.We All

Last Day of School

Pence takes a commemorative photo of the three of them, still in uniform, in front of the school. The end of their sophomore year. The beginning of a nice, long Summervacation.

"We can stay up late again!" Hayner says, grinning. "And have struggle tournaments, and have ice cream before noon!"

"And movie night on Wednesdays instead of Fridays!" Olette adds, excitedly.

Idly, Pence wonders if that last one is really better one way or the other.

Last Day of School

Lying on Rai's bed on his stomach, flipping through one of his comic books, Seifer blinks, a sudden realization dawning on him. He looks over to the other two in the room. Fuu is sitting on the writing desk, her feet resting on the chair, and Rai is on the floor, leaning against the bed.

"Wasn't today the last day of school?" He asks. Fuu just shrugs and returns to her laptop.

"Maybe we shoulda gone today, y'know?" Rai says helpfully. Seifer blinks again, then turns back to the comic book.

"Too late, now." He says, and that is that.

Last Day of School

"Sora, let me see you report card." Kairi demands politely. Riku wonders how she can do that, but does his best not to look frightened. Instead, he tries to look threatening, and watches Sora. The brunette shakes his head quickly.

"I dun' wanna." Sora says.

Less than five minutes later, Sora finds himself sprawled out on the floor, Kairi sitting on his back, and Riku bending down to look over her shoulder at the report card.

Kairi turns to look down at Sora. Then to the report card. Then to Sora.

"You got better grades than me." She says slowly. The brunette pouts.

"Thought you'd be upset." He explains. She smiles, and shakes her head, and Riku reaches down to ruffle Sora's hair. The brunette frowns and demands they "Stop acting like parents."

"Pout more," Riku instructs.

"And stamp your foot." Kairi adds.

"I hate you guys." Sora says.

Pastel Ink