I know I've been a very very bad girl not updating for fricking ever but still. All yall should know this story was intended to only be a one shot but I might stretch it out. Anyway enjoy and review the maybe conclusion of : Jungle Fever.

By the way this chapter changes the entire dynamic of the story , ebcuase I dediced I want this story to be skate and jate so in other words I am taking it back everyone's favorite love triangle.

Love !


Sawyer ran the path Sun had just finished, he ran hard and he ran determined. Branches and leaves whipped in his face but Sawyer continued to run, none of it matter the only thing that mattered was getting to Kate and then getting her to Jack. For as much as he resented the doctor if he could save Kate then Sawyer would put on a clown hat and dance a jig for him.

His long legs shot out before him beating the soggy jungle path,and when he came to the garden the scene was so haunting it halted him. Kate lie underneath the shade of a tree , her lithe little body stretched out evidence of Sun dragging her to safety. Kate looked so fragile with the broken light of the sun pouring through the canopy dancing over her body. Her hair was strewn over her face but that couldn't conceal the blood that was streaked from her nose and mouth.


His voice came out as a hoarse whisper as he closed the distance between them with one determined bound and came to his knees before her body. Acting with a gentelness Sawyer didn't know he possessed his brushed the hair from Kate's flushed face. Her eyes were either open nor closed but fluttering exposing the whites of her eyes and her breath was coming in shallow rasps. Placing his hand on her forehead Sawyer noticed the tremors still racking Kate's body, despair washed over him.

"Hey ? Freckles?" The only reply he received was a small groan and Kate's eyes coming back to normal but unfocused as she looked at for an instant then gave a small sound of pain before a second wave of tremors began racking her body.

Sawyer's golden skin paled instantly at this. He was no Doctor and he sure as hell wasn't no damn spinal surgeon but he knew enough to see Kate was going into shock. And he knew enough to know if he didn't get Kate to Jack within about 20 minutes, she could die.

And even though Kate couldn't see him or quite hear him she could feel him there. And she felt him scoop her into his arms murmured comforting words to her in that rough Southern voice. She surprised how easily he swept her up into his arms, and how secure she felt there. Even though pain thrashed throughout her body Sawyer's familiar scent of smoke and cologne make it a tiny bit better.

Sawyer cradled her like small priceless jewel, because now in his arms with her guard down she felt limp and defenseless. Looking down at her with soft eyes he knew for today he would lay his pride down, just as he layed his guns down for her, he would do whatever Jack told him to do for her. because plain and simple Sawyer wasn't willing to lose her.

With her body like dead weight in his arms Sawyer started to sprint.


Jack grabbed Sun's shoulder's and shook her lightly as the blood rushed from his face at the mention of Kate in peril. Suddenly his doctorly patience was reduced to nothing was Sun struggled to tell him .

" Sun where is Kate ? What happened ? She is alright? SUN! Is Kate.."

Sun's eyes grew large as witness Jack lose all his composure, his voice faded out, the detached doctor was gone, and in front of her was now Jack the man. Worried and Afraid of what was happening to the one person everyone knew he cared the most for. It evident in his eyes all that matter in this moment was getting to Kate saving her.

Gasping for her breath Sun once again began mimicking Kate's collapse.

"Jack we were in the garden and Kate went to get water and she fell down. I think she is having a Heat Stroke."

Jack's jaw went slack.

Kate was having a stroke. She the mighty huntress, the one who was always up for an adventure into the heart of danger, always supported everyone but herself, being the alpha female where Jack was alpha male. Kate who looked after Jack when Jack didn't look out for himself, the woman who was a fugitive , and the woman who was Jack's pillar of strength.

Without even thinking Jack began running through the hatch shoving anything he could think of into his backpack. Water , peroxide, anything he could think of to aid Kate.

Sun watched Jack run throughout the hatch, gathering anything that had any medical value. She could see was trying to triage the situation , trying to think with a clear head, but it was obvious from his blank movement that seemed almost mechanical and his huge shell shocked eyes that Jack was falling apart.

It was now Sun saw the true meaning of Kate what meant to Jack and how this one situation caused all of his years of medical practice and training to amount to nothing, because this was the one thing Jack couldn't triage and he couldn't count to five and make it disappear, the endless feeling of despair knowing someone you love is hurt.

"Sun! Where in the garden is she."

Sun snapped out of her haze to see Jack face a breath away from her own, his face desperate. She took a breath…


Sawyers fierce bellow was enough to break even Jack's desperate state. He released Sun's shoulders so fast and ran to Sawyer so suddenly she could almost swear she felt the wind pass after him.

Jack charged Sawyer with fast determined steps, all his energy and attention was focused on Kate's small limp figure in Sawyer's arms and nothing else. Slinging his backpack to the ground Jack brushed the hair that was haphazardly strewn over Kate faces away and cradled her head examining her with shaking hands.

Her body was hot like fire but her skin was dry. Peeling back one eye lid Jack found only the white of her eyes. Blood leaked from her nose and a dried trail came from her mouth. Jack brow creased in fear and sadness as he laid his hands at her throat to find a weak and unstable pulse.

"Jack! Listen to me goddammit !"

Jack looked up to peer into Sawyer's face that mirror the same distress Jack felt. It was the first time he had even taken notice of the sweaty man who had obviously rushed Kate here. His eyes with clear and piercing as Jack straightened himself, going into doctor mode from would be time to have a emotional breakdown later.

And in that moment it was as though Sawyer and Jack had both laid aside their mutal dislike of one another. In that one moment all that matter was Kate and treating Kate's condition, for as long as her life was in peril Sawyer and Jack's actions were governed by an unspoken treaty. Because plain and simple neither Jack or Sawyer was willing to lose her.

" What do we need to do ?"

Sawyer voice was rough and strong, Jack nodded to himself then to Sawyer as he spoke.

"Alright… we need to get her undressed, while I do that you need to go and turn on the shower. Use a towel or anything to plug up the drain, only lukewarm water. We need to get her body temperature down as quickly as possible but not too quickly or she'll go into hypothermia. She's already going into shock so if the tremors don't stop when her body is down then I'll have to give her an adrenaline shot you got that?"

Jack to spoke to Sawyer exactly like he would speak a beginner nurse in their first life and death situation. And instead of a snarky remark Sawyer's nostril's flared and his brow crease got deeper and he nodded like a solider taking orders.

Switching Kate's weight into Jack's arms Sawyer bolted into the bathroom and set to work. In the living room Jack's gently laid Kate down on the sofa and before he could even about it began undressing her. First he removed her shirt with one fast tug over her head and then moved down to her pants. Then he stopped and looked down at her and a the tiniest hint of a blush came into his cheeks before he returned to stripping her down into her bra and panties. By the time she was done Kate was began to groan in pain as she convulsing slightly, giving the first signs of another stroke.

" It's okay Kate, it's okay , I am going to fix you. Your gonna be alright, it's okay Kate. I've got you, your alright. Everything is fine."

Jack was murmuring to her as he once more scoped her up into his arms. Yet it seemed the words were more to comfort himself than they were to comfort Kate. He was surprised just as Sawyer had been by her light weight that made her seem almost waif-ish and made her mortality also all the more glaring.

Hustling into the bathroom Jack saw Sawyer clogging the drain with his t-shirt as the water began to fill the shallow shower. Kate in his arms was beginning to shake more violently and her skin was still rising in heat.

"Sawyer! Take her, get her head wet, I have to go get my bag and the needles. She'll gonna need that adrenaline shot. Keep the water out of her mouth and after five minutes start turning the water colder, call if she gets any worse. And talk to her, see if you can get her to open her eyes, even if she doesn't response keep talking it'll help."

Sawyer blinked once and then took Kate from Jack's arms and pulled her in the shower with him. Jack caught his eye just as he ran out the door and with take look told Sawyer he was trusting him with Kate's life. Then he was off. Sawyer pulled Kate against his chest as he dipped her head under the running water. Her gray sports bra and black bikini underwear were rapidly sodden under the water as Sawyer pulled her back to his shirtless front, wrapping his arm around her waist in what could only be called a lover's embrace. Brushing her long brown hair away Sawyer shifted her weight so his jean clad thighs supported her while he washed water over her chest to steady her heartbeat.

Sawyer didn't realize he was trembling as he propped to Kate's neck against his shoulder, causing her head to rest in the crook of his neck. He felt so protective over her as he leaned his head down to check her breathing.

"Damn, Freckles you would give me a hell of a fit you knew I was holding ya like this. Never like to babied do ya?'

There had never been a truer statement spoken by Sawyer. If Kate had been lucid enough to realize her surroundings she would have had a fit at Sawyer holding her half naked in a shower. It was a very sexual position, or at least it would have been had Kate not been on the verge of life and death. Sawyer shook his head at the thought of Kate dying.

" Hey, your gonna pull through and you gonna kick my ass about holding you like this alright? What I said in the jungle to Zeke still stands Freckles, nobody and nothing is gonna harm a hair on your head. Even the doctor is all worked up in a hustle over you he going. Besides you still got to be a pain in my ass, Freckles."

Sawyers voice was soft in Kate's ear, his constant train of speaking soothed them both. Minutes passed as Kate remained silent in Sawyer's arms, he spoke to her with words only meant for her ears and a softeness only she would ever see. And in thar shower as Kate's life hung in the balance, they were both somehow washed bare of something and they were both waiting to be saved.


Yes I know a cliffy ending but I had to update before the weekends, the wait is over and the new chapter is up aren't yall so fucking happy !

Anyway I've deciced this story is now skate/jate.

New Chapter:

Jack's moment with Kate in the final darkness before the light.

Coming soon…. Keep reviewing por favor
