I don't own Inuyasha

sparkangel thanks for your review (; it made me happy
skip skip skip this part if you want, I just needed to fill the page
The entire gang is dragged to April and Dr. Fin show.

"It's time to finalize this , lets go" Dr. Fin said

everyone sat down

Dr. Fin: Inuyasha for what reason did you refuse Kagome?

Inuyasha: I allready mentioned it, I can't imagine being intimate with her.

April: And why did you drag her to your time?

Inuyasha: I didn't drag Kagome, she came of her own free will

Dr. Fin: Thats' false there have been numeral times where you made her came with you

Inuyasha: Exactly what contract did I sign saying I have to be with Kagome

April: And if you knew you had nothing to give Kagome you should not have taken anything fom her?

Dr. Fin: Those times you where together you had to have known in the near future she would expect more, Why did you encourage her?

Inuyasha: I did not encourage her!

April: And thats' a straight out lie

Dr. Fin: Are you saying for a fact that you did not know what was going on with kagome?

Inuyasha: I just found out about her being kidnapped and I am going to rescue her. The whole "people thinking she is sick" is entirely her grandfather's fault.

Grandfather: I was just making excuses for her to be out of school.

April: And you could not say she had a cold?

Grandfather: I suppose I should have

Dr. Fin: Kagome's folks did you have something to say?

Kagome's stepdad: I honestly did not know what was going on.

Kagome's Mom: You have to believe us.

Kagome's stepdad: We are willing to donate $ 3 for every review submitted and have the proceeds go to Inuyasha. (Meaning every reviewer get $3 for any review they submit.)

Inuyasha graspers "I get all the money"

Kagome's stepdad: No what I meant was that the money will go to The Inuyasha Show.

000How this will work000

Now you will need to specify where you want the (your)money to go.

Kagome's Grandfather: I will take the money and give it to Kikyo to disperse it since she has nothing to lose (being dead and all)

We will start with the little ones and then move up.

Dr. Fin: We will address the needs us they became known to us that a fact.

Rin- I am hungry and lonely please send me cookies($1)

come on Hanna go on, Naraku usher's a reluctunt Hanna forward - I... want a fog cleaner ($3) so Naraku can see what his enemy are doing (blushes) um... that is see what they have planned against him and such. (face turns redder)

Sango: Kohaku little brother what do you need

Kohaku: if its not too much new clothes please. a shirt ($2.99), a pants ($4)

Sango: You have to work with your budget just one thing.

Kohaku: well there is this pajamas ($4) which look nice.

Shippo: I want potato chips(50cent)

Jaken: I would like a GPS($75) tracking system so I will never lose Lord Seshomaru.

Looks over at Lord Seshomaru and gets approval, Jaken's heart melts and his wearing a silly grin.

Sota: Time Machine($500) I wish none of this ever happened. >cries

Kirara: a brush ($1)

Kagome was able to send her cat to try and get her what she needed after Sota was too tramatized to do anything

Kagome's fat cat: a baseball bat ($3) Watch out Naraku he he

ps if you thought the entire dialog was a waste of time at least send Rin some cookies. >':

Naraku had a smirk on his face, "If you come in my room I will see it as an invitation"

Kagome felt something crawl down her neck. "want you? you discust me"

Naraku slapped her

"Get on the bed!"

Kagome just looked at him not moving.

Naraku took her hands and painfully dragged her to the bed.

' I can't believe this is going to happed again'

Naraku reached under the bed and pulled something out.

Kagome took that chance to try to excape, before she could reach anywhere...

She felt a cord being wrapped around her right foot. 'I am really trapped'

Naraku looked up and his eyes turned from a bloodthirsty red to an intense light blue.

"Come here I have waited a long time to be with you"

" No! stop, No!" Kagome pleaded.

She could imagine Naraku forcing himself on her.

Hands snaked up around her shoulder and hugged her tightly.

A chilled voice pleaded "Stay with me "

Kagome closed her eyes and waited for the worst.

Nothing happened.

Kagome stood very still 5,10,15 minutes passed and nothing.

Next thing She heared was a snore. "He fell asleep, He fell asleep"

Kagome could not believe it. 'She was so scared" She started laughing and tears escaped down her face.

Naraku turned and snuggle closer to her. A word espcaped his lips, spoken tenderly "Kikyo"

Inuyasha got up in the morning after hearing Shippo making a lot of ruckus.

"What is the problem" Inuyasha grabbed the little fox and demanded.

"Inuyasha Kagome been kidnapped", "You have to help"

Inuyasha got up and arranged his clothes.

Crunching down, "tell me exactly what happened" Inuyasha asked.

'He still felt guilty for trying to chase Kagome away', 'He had wanted to go to the modern world to see her, but didn't know what to tell her"

Shippo looked at Inuyasha "Well… there was Naraku, Kagome was coming out of the well and he grabbed her.

"What do you mean he grabbed her" Inuyasha's outburst was a good sigh for Kagome but not for him.

"why didn't you try to protect her" Inuyasha questioned the shacking fox.

"I did, I did but it happened so fast." , "Before I knew it he had her" Shippo pleaded for Inuyasha to understand.

Inuyasha patted Shippo's head. "It's Okay, you tried your best"

'It was really his fault, he should have gone after Kagome" (inu)

Shippo wiped his tears away. He knew that since Inuyasha knew what happened everything would be all right.

"All right what is all this noise" Miroku asked as he entered the room.

"Kagome has been kidnapped" Shippo informed everyone including Sango who just came in.

Miroku looked at his friend and said, "Let us came with you there must be some way we can assist you in rescuing Kagome"

"Plus Naraku still has Kohaku" Sango supplied

Inuyasha pulled the curtain down and told the group, "Fine, do whatever you want, but I am not slowing down for anyone"

As they were leaving Miroku went to Sango. "Where were you last night"

"I just went out for a walk" Sango replied irritated.

" Out for a walk the entire night" Miroku replied not believing her.

"Are you saying you don't trust me, I never question you when you are always flirting with those girls"

"Come on you guess you are running behind" Shippo yelled at Sango and Miroku.

000 how Rin got kidnapped 000

In the feudal time Rin was jumping up and down. She didn't know why, she was just happy.

Jaken looked at the girl and nodded his head. "Stop this jumping, stand still" He told her

"I am just having fun Master Jaken What is wrong?"

"You are making a lot of noise and disturbing Lord Seshomaru" Jaken pointed.

Rin looked from Jaken to Seshomaru who looked deep in thought.

He had the staff of heads and was suppose to give it more juice.

It was peaceful he didn't particulary mind the girl's jumping.

Rin looked worried at Seshomaru

"Is there something the matter Lord Seshomaru?"

Seshomaru didn't look at Rin. "Nothing that concerns you" He got up, he needed a break.

"I am going for a walk Jaken, look after Rin" Seshomaru told his loyal servant.

Rin looked dismayed and Jaken ashen

" Lord Seshomaru where are you going, Jaken asked. But he was already gone.

Jaken turned to Rin and showed her who was boss

"Now listen here wence I am in charge and there won't be any jumping"

"Yes Master Jaken" Rin sat down, she was bored. A tune came to her head and she started humming to it.

Seshomaru walked slowly.

He was not going anywhere. He just needed to be alone to think

Lately he has been thinking of finding someone to mate with.

The desire would be so strong that he would find himself running to the privacy of shadows to relieve himself.

Seshomaru reached a clearing which was away from Rin and Jaken.

He took one hand and started massaging his ---.

It felt good

He pumped it up and down

He used a tree to lean on so he could do a better job.

He started moaning.

There was little pre--- coming on.

He closed his eyes and tried to think of someone. It always come back to Inuyasha

Inuyasha was right there next to him.

He was roughing him up and he(Sesh) was moaning like a ---.

They got down on the grass and Inuyasha was on top of him and he(sesh) was on the grass lying on his back

Inuyasha bit his hardened nipples. Seshomaru pinched his nipples and the pleasure intendified.

Now on the ground Seshomaru spread his legs apart and stick a finger in.

It hurt a little but he liked it rough

He got a finger in the finger inch by inch

He didn't want to rush himself, Seshomaru could imagine Inuyasha preparing him with sweet toture.

He felt himself opening up

He took the finger out and slammed 3 fingers in.

It hurt like hell. But that's just the way Inuyasha would force his--- in.

Seshomaru bit his lips and continued

His body finally gave out and allowed entree.

Seshomaru took his finger out almost completly and snuck them back in.

He got up and went on all fours with his fingers still in.

When he got himself ajusted he went on to massage his negleted ---

He could see Inuyasha slamming inside him and him yelling for him to go harder.

He hit his sweet spot and moaned inuyasha's name.

He didn't yell his name even though he wanted to.

He whispered Inuyasha's name, panting and near the point of exhaustion.

Usually he would come about now, but he needed something more...

He felt his hands on the grass trying to look for something, a branch? anything he could use.

He looked up when his hands found something, It was that tool that Jaken used for fire.

His --- was burning

He limped to the tree and sat down.

He spread his legs up in the air and used the staff of heads.

He moaned and groaned as Inuyasha --- his abused ---

He finally came

...much later he realized that if Jaken didn't have the staff of heads then Rin was left ungaurded.

Seshomaru dresses quickly and goes back to the camp.

There was a think fog around the place, Seshomaru covered his noise.

Seshomaru went directly inside the fog.

When he got closer he realized that it was Naraku's miasma.

'no! Rin'

Rin could not be in danger

So like Naraku to show up when you least expect it.

He took out his tokijiin to clear much of the smoke away.

As the miasma cleared somewhat, Seshomaru found himself deserted.

The place was empty, no one there.

Rin his beautiful Rin was being kidnapped while he seshomaru was... damn you Inuyasha, damn you Naraku

'Naraku will die! I will make him regret the day he was born'

Seshomaru's face was stern. he put away his sword and turned toward the direction the attact seemed to have started from.

He didn't see any blood on the ground, which was good.

If Rin was hurt he would be able to smell the blood from a mile.

'Naraku is evil, Rin is problaly very scared'


'Naraku you better not hurt her!'

Naraku walked out of the room, leaving Kagome fast asleep.

Onigumo was still hugging her close, as much as he could untill his puppet body disinigretated.

He had been able to create a puppet for Onigumo's soul to occupy. The puppet body served its means but after 2 hours it would crack and fall apart, sending Onigumo back to the reccess of Naraku's mind.

If his plans were to work he Naraku will be able to create a real body for himself and become one.

He hated to always have to depend on his incartations, especially Kagura.

They were just as evil as him and with each second they would be scheming on how to kill him.

He had noticed that Kagura been acting weird lately but he would just let it pass.

He would have her get used to the warm weather so when winter comes she would rush to his side for a little warmth or the threat of being send out in the cold.

It was better than having her deppressed and just sitting there planning his destruction with each breath.

He had learned with time that people needed something to live and something to die for. At first it looked like you just needed one.

There were things people can do for you if youthreaten their life,they would do unspeakable things to make sure they lived, but for that same reason they would find ways, to disobey you to save their lives.

Now when someone just came at you with no desire to live, just to have you done with then you are dead.

The reason why Inuyasha always failed to kill him was not because he couldn't.

He would risk his own life trying to save Kagome but you would notice that he would try to preserve his own life also; it at those moments that Naraku is able to excape.

As Naraku was walking down the corridor he heard humming.

He tryed to move close to hear the tune but with each step he took he heared less and less.

He could barely see the little girl but could imagine her frightened.

Rin sat down, the place she was in was cold and lonely.

She got up and moved to the farthest part of the wall.

Seven steps later her nose hit the wall and she turned around.

Rin tapped her foot against the wall and hummed all the songs she could remember.

Images flooded her mind, good memories with each tune she hummed.

She knew there was no reason to be scared, She had faith that Lord Seshomaru would come to her rescue.

Rin heared other footsteps, which she didn't make, coming towards her.

She could tell they were a man's probably the person who kidnapped her and Kagome.

She inched herself closer to the wall hoping the man won't notice her.

Which was stupid since she was still humming, not as loud as before but still loud.

She was making sounds trying to keep herself calm and her heart was beating with each step the man took.

thankyou for reading please review or at least send Rin some cookies($1).

You get $3 with each review you submit.
