At the tower….

Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beastboy, and Cyborg were all standing in the living room of the tower with all of their belongings packed and ready to go. Everyone had sad looks on their faces and was dressed in normal clothing. Starfire looked down as she spoke.

"So, we have to do the departing from each other?" she asked. She was had on a purple spaghetti strap with light blue jeans and purple flip flops. She looked up at Robin, who still had on his mask and had on black tank, dark blue baggy jeans and white tennis shoes. He looked down sadly.

"Yeah, we have to. We aren't need here anymore. We stopped all the villains, and there hasn't been anything major in almost a year." He said as he looked up at Starfire. Raven and Beastboy stood by the door. Raven had on black pants and a black t-shirt with a skull on it. Beastboy had a ring that changed his skin color to normal, on his finger and his skin was now tanned. His hair was blond and he had on a polo shirt that buttoned undid and a green tank under it. He had on a pair of dark jeans.

"Raven, I'm really gonna miss you." He said to her sadly. Raven was a little shocked.

"Wow, you sound more depressed then I do." She said. They both laughed very quietly before looking sad again. Cyborg was in the middle of the room looking around at everyone. He has on a ring like Beastboy's, which changed his exterior to normal. Now he looked whole, and had a pair of black baggy jeans and a white beater.

"Guys, I'm really gonna miss dis place. There're so many memories." He sighed. Robin, Starfire, Beastboy, and Raven walked over to him.

"We know…" said Robin as he looked down again. Cyborg wrapped his arms around everyone's necks in a hug. "I gotta go y'all. My flight going to Steel City leaves in half an hour. But you know that I'll never forget any of you." He said. He let go and walked over to the door.

"We will never forget you Cyborg." Starfire said sadly as she waved at him goodbye.

"Maybe we will see each other later on." Robin said.

"Yeah, maybe." Cyborg said as he turned around to the door. He breathed in and pick up his bag and left. He was gone. Raven looked at her remaining friends.

"I think I'm going to leave too. I am going to go back to Azarath and relax for a while, and then maybe I'll come back to Earth." She said as she picked up her bag. Starfire walked up to her and hugged her.

"Oh, I shall miss you Raven." She said. Raven hugged her back. Of course she did, she might never see her best friend again. Raven and Starfire separated. Robin smiled at Raven as he hugged her and then released her. Beastboy then walked up to Raven.

"Can I…hug you goodbye?" he asked. Raven smirked and then hugged him.

"Looks like I beat you to it." She said in his ear as he hugged her back. After a few moments, they released sadly. Raven's eyes lit black, as did her things, and a huge black portal opened up above her and she flew in it, as did her bags. She was gone. Beastboy looked down sadly as he walked to the door with his bag.

"Good bye guys." He said as he walked out the door. He was depressed almost. In the middle of the room, was Robin and Starfire, standing there looking at the ground. Starfire was rubbing her arm as Robin was kicking the floor lightly.

"So star, what are you going to do?" he asked as he looked up at her. She looked at him as well.

"Well, I guess I am going to make a living here in Jump City. Maybe become a successful person." She told him.

"That's good. I am going to go back to Gotham and take over a family business that was left for me." He said. He looked away and then turned back to Starfire. Just as he turned back, she an up to him and hugged him.

"Robin, I do not wish for us to depart." She cried. Robin wrapped his arms around her.

"I know; I don't either. But it's the only thing we can do." He said quietly to her. They held that hug for a good 5 minutes before finally separating. They both picked up their bags and left for the outside of the tower. Once they were there, the stood next to each other by the bay. Starfire looked at Robin.

"Do you think that we will ever see each other again?" she asked hopefully. Robin dropped his bags and then hugged Starfire.

"If we were meant to be, then we will." He whispered in her ear. He then pulled away and got his bags and got onto a waiting boat. He turned around and looked at Starfire. She smiled at her as the boat started and floated away. Starfire looked back at him and moved her lips as if to say word, but her voice did not come out. Her lips moved to say. I love you.