-1Need You

Horatio drove Calleigh back to the lab in silence. He occasionally looked over to see her peering sadly out the window, and occasionally looking at little Noah in the back seat. She never said a word. Eventually, Horatio reached over and put his hand on hers. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "It will be ok," Horatio said, trying to comfort her. She just shook her head and continued to stare out the window.

When they finally arrived at the lab, Calleigh was the first one out. Actually, before Horatio even had time to undo his seatbelt, Calleigh was out of the car and had Noah out as well. Horatio was slightly surprised to see her standing there waiting for him. "Take me to him, please," Calleigh said. Her voice was shaky. Horatio nodded and led her inside.

As Horatio led Calleigh to the elevator, many people stared. First they stared in awe at little Noah, then frowned when they remembered what happened to Ryan. Nobody said anything, they just stared. Calleigh looked at the floor the whole way to the elevator, and Horatio met only a few people's glances.

When they got down to the morgue, the rest of the team was waiting for them. Alexx was standing near a table where a sheet was covering a body. She had tears in her eyes. Eric stood leaning against a table, looking sad, angry and hurt all in one. He had one arm around Natalia, who was crying slightly. They all looked up when Horatio and Calleigh entered the room.

"Calleigh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," Alexx said. She looked at Noah and smiled a little, then she teared up again after seeing how much he resembled Ryan.

Calleigh looked past Alexx to the table where she had been standing near. There was a body covered by a sheet on it. "Can..can I see him now?" she asked shakily. Alexx nodded sadly, and Calleigh gave Noah to Natalia to hold. Eric peered over to see, and frowned when he noticed he looked like Ryan.

"Over here, honey," Alexx said. She then motioned the others to wait outside. After they all walked out, Alexx looked to Calleigh. "Are you really ready for this?" Calleigh nodded slowly, and Alexx pulled back the sheet.

"Ryan," Calleigh barely whispered. She put her hand to her mouth to hold back a sob. She looked at Ryan laying on the table. He was still fully clothed, but his midsection was covered in blood and slightly torn. His face was sheet white, and Calleigh could have sworn she saw tear stains on his face. She reached out to touch him, but pulled away quickly.

"It's ok," Alexx said softly to Calleigh.

Calleigh reached out again and touched his hand. It was stone cold. She took his hand in hers and held it tightly. Then she suddenly burst into sobs and practically threw herself on him.

"Horatio?" Alexx called, bewildered at how Calleigh was acting. Horatio came in and saw Calleigh in sob fits on top of Ryan.

"God, Ryan! You can't leave me! You can't, not now! I need you! Noah needs you! Don't leave!" Calleigh shouted and she hugged Ryan's body. She struggled as a slightly creeped out Horatio attempted to pull her off Ryan.

"I didn't think she would act like this," Horatio said as Alexx helped him tug at Calleigh. They finally managed to get her off Ryan, and Horatio practically dragged her out the door. Calleigh screamed as Alexx threw the sheet back over Ryan and headed out after them.

"Please calm down, sweetie," Alexx begged as Calleigh cried uncontrollably in Horatio's arms. Alexx saw Eric and Natalia peek around the corner to check out the commotion. Frowning, they came around. Alexx was surprised to see Eric holding Noah, remembering that Eric and Ryan were never on the friendliest terms with each other.

"Calleigh," Eric said as he sat down in the chair next to her. She looked up to him and saw him with Noah. She mindlessly reached her arms out for the baby. Eric gave him to her and watched sadly as she cradled him and cried.

"I'm going to take Calleigh home," Horatio said to the others as he stood. "She needs some time." He helped Calleigh to her feet and led her to the elevator, leaving the other three standing thee.

"He was such a good kid," Alexx said as she looked to the door of the morgue. "This wasn't supposed to happen to him." Natalia nodded her head slowly in agreement.

"I should have been nicer to him," Eric said suddenly. The other two looked at him, surprised. Eric shook his head. "I always though of him as some replacement and never really cared enough to get to know him. Always putting him down, I was such an idiot." The other two frowned when a tear rolled down his cheek. "I never even told him I was sorry."

"I'm sure he knew what you were going through," Natalia said. She took Eric in her arms as he began to sob. She began to cry too, quickly followed by Alexx.

Horatio took Calleigh home and accompanied her into her house. He watched as she put Noah in a crib by the couch. When she sat down on the couch, he sat next to her. "Everything is going to be all right," he said to her.

"How?" Calleigh looked at him. "I don't understand how. I just lost the man that I loved more than anything in this world, and now my son doesn't have a father! I can't do this by myself," she stopped for a moment. "Ryan never even got to see Noah, because I was too stupid to let him."

"Calleigh, this wasn't your fault," Horatio said. "We are going to find the guy who did this to Ryan, and we are going to put him away for a long time." Horatio was about to put an arm around her when his cell phone rang. He looked at the id and smiled. "I have to take this." He got up and walked over to a corner of the room. "Caine," he said into his phone. Calleigh peered over to him when he began talking in a hushed tone. "Ok…good…yes, I know…it's taken care of..yes, it worked perfectly..ok, I'll see you soon..bye." Horatio walked back over, smiling as he did.

"Who was that?" Calleigh mindlessly asked. She wanted to know why he was smiling. What could possibly be good news at this point? "Did they catch the guy who..killed Ryan?"

"No, not yet," Horatio replied. "But I have something to take care of." He got up to leave. Before he walked out he door, he stopped and turned to Calleigh. "Take a few days off, you need it. And take care of Noah, he needs you to be strong." With that, Horatio walked out the door.

"I know," Calleigh said to herself after he left. She looked at Noah who was fast asleep in his crib. I have to be strong, I just have to be.


Ok, some of you were like, "OMG! You killed Ryan!" Well, read the sequel. "Yes, my friends, there is a sequel in the works. And the million dollar question is…What really happened to Ryan? The sequel will be called Truth Be Told so look for it. Hope ya like it! Reviews would be lovely. Love, G.