Whats up readers ?

I've been writer on FanFic. For like 3 years and this is my first LOST fiction, warning to all I am all about the Skate or Jate , but I think on the show Jate is more likely. Anyway here is my very first Jate fiction, I hope yall like it and come to respect me as a good addition to the Jate collection of stories…

Aww who the fuck am I kidding !

Read ON !


Oh , by the way I am not a doctor, I just used this scenario for romance okay? If the medical information in the story isn't dead on well , that b/c I don't have a M.D.


Kate should have felt it coming on, she had been toiling away in the garden with Sun when the first wave hit her. The day had been abnormally hot, and Kate's vision had been swirling around her off and on all day. As she picked weeds away from the guava sprouts Jack had given her Kate felt her arms and legs going numb despite how she shook them. It felt like ever weed she pulled as taking all her energy and the effort was making her vision throb.

This morning Kate had felt great she'd even skipped out on getting her morning share of the water trough. But now as the high sun beat on her back Kate regretted the descion. Stopping her work, Kate felt her skin was on fire and she could hear her heart beat thudding in her body , she needed a water break.

Even Sun had taken notice at this point. Stopping from her picking of ripe fruits and vegetables for the group, Sun watched Kate sway as she stood up to attempt to walk to the water bottle they shared. A question was on the tip of Sun's tongue when Kate stopped and clutched at her breast then let out a strangled cry only to collapse on the ground in a groaning heap. Her tiny little body as convulsing as Sun stood watching and shocked as her friend struggled on the ground.

"Kate !"

Sun dropped her makeshift rake and jumped to Kate's shaking body. Grabbing her shoulder to stop the tremors, Sun saw Kate's eyes where rolled back and her nose ad mouth were draining a steady amount of blood. Adrenaline released in Sun bloodstream as the garden suddenly felt far more isolated than it really was. A thousand reactions rushed through Sun's head in one instant.

Only one of the thoughts made sense.

Get Jack.

Panting with stress and shock, Sun jumped to her feet and pranced torn between screaming for help and staying with Kate ,who was now reduced to a shuddering and bleeding mess, or sprinting back to the caves for Jack. The garden was to far out to be within earshot of the caves or hatch, so Sun dragged Kate to the most shaded area of the garden and took off.

Sun's feet beat the heated jungle floor in long terrified strides as she ran as hard as she could through the brush. An image of Kate's writhing body plastered to her mind's eye. She was so intent on finding the only doctor on the island she screamed out loud when she almost crashed into Sawyer.

The Southerner was plodding through the forest with his backpack slung over his shoulder heavy with the contents of his latest rummage through the jungle. His shaggy blonde hair was tussled and hung over his eyes, but Sun could still see that signature scowl he wore on his face. Tossing the strands out of his face with an agitated throw of his head Sawyer stared at Sun.

" What're you in such a rush for Panda Express, got an appointment or something ?"

His causal southern drawl drew Sun back into place somewhat as she tried desperately to catch her breath and tell him of Kate's episode all at once, but her eyes seemed to convey the message well enough.

But taking in Sun's sweat drenched skin ,clothes and labored breath, the scowl disappeared off Sawyer's face. Her eyes were big and looked as if she had stepped out of some bizarre nightmare.

" Sawyer…. It's Kate…"

Sawyer completely sobered at this, his scowl replaced by a frustrated brow at Sun's breathlessness and inability to inform him. Obviously the situation was serious to have Sun worked up this bad.

" What ?"

" In the garden… I think she having a ….."

Sun didn't have the words in English so she clutched at her heart and mimicked Kate's swift breakdown.

" Heat Stroke ?"

" Yes"

" Where the hell is she ? You just left her ?"

Sawyer's accent was thickened by anger as he slung his backpack down and took a step closer to Sun and clutched at her shoulders, shaking her.

" She's in the garden, I was looking for Jack."

A wounded glint flared in Sawyer's eyes but was quickly smoldered by his will to help Kate.

" Alright you go to the hatch and get Jack, I'll get Kate."

Sun had never seen Sawyer this determined before, he didn't even give her a chance to disagree as he blasted off to find Kate. His big body had disappeared on the path Sun had just ran, before she could even remark. So instead she just ran to get Jack.


Jack relaxed on the couch in the hatch, it was a hell of a lot more comfortably than the makeshift bed he had in the caves. When he closed his eyes he could almost forget he was on a island no one knew even existed in completely dire situation.

Well maybe not completely dire , there was Kate.

And that was something he thought about a lot, and she was someone he felt a lot about.

A small smile crept it's way onto Jack's face as he folded his arms above his head and exhaled, enjoying the familiar hum of the hatch.

" Jack !"

He had barely begun to doze when he heard a desperate cry,"JACK !" there is was again louder and closer this time. Jumping up off the couch Jack was on his feet and looked around him. Nobody else was in the hatch but he was positive of what he had heard. Still his body was tense, then he heard rushed footsteps, jogging to the entry hallway Jack saw the source of the yelling.

It was Sun , her dark hair stuck to her face and her chest pumping up and down as she leaned against a wall for support. She was on the verge of hyperventilating while she rested a hand over her heart and stared at Jack with enormous eyes. Jack took a small step back, he had never seen calm natured Sun so desperate looking, but the doctor in him kicking in he went to her.

" Sun ? Sun can you breath."

More panting

" Sun! I need you to sit down, what's wrong?"

Sinking against the wall, Sun struggled to compose herself enough to tell Jack what had happened to Kate. Looking in his concerned face, Sun paused and sucked in a deep breath. And when she spoke her voice was wavering as Jack's expression dramatically changed.

" It's Kate."


Okay that was the first chapter, tell me what yall think of it.

Hehheh, second chapter coming soon.

Okay, well review and chapters will be up faster. Anyway peace out.