AN: Hey! This is my first fan-fiction. I hope you all like it! Please review at the end and tell me what you think! This way, I can see if people like the story or not and if I should continue. Thank you! Enjoy! Oh and just to tell all of you, Kagome's thoughts are all in Italic because Italic is so cool!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but I own this whole fanfic and every idea in it! So no copying!

"Kagome dear! Wake up, and be sure to wake up your sister too!" shouted Ms. Higurashi. Ugh God…--Yawn-- I am so damn sleepy! Ugh…Why do I always have to wake her up? Why can't she just wake up by herself god… Kagome barged into her sister's room and shook her sister, Kikyou violently awake. "Wake up princess. Rise and shine. Time for you to take your royal carriage to school. Just wake up you lazy hoe."

"Ugh! What's your problem Kagome? Like oh my god, why do I have such a lame sister?" Kikyou yawned. "You're such a loner, Kagome. Why can't you be preppy and popular like me?"

"Fuck off Kikyou. I don't need you to tell me what to do." Shouted Kagome.

Ugh… why does she always have to be so shitty and so early in the morning too?

"Fine, loner. Don't come running to me when all the students start picking on you and calling you my shadow. I mean, all you ever wear is black and you're always in a crappy mood so I guess I wouldn't blame them for calling you my shadow. After all, I've always been better than you." Chuckled Kikyou.

Yeah right… Why can't you just wake up and let me go do what I have to do…This happens every morning!

"Well, what you said is partly true and you know what? Who the hell cares. Who'd ever want a whore like you? You're stupid and I get way better grades than you do. I'm also more athletic and have more guts than you do. I don't have to time to get all googly eyed over some hot guy like you do okay? I actually have a life." Replied Kagome as she stomped out of Kikyou's room.

I can't stand my sister! Ugh! Why can't she leave me alone!

Kagome punched the wall as soon as she got to her room. Then after a few seconds she pulled on a pair of low-ride black jeans and a black tang top. Afterwards she brushed her silky black jewel hair, re-painted her nails black, put on black eye shadow and black lipstick, picked up her olive green schoolbag and left the house through the backyard without even saying goodbye to anyone.

:At school:

Kagome hung her head low as she walked through the large silver gates of Shikona High School.

God…Kikyou drives me crazy! I can't believe we're related.

"Hey Kags." Said a female voice. Kagome

"Oh, hey Sango. What's new?" asked Kagome.

"Nothing really. But I heard that two more wannabe's are gonna join our class today. I heard they're suppose to be two hotshot heads." Grinned Sango.

"Oh goodie… just what we need in our class. Two more idiots to lighten up the mood of the classroom shrieking girls." Said Kagome sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

Just what we need…not

"Students, please report to your classrooms. This is your head master speaking. Repeat this is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. –Laughs—Ha I've always wanted to say that. Move it… now!" shouted the loud speaker.

"Look's like the head master has finally cracked." Chuckled Sango.

"Yeah." Replied Kagome.


"Now class, today we have two new students joining our class…" started the teacher Ms. Kaede.

Let's just get this over with…

"Introducing Inuyasha and Miroku." Announced Ms. Kaede.

" Oh my god! Look at that guy! He is so hot!" squealed one of the "Shrieking girls" pointing at Miroku.

"But that guy's not as cute as that guy with the long silver silky hair and the pair of two cute little puppy ears!" squealed another one of the "Shrieking girls" pointing at Inuyasha.

Oh please… you're all acting like a group of shrieking annoying cats

"Now, now! Settle down students! Inuyasha, you'll be sitting behind Kagome and Miroku, you'll be sitting next to Sango." Said Ms. Kaede.

"Why hello young lady. Allow me to introduce myself…" started Miroku as he whispered to Sango.

"Shut the fuck up." Sango whispered back.

That's plain old Sango, the toughie. That jerk won't ever get through to her.

"Sango, Miroku, will those seats be a problem for you two? If so, please say so now so that we may switch seats and so that you two won't disturb the class anymore." Said Ms. Kaede.

"Why no, of course not Ms. Kaede. We won't disturb the class again." Smiled Miroku as he glanced over at Sango and gave her a small wink. Sango looked the other way and ignored him.

Loser…Hmm? Why do I feel…a stare that's piercing through my head? Is…is the new guy staring at me? I wish he'd quit it. It's really bugging me.


"Class dismissed. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day and Miroku, Inuyasha, I hope that you two will have a fun and fabulous time here at Shikona High School." Smiled Ms. Kaede. "Sango, Kagome, I'd like you two to help Miroku and Inuyasha fit in. Okay?"

"Great…" mumbled Sango.

"Uh-huh." Mumbled Kagome.

How can Ms. Kaede expect us to help them fit in when we don't even fit in with everyone else? Even worse, we have to hang around with those losers all day as their buddies. Bleck…Good thing Shikona High School is a school that's half day. It's like the only school that's like that. Strange…


"So… as I was trying to do in class… my name is Miroku. Pleased to meet you." Smiled Miroku as he stepped in front of Sango. But Sango just pushed him aside and walked past him. "Hey! You're supposed to be my buddy for the day! Sango dear!" When Sango heard the word "Dear" she stopped in her tracks, turned around, and punched Miroku right on the cheek.

He should've just left Sango alone… freak.

"That hurt Sango dear…" started Miroku.

"… S-s-s-shut the h-h-hell up! What's with you! Stop annoying me and stay quiet! God you're fucking annoying! I can't stand you!" shouted Sango.

Uh-oh… heh I wonder how that poor guy's gonna take it. You see, Sango's one of the considered really beautiful girls but she's so tough and "scary" that they're all too afraid to ask her out. Anyway, if they did… she'd punch them out cold. They're all losers…

"…I-I'm sorry. You're just… too beautiful…" started Miroku.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear anymore of your lame excuses and lame non-flattering statements! Just shut up and follow me like a shadow!" shouted Sango. Miroku kept quiet this time and turned toward Kagome.

"… Say… you haven't met Inuyasha yet have you…" started Miroku.

"Kagome." Replied Kagome coldly.

"I see… Inuyasha's a good fellow. He's not like me at all. Not a ladies man… but he still gets a lot of attention." Smiled Miroku.

"Why the hell are you telling me all this?" asked Kagome.

Okay, now you're starting to piss me off too..

"Oh Inuyasha! I was just talking about you!" Grinned Miroku as he patted Inuyasha's back.

"Oh yeah? What about?" asked Inuyasha.

"Don't worry. Nothing personal." Laughed Miroku. "Anyway, this is… what's your name again?"

"…Kagome." Said Kagome coldly.

What's with this smiling freak? Does he have a mental problem or something? Well it's not like I'm not used to teachers and students forgetting my name. I am used to it.

"Ah yes, Kagome. Kagome is going to be your "buddy" for the rest of today." Smiled Miroku. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome and Kagome felt the same strange feeling that she felt in the classroom. Inuyasha was staring at her… but why would he want to stare at someone like her?

He's staring at me… and it's creeping me out. Stop it…

"Hey Sango… can I talk to you privately for a moment." Whispered Kagome. But just as they turned around Miroku tried to listen-in. "Privately." Kagome said it in such a cold and icy tone that Miroku quickly backed off and started talking to Inuyasha.

Teaches you to eavesdrop…

"Sango, these losers are really lame. Especially that Miroku guy. You're gonna punch him today right?" asked Kagome.

"Oh Kags… probably. If he keeps up his lame act." Grinned Sango.

"Neat. I'll look forward to see he "beautiful" face scratched and bruised to death." Chuckled Kagome.

This'll be interesting…and fun

"Kagome, you are so wicked." Said Sango.

"You too." Replied Kagome.

:Last Class:

"This is my last period class, art." Said Sango as she and Miroku separated form Kagome and Inuyasha.

"So you like art…" grinned Miroku.

"Just shut up and follow me. Don't touch any of my finished artworks either. If you do, I'll knock you out colder than a freezer." Warned Sango.

"I never thought such a tough girl like you would take a delicate class such as art." Pondered Miroku.

"This is only on Mondays. Tuesdays I have Karate. Wednesday I have basketball. Thursday is volleyball with Kagome. Friday is free day." Said Sango.

"How organized. I admire you Sango." Smiled Miroku as he stared at Sango.

"Shut up and let's just go in." said Sango as she took her seat in the classroom.

:With Kagome and Inuyasha:

"So this is my next class… writing in the library." Said Kagome.

"What other classes do you take?" asked Inuyasha.

You're such a nosy little…

"Why would you be interested." Said Kagome coldly.

"Because I'd like to see what options I have for my last period classes." Said Inuyasha. "No other reason."


"Uh-huh. Well, just to tell you. The main classes in the morning are Math and Language Arts. Then it's break. After it's last period class. You choose five different last period classes, one for each day of a school week. After last period class you get to hang around school, or go home and do anything you want." Explained Kagome without even looking at Inuyasha.

"Uh-huh. Well, are you going to answer my earlier question or aren't you?" demanded Inuyasha.

"…I take writing in the library on Mondays. Art on Tuesdays. Archery on Wednesdays, volleyball with Sango on Thursdays and I always have Friday last period free." Said Kagome.

"Uh-huh. So what do I have to do today?" asked Inuyasha.

"Didn't the damn teachers give you a fucking schedule?" asked Kagome as she started to get irritated.

Inuyasha really is the complete opposite of Miroku…

"Uh no. These teachers must be pretty stupid…" said Inuyasha meanly.

This guys not that bad. Way better than that Miroku guy. What the hell am I saying…

"Yeah. They are." Replied Kagome as she stepped into the Library.

"Wait just a minute! What am I- "Started Inuyasha.

"Shh…" quieted Kagome as she walked over to a small table and began to write.


"Shut up." Whispered Kagome as she continued writing her book.

"—Moan—I am so bored…" whispered Inuyasha. " When are you gonna be done?"

"When I'm done. Be patient and shut the hell up. I can't concentrate on my paper." Shushed Kagome.

"Kagome? Is that you? Oh my, my, my… who is this piece of hot hunk?" asked a flirtatious voice.

AN: This was a fun chapter to write. Please review and tell me what you all think! Should I continue or what? Thanks for reading! Hope you all enjoyed it. Ha…