Hey everyone! This is my first fanfic, so it won't be great! There will probably be some OOC-ness, so just tell me if it gets too bad! Any advice will work too. Please, if you're going to flame it at least try to be helpful. On with the story!


Disclaimer: I don't own TMM. Obviously. I mean, look at the last episode! Masaya should have died a brutal, horrible death. And Ichigo should have been with either Kish or Ryou.




Lost Love

Pai sighed as he lay on his bed. He couldn't get her out of his head. That beautiful girl who had tried to destroy everything, and had almost succeeded. Especially in destroying his heart.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in", Pai called tiredly.

"Are you alright?" Taruto looked worried. "You and Kish have both been acting really weird lately."

"I'm fine. What about Kish?" Pai answered. "Is he still pining over that stupid human?"

"Yes, and you have been acting the same way. Both of you have been just staying in your rooms. When was the last time you came out? Are YOU in love?"

"NO, Taruto. None of us have time for it. Go get Kish. We're going."


"To Earth. We haven't destroyed anything in a long time. We haven't done anything to get our planet back in a long time. Let's go."

While Taruto ran to get Kish, Pai sighed. Only he knew the real reason he was going; he wanted to see the Mew Mew Lettuce again. What Taruto had asked was correct-he was in love. But nobody could know. If Taruto or Kish found out…


"Lettuce, look out!"

Ichigo ran to catch the dishes Lettuce was carrying, and had almost dropped. 'I wonder if anything is wrong with Lettuce…she seems even more klutzy and faraway than usual.'

"I'm sorry! I just…tripped."

"Again? That's thetenth time today. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." 'If you really knew, I'd be in big trouble…'

"Chimera Anima!" Masha beeped, floating up to Ichigo.

"Let's go, everyone!" Ichigo called as Mint, Zakuro and Pudding came running out.

When they got there, they saw the Chimera Anima: A giant dog-like thing was terrorizing people on the streets. The three aliens were there too.

Kish immediately saw Ichigo and teleported down to kiss her.

"Get AWAY, you perv!" Ichigo screeched as he smirked and teleported away. Ichigo ran to go help her friends with the Chimera Anima. All except one. Lettuce and Pai were just standing, staring at eachother. Suddenly the Chimera Anima saw Lettuce, alone and looking defenseless, and attacked. Lettuce screamed as Pai shouted, "Lettuce!"


Lettuce woke up in a strange room, with white walls and furniture. Everything was white.

'Where…where am I?' she thought, as she tried to sit up. A jolt of pain through her head forced her to lie down again.

"Ah, you're awake." Lettuce started. She hadn't seen Pai sitting in the chair in the corner.

"Where am I?" She asked, trying to sit up and failing again.

"You're in the spare room. We're on our ship."

"WHAT? What about my friends? What happened to them? Wait…what happened to me?"

"The Chimera Anima attacked you, and you didn't see it coming," Pai answered. He knew what she was going to ask next.

"Then how did I end up here?"

Yes, he was right. 'Should have seen that coming, I should have thought of an answer while she was sleeping. I don't want her to think that I like her, but…'

"Hello? Pai?" Lettuce looked at him with concern in her eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. You're here because I brought you here. Your friends are safe, but I don't think they know where you are. I am sending Kish to tell them. He seems overly happy to go, so he seemd the obvios choice."


-Awkward pause-

"H-how long have I been here?"

"You have been sleeping for about 2 days."

"I was knocked out that bad?"

"Yes, the Chimera Anima was quite strong. You were unconscious by the time I got to you." It was very hard for Pai to be his calm, cool self with the love of his life on his ship in the same room as him, talking to him. He had SAVED her. She was the enemy, she was standing in the way of him and his friends getting their planet back, and he had saved her. The full impact of what he had done hit him. He had saved the life of an enemy. Deep Blue-sama was going to get him for this…

"Pai?" Lettuce looked genuinely worried. She tried to sit up again, but Pai pushed her down. "You need to rest. I'm fine. Just get some sleep, ok? I have to get you back to Earth soon, I am sure your friends are worried already."

With that, he teleported away.

"Where could she possibly be!" Ichigo was becoming even more worried.

"Relax, she will be fine. I have confidence that Pai will take care of her…he may consider her the enemy, but I think Pai cares about her. He won't let her die."

Keiichiro and Ryou were desperately trying to reassure the girls, especially Ichigo, that Lettuce was safe. Zakuro was being her usual calm, collected self, Pudding was actually bouncing off the walls, as usual, but this time with worry, and Mint was trying to be as calm as her idol Zakuro. She was literally gulping down her tea.

"I know he won't let Taruto or Kish near her, that I can guarantee. They are our main worry right now."

"I have to go home, Pai. Please take me home. I'm well enough now, and I'm sure they're all very worried about me."

"Are you sure?" Pai was a little disappointed. He liked having Lettuce in the ship with him.

"Yes, I'm sure. Please, Pai?" Lettuce gave him a pleading look that Pai just couldn't stand. He walked over to the window and stared out at the Earth, then sighed.

"Alright. I'll take you home. Just be careful."

He walked over to her and picked her up bridal-style and teleported away.

They ended up right in front of Café Mew Mew. All Lettuce's friends came running out to see her.

"Lettuce!" they all yelled, very happy to see her. "Hello, everyone!" She cried, just as happily, then turned to Pai. "Thank you, she whispered, and he did something that stopped the Mews in their tracks: he kissed her, full on the lips, and she returned it. They stayed like this for about 1 minute, and then they pulled away from eachother, both blushing profusely. "Good-bye," he murmured, then put her down and teleported back to his ship.

"Ooooh…what was that all about?" Pudding bounced up to Lettuce. "Does Lettuce-oneechan have a boyfriend?" By now, Lettuce was as red as Ichigo's hair. All the Mews gathered around her, whispering, which made her blush even more (if that's possible).

That night, as she lay in bed looking out her window, she whispered "Thank you, Pai. I love you."


'Kay, please R&R! Keep in mind that this is my FIRST fanfic. Please tell me if you want a sequel! Thanks!