For weeks now the dark dreams have entered my slumber, and I'm rendered helpless by it's call. I can feel the lure of the darkness that invades my mind. I feel no light, I can feel it burning me. Burning me slowly from the inside out. Nothing can help me, nothing can save me. The darkness well consume me. The darkness owns me. For I am nothing without its power. A pawn for those who dare to use me. Try to bend me to their will. And they well drown in their own imperfection.

Willow woke with a start, sweat coating her body, the sheets sticking to her like paper over a mold. With a quick motion she ripped the oppressive sheets away from her body and got out of her bed. She tore open the window, trying to get as much cold air on her as possible. The heat of the room was oppressive as she tried to drink in fresh air.

'Don't worry, don't fight it, you'll join me, you're a part of me'

Giving no thought to the voice Willow stuck her head out the window and sucked in precious cool air. The wind momentarily letting her mind go free. She could feel herself letting her entire body go free.


Turning around Willow saw… her.


The world grew fuzzy and I felt myself falling.

'Help me…' My world grew distant and dark. Not that I was afraid of the dark. I thrived in it. I feared the promises it wove. The power it gave me. The pain that would follow in its very wake.

'I refuse you'

'Refuse me?' a hallow voice answered. 'I made you.'

"Tara!" Willow cried out, voice pain drenched, as sobs wracked her body. "I'm sorry!"

"Being sorry's not enough"

The darkness was given form. This time it changed to Spike. This was the first time it changed into him. What would he do now?

He put his hand on my shoulder and his grip tightened from behind me. I could just see his face, distorted in a sick manifestation.

"I want to make you feel it"


"Willow, wake up," came an elderly voice. Willow opened her eyes, no noticing that she was on the floor.

"Giles?" Willow asked, looking at the old watcher. He was much older than she remembered. What had changed him so?

'Me,' Willow thought bitterly.

"Willow, please stop, NO!" the echo's sounded sweet, almost like candy.

"Aww. Giles, we all know you want to see more," I said, the look in his eyes told me he wanted nothing more than to die.

"It's time for 'poor old Willow' to show you what a real witch can do," my grin deepened, dark veins pulsing as blackened lips stretched over pearly whites.

"Willow! Stop!"


"Willow? Are you there?" came Giles voice again.

"Yeah," Willow replied slowly. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine," he said, concern filling his voice. "Willow, your pale."

"Am I?" Willow said, voice detached.


"Giles, she's here"

"Who's here?"
