Jayne jumped up at the sound of the noise from above, in an instant he was in the walkway looking for any trouble. He glanced down and saw Andrea crumpled to the floor. He knelt down and checked on her, his minding flashing to a time long ago when another girl caused his heart to clench up in fear for her safety.

He carefully picked her up, "Simon!" he shouted. Hearing no response he made his way to the infirmary, again he shouted for the surgeon, "Simon!" Jayne looked down at Andrea and quickened his pace till he reached the infirmary where Simon talking with Lily.

"Simon!" Jayne shouted, but it came out more like a plead. He held out the young girl that was in her arms, there weren't any words to speak. But his actions all said one thing- help.

Simon looked at Jayne, then at Andrea, "What happened?" he asked suspiciously.

"Look Doc, it ain't like that. I was in my bunk and I heard a noise and when I checked I found her on the ground. This ain't the time for arguing over specifics. The girls hurt and you need to help her. She might have hit her head." Jayne placed Andrea on the examination table and Simon frowned and nudged him away from the girl.

"Lily, why don't you go check on your mother?"

The five year old nodded and looked up at Jayne and smiled before leaving to find her mother.

"Jayne, I'll need you to give me some space so I can examine her," Simon stated.

"Hey now, there ain't gonna be any of that."

Simon began to check her pulse, "I can't take care of her with you hovering around like a protective gorilla."

Jayne opened his mouth, but paused and stepped out of the infirmary. As he stepped out Zoe and Mal were rushing towards him guns in hand. "What was all that yelling for Jayne?"

Before Jayne could answer Lily dragged her mother by the hand. "What happened to Drea?" Kaylee asked.

Zoe put down her gun and looked at Jayne, "Is my girl hurt?"

Jayne looked back at Andrea and then at everyone else in the room. Lily had taken to hiding behind her mother; she was the only one who wasn't glaring at him.

"Jayne, I think you better answer that girl's momma's question," Mal ordered. Jayne ignored Mal and looked back at Andrea. "That wasn't a suggestion Jayne."

"She's not her mother," Jayne said before walking away to hide in his bunk. It was times like these that a man needed some of that faith that Shepard always used to talk about.

"What the gorram hell is going on?" Mal asked himself. Behind him in the infirmary Andrea began to stir slightly. Simon stood back in preparation of treating any possible concussion.

"Don't go!" Andrea shouted out. She sat up suddenly and threw off the blanket that Simon had placed on her. She looked around, her eyes wide with confusion, why was everyone talking so loudly? She grabbed her ears and closed her eyes, "Stop it, it's too loud too bright!" she shouted.

Simon froze at the familiarity of the scene before him and the girl continued to mumble things to herself.

Zoe pushed her way forward and wrapped her arms around her daughter, "Shh sweetheart. "It's alright," she continued to whisper calming words to Andrea. She turned to Simon and glared at him, without a word she tried to convey her message- Do something.

Simon shook her head and remembered where he was- he was here with a girl who needed his help now, not with the girl he failed to help in the past. Simon grabbed a smoother and administered it to Andrea. Andrea began to quiet down and fell asleep in her mother's arms. Zoe continued to hold on to her and whisper calming words. Once she felt her daughter was safe she let her go and walked out of the infirmary.

Zoe glared at Mal, "Once she wakes up, I'm telling her." Zoe walked away in search of Jayne.

"Are you sure that's the right thing for her to do?" Simon asked.

Mal looked back at Andrea and frowned, "I honestly don't know any more."

Jayne stomped into the mess and looked through the cabinets for something to drink. He had touched a drop since she walked away. But now he needed one. Everything around him was falling apart again. He reached and found a bottle- it probably tasted like vinegar by now, but that didn't matter. Jayne lifted the bottle to take a sip but stopped as it touched his lips. The thought of a girl with dark brown eyes was haunting him, just like it did every night.

"Jayne?" Zoe asked from the doorway. "I'm going to tell Andrea the truth. I think she is old enough to handle it."

"Yeah, what do you need me for?" Jayne asked gruffly.

Zoe hesitated when she saw the bottle in his hand, "I want you to be there. For her."

Jayne put back the bottle, "When?"

"As soon as she wakes up."