.

When yet another pale lock of hair was snagged by a tree limb, I was ready to throw him off and attempt to awake the young man via pimp-slap. Why is his hair so freakin' long anyways?! But I managed to keep my cool as I watched Aeris fuss over freeing the metallic strands from the obnoxious branch. I couldn't help but grin when she accomplished her task and gave the offending plant a reprimanding glare. She always talks to her flowers.. I wonder if they talk back?

Suddenly Aeris gasped when she gazed down at Dr. Gast's device. "Zack, they're closing in! They're almost on us!" she whispered urgently. But before I could ask how close, I felt the man on my back twitch and the ground quaked violently beneath us.

Aeris bit her lip to hold back a scream, flinging her arms out before her to cushion the impact of her fall, the bag dropping out of her arms. However, I was not so fortunate with the burden on my back, the trembling forest floor propelling me backwards. Luckily, I was able to angle us so that we landed in a rather full but very cold stream.

Immediately, the arms that had previously lay limp over my shoulders came to life and tightened around my neck. In fact they tightened so much that I could not breathe. My calloused hands came up to try to loosen the well muscled arms that were wrapped against my airway, but I received the opposite of my desired effect. Those arms constricted even more and I flailed in the icy stream attempting to again some sort of leverage on the smooth river rocks.

Let go, let GO! I tried to twist around, to make him slip in any way, but the pale arms held in a vise grip as the earth continued to shake. One of the larger stones shifted in the violent shaking, rolling onto our feet, his bare while my boot protected my own.

I heard him grunt in pain, his grip slipping only the slightest, but it was enough. I wrested free, choking on the stream's water as my lungs endeavored to refill my oxygen supply. Air, sweet air! I scrambled to get away from his deadly reach as we both floundered, one foot trapped by a stone, in the icy stream which shook in the throws of the earthquake.

Suddenly the earth stilled, while I watched, still gasping, as the pale young man literally kicked the boulder off our feet. How could he- His long hand shot out and seized a good hold in my thick black hair, painfully yanking my head back so that I was staring at his conscious face, upside-down.

The pale countenance was still unsettlingly perfect, but the slick sheen of water combined with the white starlight made him look to be carved of marble, his wet hair resembling molten silver. Strangely his features were not twisted in rage; instead his expression was cold and empty, except for his eyes! Glowing eyes were not an anomaly to me, having my own blue shine from my Mako tainted gaze. It's not some dim glow… A pair of twin green flames blazed down on me, passing judgment on my soul. I felt my mind go blank as his slitted gaze burned through me, as if I was nothing more than a dirty window.

His fiery eyes narrowed as I stared open-mouthed, articulate thought having fled my mind. A low growl rumbled from his broad chest, an entirely inhuman and threatening sound. Not human… I swallowed thickly, my mouth suddenly going dry as I tried to anchor myself back into reality.

He viscously yanked my hair, causing me to fall back even farther trying to ease the pain. The cold water swirled around us, numbing the rest of my body. "Human." his commanding tone was not to be opposed, "Where is Aeris?" I blinked is shock, the question totally taking me off guard.

"Zack!!" Suddenly a desperate scream cut through the tension, allowing the rest of the world to make its self evident. Aeris! Immediately he released my hair from his torturous grip and practically jumped onto his bare feet. Ignoring my now throbbing head I also scrambled to my feet, determined to rescue Aeris from whatever danger she was in.

Compelling my numb legs to carry me over the slope which bordered the stream, I felt my eye widen in horror as I saw just what exactly threatened Aeris. Tearing away trees to reach the small Cetra still on the forest floor, was a huge purple, ape-like beast with long ears that curved against its head like a pair of horns. The creature roared straining against the remaining trees, stretching out its meaty palm towards her, one which would surely crush the girl in its grasp.

Without another thought the gun was in my hand and I fired at the monstrous beast's hand. The bullet ricocheted harmlessly off the mutant's skin, but accomplished my purpose in causing the creature to withdraw its reach away from Aeris. However, this enraged the already hostile monster, causing it to uproot the trees which acted as a barrier between it and the prey. No, Aeris!

I blinked and the pale young man had appeared at Aeris' side, sweeping her into his strong arms, leaping away just in time to avoid the beast's powerful fist, which left an impression where it hit the ground. With its head in clear view I took another shoot, managing to hit it directly in the eye. Not nearly as thick as its skin, this bullet caused the monstrous ape to rear back in pain. Yet my small victory was short lived, the creature grabbed one of the uprooted trees and sent it sailing through the air at me.

I barely dodged the massive flying projectile, lucky that it hadn't taken my head. Unfortunately one of the roots caught my shoulder, tearing it open as the momentum keep the plant airborne. Crap! I clamped my free hand over the wound, attempting to stem any blood loss. Amazingly I didn't scream as the wave of pain washed over my body, making every nerve ending jump to life.

Hypersensitive, my hearing heightened while my vision sharpened beyond the human limitations, the Mako in my system kick started by the intense pain. I could hear my own heartbeat, feel how my ribs expanded and contracted with my lungs as I breathed. The water of the stream caused strands of my black hair to stick to my face and against my neck; while my wet clothes clung uncomfortably, inviting the night cold to steal away my body heat. Water had gotten into my boots, though they are waterproof, my soggy socks making a squelching sound whenever my feet shifted.

Some distance behind me, my ears detected the flying tree becoming grounded, undoubtedly doing damage wherever that happened to be. The monster roared, pounding its fists against its chest, my ears also picking up the sounds of the leaves and dirt disrupted by the movement. The coppery smell of blood and the distinct scent of photon could be detected on the breeze. The alluring fragrance of battle must have drawn this monster out… Glancing to other disturbances, I spotted Aeris standing beside her companion, she was pointing to the area where the sack had dropped to the ground.

With my enhanced sight I was able to read her lips, "-the Planet says that this monster is weak to ice!" I had missed the majority of their conversation, but she was obviously trying to convey a method to defeat the mutated animal.

Turning my eyes to the area Aeris was pointing towards, I gasped finding materia scattered about the fallen bag. Where'd they get so much? Shoving my questions to the back of my mind for later, I rolled out of the way as one of the creature's large fists landed on the place I had occupied moments ago, still wet from my soaked ensemble.

Dashing out of its reach, I spied the pale young man silently grabbing one of the magic orbs which were strewn about the forest floor. Wait, how can he hope to use it without metal containing the access energy? It'll jack up his hand! My thoughts were cut short as the monster jumped, landing thunderously before me.

Skidding to a halt I quickly dropped to my knees, avoiding being smashed between its clapping palms. Suddenly a chill raced up my spine and I gazed over my shoulder at Aeris' companion. His hair seemed only a shade darker than snow, while his skin appeared so ashen that it reflected the light of the stars above. While his eyes looked as if they had been frosted over, like a window on a winter morning. Holding his hand before him, it firmly grasped the materia which shone like a beacon in the darkness of night, thin wisps of cold floated off its surface.

With a savage cry he unleashed its magic onto the beast, a sudden spell freezing everything in its path. I could feel the cold reaching out and turning the water on my clothing to ice while frosting my damp hair. I instantly regretted gasping as I scrambled out of the way, the frigid air punishing my lungs. Blizzaga?! Turning my gaze back, I watched as the spell reached its target.

At first only a thin layer of frost crept over the creature, causing it to fail and roar. The frost then thickened into patches of ice, slowing the monster's movements. Brutally the spell suddenly halted the sluggish movement, silencing the mutant ape as its body was frozen solid. He turned it into an ice cube! I had heard the most powerful form blizzard spells could turn a body to ice by freezing the liquid inside the cells, but that had only been a theory taught in Materia class! Besides the teacher had told us that it would be near impossible to pull off correctly!

Shaking off the awe of the magic's raw power, I aimed my handgun. Pulling the trigger, I finished the beast, the force of the bullet shattering its head into a million pieces. The body then followed suit, crashing to the forest floor, breaking it into bits and chunks.

Despite the shivering caused by the wave of intense cold, I whooped excitedly at our victory. "We won!" shouting as I turned to face my allies… Or should I say ally?

The pale young man stood, staring at me with intense eyes, his breathe puffing out before him in the after affects of the ice centered spell. He didn't seem nearly as pleased as someone should have been of the outcome, considering our disadvantages in the battle. My eyes locked onto his.. that gaze just as hostile as it had been in the stream.

I felt my stomach drop at being the subject of such a stare filled with loathing. What'd I do to him? I noticed his grip tighten on the materia and took a wary step back.

"Zack!" Aeris cried as she ran to me, catching me in her slender arms, "I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried that thing would get you…" I felt her shoulders quake as she muffled a sob in my rather cold shirt, "I was scared…"

Tearing my eyes away from those dragon-like orbs, I looked down at the girl I had always thought was as fragile as her flowers. "Shhh…" I put away my gun and stroked her hair with my numb fingers, "It's alright, I'm fine.." Although I could use a Cure on my shoulder. I grinned when she looked up at me, teary eyed, "See? Just a few scratches, nothing major, I'll live."

But her expressive green eyes widened as she gazed at the wound on my shoulder. "The blood.." she gasped, "Some of it is frozen, Zack!" I turned to look at the blood myself, noticing that the hand I had placed there to stem the flow was indeed stuck there.

The laughter that escaped my lips bordered hysterical. Great, just great! Now I was going to have to possibly lose some fingers to frostbite! Wonderful! Not to mention if gangrene set into the cut on my shoulder? I doubt we could amputate that. "Ha ha ha… It.. It's frozen! Aha.. f-frozen…" I babbled trying not to lose myself in panic.

Aeris watched me fearfully for a moment, but soon she turned to face that man who seemed to be made of ice and stone. "Sephiroth, can one of those orbs help him?" I heard her plead for me.

I glanced from behind my eyelashes, the pale young man looking at my speculatively. Seeing his eyes devoid of malice gave me the courage to give a suggestion, "Maybe, uh… The heat from a fire spell could-"

"No." his voice was sharp and tone cutting like the edge of a knife, "Not unless you want to burn your skin and cauterize the wound." I stuck my tongue out in disgust at such an idea. The silver haired man ignored me and continued, "Besides it would not repair the damage that has been already dealt. Such a rapid thawing would most likely further damage the tissues." Man where'd this guy learn to speak, the doctor's office?

Suddenly the hard emotion reentered those eerie green eyes, "Why should it matter, Aeris? He is a human…" Well the way he practically spat that last word answered my earlier question, he didn't hold anything against me personally it was against humanity in general! Glancing down at the petite girl before me I couldn't help wonder once more why she was with him, he is obviously dangerous…

"Stop it!" Aeris stomped her dainty feet, "Just stop it! Zack's not like that! Not all people are evil!!!" Yet instead of glaring at him, her wonderfully green eyes begged him to understand. "Please you can't continue hating them. If you don't stop.. your hatred will consume you." her voice was thick with emotion.

I watched his steely eyes slowly soften as he stared into hers, the emotions flashing across them jumbled. His right hand rose to hold his forehead as if he suffered a headache, "You can already cast healing spells, therefore the Cure materia should boost the affects." He motioned with his left hand to the orbs which littered the forest floor.

Aeris nodded in understanding, and after searching for a bit, returned to my side. Smiling she rest her delicate hand on top of my frozen one. "Don't worry, Zack." She murmured closing her eyes to concentrate, "I'll make you better." Before I could respond a soothing light came from the materia clutched by her other hand and a green glow wrapped her hand, spreading over my own body.

My own eyes drifted closed under the exquisite feel of the magic sweeping over me, fixing and nurturing until I no longer hurt. Sighing contentedly, I lazily opened my eyes, "Thanks 'Ris. I feel as rain…" Removing her hand from my now feeling fingers, she smiled at me before turning to gather the material back into the sack.

Glancing down at my former wound, I found healthy skin without even a scar marring it. It didn't take much effort to free my hand from the ice that held it to my shoulder. I then proceeded to brush off the remaining ice and frozen blood, shaking the frost from my spikes of hair. Finished, I glanced nervously at the pale young man, who was currently watching Aeris as she completed her own task.

When his eyes met mine, the emotions in reflected them were conflicted, Aeris' words had an impact on him. Well at least he's no longer trying to melt me with his death glare. Suddenly Sephiroth's eyes darted around and narrowed suspiciously. Taking his change of mood into account, I found Dr. Gast's device laying face down on the ground.

Picking the handheld device up, I turned it over only to find a mass of dots surrounding our current location. Oh no… Lifting my head I saw the pale young man inconspicuously going to Aeris' side as she smiled at him. How did he know?

Swallowing I tired to retain my composure. "Hey, 'Ris, do you remember what my favorite bird is?" I asked as I also made a beeline for the Cetra. She smiled confusedly at my bizarre question. "It is…" I continued as I heard some of the undergrowth rustle as Shinra goon closed in.

"DUCK!" I shouted covering Aeris as best I could, while raising the device to afford myself a minute amount of cover. Shots were fired, luckily Aeris had already huddled against the ground, and several ricocheted off the handheld. I watched in awe as the silver haired man conjured a wall of ice to protect himself from the rounds.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my arm, no several. Reaching over I pulled out one of the darts, it was small and harmless looking. But I knew better, in SOLDEIR these darts were used to tranquilize bloodthirsty monsters so they could be transported safely to the labs. My suspicions were confirmed when a bout of dizziness turned the world upside down.

"Spin-ning…" the words came out thick. Black spots entered my vision, dancing with the twirling scenery. I knew I didn't have long to remain conscious. "Rees…" my speech was terribly slurred, "Fwee mi-eels east… home…" My body then dropped like a rock, my eyelids sliding shut. I heard her alarms yells, as well as the screams of the guards who the silver haired man had turned his wrath upon. I felt a long breath leave my heavy lungs, reality slipping away into the black void…


" the labs. Zack told me that they used to give them Mako baths.. drinks laced with the stuff.. even hypodermic injections…" words whispered by a melodious lilt.

"I would not put such methods past the Professor…" these whispers from a deeper, darker tone.


"Apparently.." the sweet pitch quivered, "One of the boys almost bit his tongue in half, because of the convulsions it caused…"

There was a pause before the masculine voice responded, "The substance is toxic to humans.. only the strongest would survive such treatments…"

A lightless void surrounded me, devoid of color. My thoughts swam like a group of fishes, scattering away from a stone thrown into the pool. There was a hard, uneven surface below me, it was cold and uncomfortable. A source of warmth was nearby; close enough to feel, while the crackling of fire wood seemed to echo. The hushed voices continued their conversation somewhere close.

Though my thoughts continued to stew confusedly, I gathered enough of my senses to attempt to move. Only… I couldn't feel my arms, or my legs. In fact, I was barely able to register my own body drawing breath! Am I paralyzed? With much effort I managed to crack open my eyelids, though the bleary darkness gave little explanation to my whereabouts. When I tried to speak, only an unintelligible sound emerged.

"Zack?" the sweet voice asked softly, as bare feet shuffled their way to my side. I could only groan in response, my body as responsive as lead. Colors entered my bleary vision; I recognized the vague shape as a person. "Here drink this." the smooth edge of damp cloth was held to my lips. Tilted, the water in its center rushed to me and I eagerly drank what I could, coughing a few times when the flow was too quick. There was a strange bitter edge to the liquid, nearly giving it a grainy feel. I forced myself to down the drink, its cool temperature soothing my parched throat.

Once I finished the damp cloth was taken away and the soft voice whispered, "Do you feel any better?" The question helped gather my attention as well as my thoughts. Allowing my eyelids to drift shut, I struggled to make my tongue form a comprehensible answer.

After some inane babble I managed a word, "..wuh-what..?" My body was still acting like lead, but a tingling sensation seemed to be restoring my nerves ability to feel. At least that proved my earlier assumption of paralysis wrong.

"Do you remember? You were shot…" the voice replied. The memories filled my mind, like water bursting from a broken dam. The images skipped resembling those on antique film reels: Shinra, the forest, falling stars, a silver angel, green fire, ice, darkness, and Aeris. AERIS! My eyes snapped open and my vision cleared to reveal that innocent face watching my own, her long chestnut curls falling around her. The orange illumination of a campfire cast dancing light upon the girl, and the gray background.

However when I tried to glance at our surroundings my vision blurred once again, I blinked rapidly to restore my sight. Aeris noticed my actions whispering, "It's a side affect of the tranquilizers. The water held some ground herbs which should neutralize any that left in your system; you should be able to move again soon." She gracefully sat down beside me, now using the cloth to wipe the sweat from my forehead.

I shut my eyes against a dizzy spell, settling to simply ask questions. "W-where?" my voice came out in a harsh croak.

I could hear Aeris stir beside me, perhaps getting comfortable. "After you passed out.." she cleared her throat and continued, "Sephiroth was using the materia to keep them at bay, but we were being completely surrounded. There was no way to escape." Drawing a deep breath, she let it out in one long sigh, she sounded tired, "Then there was another earthquake, this one was worse than the last…"

Worse? The first one was a real record maker, one worse than that? My face must have expressed my thoughts, because Aeris gave a light giggle. "Yes, Zack, it was a real world shaker." her voice still held laughter. I could hear something shifting a distance from us, but only barely though the sound echoed. What is-

"Something must have happened, underground…" her tone turned somber and held my attention once more, "Because the earth was suddenly torn open, and we fell into the fissure." Opening my eyes, I gazed at Aeris as an oddly regretful expression settled her pretty face; it wasn't one of the emotions that Aeris normally wore. Looking past her I finally recognized the grey background as a rocky surface. Are we underground?

Before I could verbalize my question another voice coolly interrupted, "You are most fortunate that Aeris was able to maintain her hold on you, otherwise you would have most likely fallen deeper belowground." My eyes stayed glued to the stony ceiling as I was unable to suppress the urge of swallowing nervously at the recognition of that dangerous young man's voice.

I couldn't turn my head to search for him, so I decided to try out his name for the first time. I had heard Aeris enough times to know what it was, a name that was distinct yet fit him well. "Sephiroth..?" I winced at how unstable my tone was, threatening to fly apart at a moments notice. But he didn't laugh at me nor did he rage, in fact he didn't seem to respond at all. Did I pronounce it wrong?

There was an awkward silence that lasted a couple minuets; Aeris apparently didn't want to break the tension. Suddenly his unsettling face blocked my view of the ceiling, he hadn't made a sound as he came beside me; the pale young man was wearing a rather taciturn expression. His green gaze bored into my own, assessing but not judging. "Aeris told me of your life." his tone was frank but not biting, "She trusts you, Zack, so I no longer count you among the enemy." His fierce gaze lingered a moment longer, then he stepped back out of my sight.

The words he had just spoken left my mind in confusion, just what did he mean? Finally I decided that it was his way of calling a truce, our encounter in the stream coming to mind. I also guessed that it would be closest thing to an apology that I would get. He doesn't hate me anymore, but he doesn't like me either… Letting a tired sigh escape my lips, I supposed that it was far better than a jab in the eye with a sharp stick.

The tingling sensation had spread to my hands and feet, I managed to wiggle my fingers. Aeris smiled at the movement then continued to tell me what had happened, "After we fell and the earth settled, it was apparent that any Shinra troops had ended up far from us. Safe for the moment, we explored the tunnels until we stumbled on a cave that led back to the surface." Aeris motioned to the stone walls around us, "Which is where we are now. But you had been shot full of so much tranquilizer, I was worried that your heart might stop. I used the Cure materia to draw out most of it, allowing you to regain consciousness. All that was left was to grind up some herbs and have you swallow them to finish neutralization." A grin spread onto her pink lips, "It looks like it worked to!"

I managed to smile back, the feeling returning to my face. So that's what caused the bitter flavor… Abruptly Aeris began to nod, her eyelids drifting closed. She was tired when we had started the return trip and I bet I've been out for a while, the girl must be exhausted. Watching her shake her head to stay awake, I spoke, "You should try to go to sleep 'Ris. I'll be alright and you need rest." My voice cracked and squeaked something terrible, causing her to giggle.

I cleared my throat, soon her giggles subsided. "I guess you're right, Zack. I am tired…" her hand rose to cover a yawn.

"I will stand guard." Sephiroth's voice was close by. Aeris merely nodded, lowering herself slowly to the hard ground. She snuggled close to my still immobile body wanting to stave off the chill, her eyes drifting closed as she clutched the sleeve of my shirt. It reminded me of times when she was a small child, crying because of a particularly frightening nightmare and asking if she could share my bed. It's been years since she last asked… My own sleep was a dreamless, rather dead experience because of the fatigue the Mako always left me in. I watched her from the corner of my eye, as her breathing evened out in slumber.

I waited for some time, having closed my eyes to simply listen and feel her warm puffs of breath. Lying still so as not to wake her, I had little to do but feel the returning senses of my nerves and think. It wasn't one of my favored passed times but I chose to dwell in the land of thought of a time… Minutes flew by as memories, facts, and questions combined to paint a wary picture of the future, can we run forever or will Shinra finally cage us?

"What is she to you?" the sudden question made me jump, cutting my musings short. My eyes snapped open to find the pale young man once again staring down at me, this time his face was closer because he was sitting.

There was an unidentifiable emotion that lent an edge to his tone, making me wary to answer. However his eyes demanded one and I was loathe to disagree. I cautiously replied, "I love Aeris, I suppose I always have."

But he didn't respond as I had envisioned, throttling me in some jealous rage or denouncing me as vile. Instead he just sat there, staring at me like he was trying to link all the implications that my words held. He cocked his head to the side, the longs silver strands following his movement. "Explain further." his words almost curious.

Explain? Explain what, love? He seemed quite knowledgeable; surely he knew what love was! Or perhaps he wants me to be more specific… "Well I grew up with Aeris, watched her mature from a baby." I tried to explain, "So I guess I'm like her older brother, though I'm not her parents' child I live in the same home as she does." I hope my earlier answer hadn't given him the wrong idea, that I was some kind of pervert who hung around young girls. I cringed at the very idea, Aeris was such a happy, innocent thing.. it just… It just wasn't right to think like that.

"She is a Sister to you?" he then asked, the green of his eyes brightening as if he made a great discovery. I hesitated but nodded, if anything Aeris treated me like a brother, relying on my presence and personality but searching for nothing more. "I see…" he murmured as his gaze was no longer focused on me, but somewhere ahead, to I assume the mouth of the cave. He then leaned back out of my vision.

What is she to you? A rather deep question, I was tempted to ask him myself. Why is he with Aeris? What did she mean to him? My questions from earlier still had yet to be answered. I flexed my fingers, clenching and unclenching them to get the blood flowing. Finding that I could once again turn my head I did, to stare at the strange creature that resembled a man but clearly was not. 'Aw now, that's harsh.' I felt my conscience niggle me. But it was true, even if he was part human, he wasn't simply augmented; silver hair and glowing green eyes with slitted pupils being a testament to the fact.

"As a Cetra…" he addressed me without looking at my person, "Aeris hears the Planet, has she ever told you what its voice is like?"

I had to roll the idea around in my head for a bit, to collect the times Aeris had told me about her conversation with the entity in question. His eyes didn't turn towards me when I answered, "Well, Aeris says it's a lot like a melody, the music changing according to the Planet's mood. But when it wants to communicate with her, it sends a mass of images and sensations which she can interpret rather than speaking like you and me." There was a long pause before he reacted, the silence a bit unnerving.

"Then the voice is not a series of distant whispers which echo in your mind?" his eyes held a faraway look, as if his mind wasn't there at all, "Words that haunt you…"

"Uh, Seph, are you okay?" my voice seemed to snap him back into reality. I had to bit back a laugh at his expression.

"What did you call me?" he seemed thoroughly confused by whole the matter. It was truly amusing, though he could undoubtedly snap my neck with his superhuman strength.

I couldn't repress a grin as I answered, "I called you Seph. It's just a nickname, a shortening of Sephiroth." My grin widened as he scowled at me, apparently disapproving of such a practice. With my body feeling normal but achy, I managed to prop my head up with an elbow my hand resting against the side of my face. "Would you rather be called Sephy?" I teased, but the laughter died when his death glare returned. Ooopps…

"It was just a joke! I wasn't serious…" I attempted to stay my impending demise as he audibly gritted his teeth. Nice going Zack. Why don't you insult his mother next?

"FREEZE!" the sudden order shattered the moment and I turned my head so fast that I almost gave myself whiplash. At the mouth of the cave, which was a large stalagmite ridden affair, stood the Turk and a considerable number of guards. All of their weapons were trained on us, ready to fill us with more holes than that one sort of cheese.

Neither I nor Sephiroth moved, perhaps we both feared for the same person who was currently asleep at my side. At our compliance Reno barked another order, "Stand up, hands behind your head fingers interlocked! NOW!" I watched as Sephiroth slowly rose to his feet, placing his long hands behind his head as his eyes brightened furiously.

I knew that if I refused I would get blow away and most likely endanger Aeris' life. So I struggled to get onto my feet, my stiff body protesting the movement and my joints burning with pain. Once I was upright I nearly toppled back onto the ground, my legs becoming unstable as wet noodles because of the pain. But I somehow managed to maintain my footing, despite the feel that someone was stabbing a million pins and needles into my legs, and proceeded to raise my rigid arms and interlock my fingers behind my head.

Reno seemed satisfied by our cooperation, then he noticed Aeris asleep on the ground. "Wake her up." he motioned for me rather than Sephiroth to obey the order. I wanted to defy him, to spit at him, but the guns of thirty plus guards stemmed my rebellion.

I nudged the slumbering girl as gently as I could with my booted foot. "Aeris." I called hoping she would wake, "Aeris! You need to get up."

Her eyes fluttered, before opening to reveal green still dark with sleep. Turning to gaze up at me, confusion was written clearly on her delicate features. "Zack..?" her voice was still groggy.

"On your feet, sweetheart!" Reno shouted when it was apparent that she had woken, "Wouldn't want to miss you date, would you?"

Eyes flaring to life, she bolted upright and scrambled onto her feet. Fear glittered in her eyes as she slowly turned towards the mouth of the cave, a fine tremor having seized her body. "No…" her desperate whisper echoed through the cave, "This is just a bad dream."

"Afraid not, dearest." Reno tapped his gun loudly, as if to prove its substance, "This is reality." He grinned crookedly, "When you and your friend ran away it made the Professor very upset. So we've been sent to make sure you come back safe and sound." Thankfully the open barrel of his gun was pointed at me, not her.

Aeris shook her head, and I glimpsed the glistening trails of tears on her usually rosy cheeks. "Why won't you just leave us alone… We didn't ask for this!" she cried impassioned, tired of being hunted all of her life. I wanted to reach out and comfort her but aside from the fact that I'd die at the pull of a trigger, my mind was screaming to rebel and get away. My heart beating so hard that it hurt, Mako lacing my system at the fight or flight response.

Reno only shrugged replying, "Life isn't fair." He then raised his free hand as if to motion for us to come forward, when there was an ear piercing scream.

Wait, not a scream a roar of some sort of enraged beast. The howl echoed off the cave walls intensifying as it seemed to draw closer… Reno's face paled and horror filled his eyes as he stared behind us, "Dragon!" A majority of the guards were already scattering and running as if death itself was chasing them.

I turned to see the mighty dragon charging towards us from the back of the cave, even retracted and lying flat against its scaly body the wings scraped along the high ceiling. Its great clawed feet smashed through the stalagmites that lined the floor as if they were made of brittle glass. A pair of eyes the size of double-paned windows gleamed red, as if some sort of madness had taken hold of the legendary beast. Rows of sharp, sword-like teeth lined the massive jaws that bellowed the creature's anger, the head attached to a long, thick neck.

I noticed as its belly began to swell and dove on Aeris, pressing us both against the cave's floor. Aeris hand rose as if to grasp something, then a pale hand held hers as Sephiroth came to lie on the ground beside us. The dragon's roar ceased before a pillar of white hot flame shot over us, the intense heat raking knives down my back.

I managed to spot the Turk diving out of the way, plunging away from the cave's mouth to safety. While the few remaining guards were consumed by the white fire, their charred remains dropping to the ground, smoke billowing from them. The dragon was close enough to feel its thundering footsteps as it continued to charge, the roar once again echoing from its maw.

I continued to shield Aeris with my body, as I watched the scaled beast's approach over my shoulder. There's no way we can escape… The dragon was now close enough to see steaming drool run over its fangs, the red rage dimmer but still present. Suddenly Sephiroth stood and placed himself in the direct path of the berserk creature. Is he mad?!

I heard Aeris cry out at the loss of her pale companions touch, and I could do nothing but watch the young man's bizarre behavior. Closing his eyes, shutting away that burning gaze, his face strained with concentration, every muscle in his body tensing as he drew his arms before him positioning his hands as if he could hold the dragon back. The creature was nearly upon us and I despaired that death would soon follow.

Suddenly the great beast's approach was halted, as if it had run into an invisible wall of force. Just as the dragon stopped Sephiroth stumbled back, his arms shuddering as if they fought to remain upheld. The scaled nightmare gave a short shriek, settling onto its back legs before using both of the front to push forward. A shattering sound resounded and some sort of shockwave, causing me to fly back against the cave wall, protectively holding Aeris against me as she hid her face against my shoulder, her small frame shaking with sobs.

The shockwave also cause Sephiroth to fall back, but he remained standing, hands at his sides, and stood facing ahead as if death was just another enemy to defeat. Then the dragon was before him, no longer charging but eyeing the strange prey that didn't flee before its might. The cavernous ceiling rose high enough for the beast to sit on its haunches, the cave now wide enough for it to spread its scaly wings to their full glory. The man a tiny wisp compared to its overwhelming mass.

Yet this display didn't intimidate Sephiroth, who continued to stand his ground and face at his opponent, his eyes closed. Noticing his actions the dragon lowered thunderously back onto its front legs, while its huge wings remained unfurled. A deafening growl rumbled from its belly, its nostrils flaring to create billowing clouds of smoke that swept past the man. But Sephiroth remained unmoved, uncaring that the beast's breath caused his long hair to ripple out behind him.

It was then that he opened his eyes, their green light near ethereal as he stared up at the dragon before him. The large, luminous eyes of the beast lost the red glare as it seemed to gaze into another slitted pair so similar to its own. The creature's growl began to change, from threaten loud to a low, near apologetic sound. Suddenly the dragon bowed its head to the man, threat gone from its movements. I don't believe it!

I couldn't believe my eyes! Sephiroth had just defeated a dragon! Admittedly he hadn't truly fought to slay it, but what I had just witnessed was far more amazing! No one will believe this!

Then Sephiroth lowered himself to his knees, as if kneeling before a king. "Go." He spoke to the beast before him, "And let none cage you." The dragon rose to its full height and gave a flute-like shrill, almost musical. With a beat of its powerful wings it took flight, gliding out of the cave and into the sky, which was painted vibrant colors by the first rays of dawn. Sephiroth turned to watch the shining form disappear into the glowing heavens.

I was speechless as I sat and watched Aeris rise to her feet and run to the pale young man, embracing him and crying with relief. The night had been hectic and all too unbelievable. The pale young man, who was currently attempting to calm the weeping girl, was more believable amongst the Myths of the Old World; stories that involved epic heroes and beings touched by spowers unworldly. Perhaps Aeris had found her angel after all, bringing him from the skies to live on the earth below. Keep it together, Zack. It all seemed like some sort of dream, but I knew with chilling certainty that this was reality.


Author's notes:

It's a miracle! I've updated! (stoned for sacrilege) My apologies for the ridiculous wait, but this last year of school was insane and I wanted to get into a good college. So I hope you excuse me for real life getting in the way. A dragon-sized thank you to everyone who reviewed, I hope this long chapter was to your liking! You're all wonderful and help inspire my lazy butt into action. Remember to ask any questions you have, on that off chance that it'll get answered! Never know if it will grab my muses' attention, who will then force me to write about it.

Zack stole Cloud's line!! Line stealer! Ah, well Cloud did steal Zack's identity in the game… Identity theft! So it all works out in the end. As well on that random note, the reason Reno doesn't have a ponytail is because in the upcoming game Before Crises his younger version doesn't have one. But I'm sure his hair will grow out when he gets older.

Hollywood calls it a 'silencer' but the actual name is a 'suppressor' that's the proper gun term... I know this because my family is into weapons, swords hanging on the wall and everything. The right to bear arms, it's in the Constitution! Yeah… Anyways…

My reasoning behind Sephiroth's use of materia without sticking it in a weapon, originated in Advent Children, with Kadaj just sticking it in his arm! Well, I didn't go that far, I mean really, wouldn't that hurt? Any ways, Sephiroth isn't purely human so he wouldn't suffer the same limitations. Hark? Is poor Sephiroth going nutty or simply hearing things?

Also, no I'm not going to turn Seph into beastmaster or some other ridiculous notion.. It actually has relevancy to my plot, though so little of it has been reveal… My fault sorry. But I'll give you a hint, in FF7 Hojo made the monsters through his experiments right? Well the monsters on this planet come from a more 'natural' source. If any of you have gotten far in Phantasy Star Online you'll know where the monsters come from. So take a wild guess!

Next up, another wild ride seen through the eyes of our favorite silver haired experiment!

Disclaimer: See first chapter. Please review, it keeps the home fires burning! Constructive criticism is also welcome, but pointless spamming will be taken at face value…

"If you don't change, reality in the end forces that change upon you."
Stuart Wilde