Author's Note: Just something I thought of and decided to write down.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary: It all started with a conversation under the stars.





Written by – I heart Sesshomaru


It was night when I finally returned to the feudal era. The billions of stars shinned brighter without the blanket of pollution found in the future. The moon seemed to take up the whole sky as it cast a soft glow upon the earth. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the fresh warm air that passed through my lungs. Glancing around the area quickly, I made my way back to the village.

All was quiet. Not even a breeze to ruffle the leaves. I walked along my usual path that leads me past the Sacred Tree. As I neared the large plant I saw something standing beside it. From this distance, it only looked like a white blob but as I got closer I stopped dead in my tracks. It was Sesshomaru. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes traveled down his figure. He was casually leaning against the rough bark, eyes closed. The light from the moon bounced off his pale skin, giving him an unearthly glow. With his combination of silver hair, white clothes, and pale skin, he really did look like an angel.

'Beautiful' I thought.

My heart started to pound in my chest as my legs finally remembered how to work. I cautiously made my way towards him, for I knew that he was probably aware of my presence. I stopped in front of him and gazed at his peaceful face. A slight breeze ruffled his bangs that hung in his closed eyes. I was so enchanted by his beauty that I almost didn't realize he had spoken.

"What do you want?"

I stared at him dumbly, not sure if it had been my imagination. That is, until he finally opened his eyes. I let out a small gasp and stepped back. I realized that I had never really seen Sesshomaru this close up before.

'I thought Inuyasha had beautiful eyes, but his look so dull and plain compared to Sesshomaru's' I thought.

It was true. Sesshomaru's eyes were a thousand shades of gold swirling together. I then realized that he was staring at me with an annoyed look on his face.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you Sesshomaru." I said finally.

He stared at me for what seemed a life time before he spoke.

"The worthless half-breed is not in the village." He said with an air of indifference.

My brow furrowed in confusion.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"With the dead priestess." He stated simply.

The familiar feeling of someone placing a large rock in my stomach rushed over me.

"Oh." I whispered and looked down at the ground.

I heard Sesshomaru push off from the tree to walk towards me.

"Why do you stay with him?" he asked coolly, "It is obvious that you've been hurt by him before."

"I don't know." I said softly still looking at the ground, "Because I love him I guess."

'Why am I telling Sesshomaru this?' I wondered.

"You still harbor such pathetic feelings towards him, even though you know he will never return them?" Sesshomaru asked.

Ouch. That stung. I felt tears push against the edge of my eyes, but willed them away. I would not cry in front of Sesshomaru. I finally looked up at him.

"You can't control how you feel." I said.

Sesshomaru's eyebrow rose slightly.

"What?" I asked quietly as he stared at me.

"He's not worth it." he said after a moment's silence.

My eyes widened slightly as I stared up at the majestic demon lord. I opened my mouth to say something, but he beat me.

"The half breed is too foolish to realize what's right in front of him. Instead he chases after the dead priestess." He said, "He has no honor and does not deserve such emotions from you."

I stared dumbly at him. Here was the great demon lord, Mr. Icicle himself, giving me (a human) advice on relationships! My mind was wiped blank. His eyes shined with amusement at my reaction as he walked closer to me. He held out his open palm and motioned for me to look. When I finally was able to think, my gaze settled on his hand. There sitting in his flawless palm was a small pile of jewel shards. I held out my hand and he dumped them into it.

"Is this why you were waiting? To give me these?" I asked.

He nodded his head while giving a small 'hn'.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"I have no need for their power. And you are the only one who is able to purify them, no?" He said before turning around and walking away.

I stared at his retreating figure and clutched my closed fist to my chest. I was thoroughly confused at the events that had just transpired. Sesshomaru was definitely an enigma.

"Wait Sesshomaru!" I yelled.

He stopped at the edge of the forest and turned around slightly.

"Thank you." I said.

His amber eyes locked with mine and I saw an unknown emotion swirling in their depths. He looked for a moment as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Instead he gave a curt nod before turning around and disappearing into the shadows.

A swift breeze blew my hair around my face as I stared at the spot where he was last. My mouth was turned in a slight frown before my eyes softened and I smiled.

"Kagome?" a voice asked behind me.

I turned around, the smile still lighting up my face. It was Inuyasha. For some reason, even though I knew where he had just come from, I still smiled. I felt so alive.

"Kagome… I.." Inuyasha stared then stopped. He sniffed a few times before growling.

"Sesshomaru? Kagome, what happened?"

I continued to smile. I had no need to tell Inuyasha what had just transpired. For some reason, it felt almost wrong to tell him.

"Mmm." I shook my head, "It was nothing."

With that I turned and walked off towards the village leaving a very confused Inuyasha behind. I realized then, that the demon lord had helped me in more ways than one.

'Thank you…Sesshomaru.'

If I would have looked up at the cliff that was to my left, I would have seen the proud demon lord silhouetted by the moon.